Sunday, June 4, 2017

On War And Pieces

The difference between this "War" on Terror and the War on "right-wing hate speech", is that the former is a bad joke and terrorism is quite real and tragically palpable; whereas the latter of the two is quite serious about itself and the "enemy" is a hoax.

I am at war against the lethargy promoted by misinformation and disinformation, and rewarded by privilege of GroupThink and its acquiescence to globalist doctrine.

This is at present an Info-War against propaganda which promotes complacent conformity in regard to a deeply schooled permissiveness toward Islam and its demands, toward introduction of Shari'a law and custom into the West at all; and toward the indoctrination into "multi-culti" gender-mainstreaming and venomism calling itself "feminism" while selling out on real women's issues. A doctrine and its propaganda which reward with a childish sense of "belonging", of being one of the "good guys", being on the "right team" and a team-player - provided one doesn't ever think and question and challenge on one's own two feet and stay that course against the stream (the Mainstream) and its powers of censure and censorship.

I am at odds with Islam, The-Religion-Of-Pieces, and I am at war with Islamisation, its apologists, its deniers. Their weapons are respectively: taqiyya, demographic conquest, increase of presence with every new mosque built, and jihad, in the first case. And in the second: the Social Experiment of a Neo-Comm elite and the maintaining of wars abroad by globalist interests which foment and assure the inflow of EUrope's new settlers regardless of which Muslim nation they hail - or arrive - from. In the third: the doctrine of "#NoNationNoBorders," its disinformation campaign and its increasingly active measures against all criticism and contrary opinion, from censorship to character and career assassination, to hefty fines and jail time.

I may be laughed or scoffed at or scorned in this, "de-friended" as it were or avoided - it doesn't matter. I'm not the one "with all the answers" here. Apologists and deniers may wake up one day and see the blood of so many victims on their own hands, then find themsleves searching their own consciences. And where I am agreed with, wherever I have touched a chord with others reading this and recognize in what I am stating an assertion of their own observations, well and good. What only matters to me is to keep at it.

I am not in this "for the victims" - I am in this for those who have awoken and/or who are waking up - or who will be soon.

Now the War is an Info-War, and a very ernest one at that, as urgent as the next "event". I find myself more and more often - since December in fact - getting an uneasy, queezy sensation in my gut, maybe I post something on this account directly relevant to what shortly thereafter occurs: and then, within hours or a day, the next massive attack hits the news, with all the denial and apologetics, with all the hypocrisy and faking, and then the truth of the devastation...and by whom.

Now the War is an Info-War. At the present rate, it will become a Civil one, driven to this by the elite and its apologists and deniers.

 Angela Merkel

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