Friday, June 16, 2017

PEGIDA Notes, Part XXXVIII - Islamization, and Censorship Over It

Bildergebnis für imad karim

A celebrated Lebanese publicist with German citizenship - and 36 years residency - Imad Karim, whom I have often posted here and three of whose splendidly clear articles I have publicly delivered (of which the videos have also been posted here), had become one more journalistic name censored and discredited from FB and by all mainstream "journalistic" outlets: Why?

For the same reason that some jurists and law experts, some historians and a number of authors - and these numbers will grow - have been censored, discredited, forced to see their careers and contracts withdrawn overnight:

For speaking the critical truth about Islam and the planned Islamization of EUrope as well as its already present and likewise denied effect on Germany,on Western EUrope, on the populations, the respective national indigenous peoples.

Imad Karim wrote the following recently, and historian Michael Ley mentions this at the end of his sobering 40 minute talk (link given below). Karim had to be hospitalized for something, and underwent some operation or some treatment. The doctor treating him was Arab, as is Karim. The doctor had been so engagingly friendly, his treatment so professional and everything just went fine. In a bedside conversation, the doctor confided to Karim, an atheist, "Y'know, we Muslims..."

Karim stopped him right there and informed him that he (Karim himself) isn't Muslim - an Arab yes, but no Muslim.

Immediately the doctor's face changed as he let the charade drop. He gazed at Karim with a dark judgement and informed him in no uncertain terms: "When WE take over and have total control here, we will will drag the likes of you through the shit."

Karim's conclusion: THAT is your "integrated moderate Muslim".

Die Islamisierung ist weit fortgeschritten. Weite Teile Europas werden kulturell verloren gehen, prophezeit der Politikwissenschaftler und Buchautor Michael Ley. Foto: NFZ

Michael Ley mentions in his talk, Imad Karim has often enough mentioned, and Bassim Tibi - I'm coming to him in a moment - as well as sooo many other Muslims, truly moderate ones as well, Ex-Muslims, absolutely hardline Imams and Sheikhs, scholars, ALL OF WHOM I HAVE POSTED HERE ENOUGH TO FILL A LIBRARY, have made it starkly, abundantly clear:

That the Qur'an, being in the Arabic of its time (and frankly even then with a heavily mixed influence of other, Syriac, forms of speech), is and remains UNTRANSLATABLE, is enjoined not to be translated - and since it is anyway, you don't fully get in a German or English or French translation what you get in MOSQUE ARABIC. This being said, Merkel and ALL of her poltiical company of decadent despots and traitors, having never read a Qur'an anyway, certainly don't know a letter of Arabic (I had 15 months intensive training in Arabic, before someone asks, and more than twice that number in years of intimate familiarity with much touching on Islam, and NO Shari'a about it) - this Merkel Regime picks a few nice sounding passages out of the text (as handed to her/them by of course the Muslim Lobby driving the story here) and announces, declares by decree without the least referendum on it, not even parliamentary: "Islam is German and belongs to Germany." It is all pathologically schizophrenic.

Now in closing, to Bassam Tibi, Syrian-born Muslim professor emeritus at Göttingen University: I have been familiar with his writing since the early '90s. This man has eloquentily spoken and written FOR THE PAST 40 YEARS, for a milder, a moderate, an integrated "Euro-Islam", one everyone could actually live with, so to speak. It was his desire, his deam, his vision, his argument.

 Der Islamwissenschaftler Bassam Tibi (imago stock&people)

Now think about Imad Karim's doctor, think about what he'd pointedly told Karim. Now think about this: Bassam Tibi - author of tons of books and essays, professor and lecturer, TV guest, the works, appears in the critical high-brow magazine "Cicero" about a year or more ago, and makes clear that he had been sadly mistaken, naive in thinking it would fly - he had to come to terms with the conclusion that THERE CAN NEVER POSSIBLY BE A "EURO-ISLAM" BECAUSE IT IS FUNDAMENTALLY AND IN EVERY RESPECT INCOMPATIBLE WITH ANY WESTERN SECULAR DEMOCRATIC STATE WHERE RELIGION ALWAYS TAKES A SECOND SEAT AND IS UNDER THE LAW, NOT ABOVE IT.

Since writing that in "Cicero", the once celebrated Bassam Tibi has been disinvited and censored out of all - ALL - German mainstream media altogether, persona non grata, just like Imad Karim, just like Akif Pirincci, just like a number of others, long at it or just coming out. Bassam Tibi has taken to writing from Switzerland, in their publications, as Switzerland is NOT in the EU, is neutral and intends to keep it that way, is a direct democracy, and takes no shit from Berlin or from Brussels.

Any more geniuses out there who want to question the people I have given here, the sources, the backgrounds, the proven circumstances and dark, real prognosis for Western EUrope within the NEXT FIVE YEARS, fine: go do your own homework.  Start with Salih Muslim and al-Bukhari, those are the two most undisputed biographers of Muhammad out of those early-Middle Ages.  That is what the internet is there for, isn't it.

Note :

To all those still in denial regarding Islamization – this:
Useful Idiots Have No Future.
# that.

To all those who so hate their own history as to rewrite it, erase it;
so hate their national or ethnic identity as to fear and loathe it;
so fear and hate any contradiction toward their ideological, reactionary GroupThink, DoubleThink, NewSpeak, as to exert mob violence toward all actual or perceived opposition to their demands on power – consider this: You. Have. No. Future.

Useful Idiots Have No Future. History is laden with proofs and examples.
Go ahead and scoff, run your course as far as you like, and over the precipice.

(Western EUrope is lost, West Germany irretrievably so, it is sadly but truthfully – and in this I am hardly alone, but confirmed by events and developments themselves, the political elite and the Merkel Plan, and by historians, jurists, some of the highest regarded law experts, ex-Muslims from all over and living here for more decades than I – and all weightier than myself.)
What I cannot hinder, I'll just have to witness.

And soberly, I will. That is my future.

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