Sunday, October 22, 2017

Not Over

To nail a ruthless and pernicious evil you have to first expose and nail the ruthless and pernicious hypocrisy which relentlessly covers it and pretends it’s not there.

Watching Meryl Streep in early January of this year accepting an award and addressing a Hollywood audience, delivering with best-actress choke-ups on “compassion” and how devastated the Hillary voters all are – enough to cause me to vomit anyway, but all the moreso now in retrospect from October’s perspective – defends and covers right along: Harvey Weinstein.

From Hollywood to DC to London to Brussels to Berlin… The Swamp is full of Weinsteins, full of Clintons and pizza – and it is full of Streeps and Afflecks. When their ship does go down in its own mire, these will all go down with it – only the choking-up won’t be acting, but quite real. (The same applies toward Islamisation and the flake-liberal maudlin mob’s odd (or not so odd) love-affaire with The-Religion-Of-Pieces.) And she sermonizes on compassion! Sappy doesn’t even do the come-off any justice, nauseating comes close.

But remember – or consider this if you still haven’t yet even grasped it: the grasping nature of a Harvey Weinstein or some other bigshot at his level, is itself still only the smoke and mirrors distracting you from the far from unfinished business of exposing and nailing the ruthless and perniciously present pedophile culture of the prominent in elite circles covering every nook and branch and celebrity status in any field you can name. Sure it’s enormous, sure it’s daunting. But you and every other you, who will wake up from the denial or the resignation toward it and inform yourself and hold a commitment in your heart to see this exposed and nailed and exterminated, are putting the cracks in that wall for the bigger league of investigative measures and the courts of law and the courts of public regard to do their work and take their course.

Whether or not Comet Pizza was ever part of this – no one is touching that anymore, but some of us remain fully unconvinced that that was a false flag – the machinery of distraction is in full gear to steer you away from just this. There are many and far more immense scenarios and well-greased procedures in full operation, for maintaining, promoting, manipulating your perception concerning, and expanding the practice of pedophilia – whether as “open secret” or closed, with false flags or detours and derailed attempts at detailed reporting, in whichever halls of power and prestige, right under our noses.

This is not over, this is not over.

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