Saturday, September 3, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part XXV

1-3 Sep 2016

29 Aug: 
Mario reads from a statement by a French diplomat concerning Islamization, and points out that in the current climate steered by the Merkel Regime and her lackeys, the mere act of, say, calling Claudia Roth of the markedly paedophile-friendly Greens Party, "fugly," had netted someone a fine of 4,000 Euros. You read that right: 4 Big Ones. Can you imagine THAT going down on U.S. soil or the UK for that matter - or anywhere else but Merkel's DoitchLand??

So Mario ups the ante a bit by affirming that Claudia Roth is "very fugly" - and, I'm sorry but she frankly is, the venom which passes for blood in her bloated body oozes into what personality she allegedly has, and completely radiates over her features, causing her to ubble forth the most embarrassingly inane and ignorant fallacies and assertions before any camera anywhere and especially on "talk shows" - which themselves have lost all character of quality or objective journalism altogether.

(The screaming and noisemaking over to the left there some fifty yards' distance - is from of course, the stormtroopers of the Left.)

According to the former East German Communist loyal Stasi co-worker and daughter of two SED-loyal Communists - of Jewish family origin but like so many of "my tribe" historically (and fatally) attracted toward the fascism of far-Left - ANETTA KAHANE has replaced her earlier mentors-of-denunciation with the guidance of the current "Justice" Minister under former East German Stasi cooperative and now third-term Chance-Liar Merkel, and has publicly defamed by insinuation that I personally am "an idiotically criminal (Nazi) who beats up 'refugees' "...although these latter are hard to sort out from the 70% who aren't by any international definition.

Last Monday we stood before her Amadeus-Antonio-Foundation of the New Stasi, and my dear friend and inspiration on just this specific area of his expertise, Mario, delivered a damning address leveled at this agency and its venomous chair"person", Anette Kahane herself.

(The suddenly enormous presence of the Red rotters of the fascist "anti"-fascists, sent here no doubt because Berlin is in the final heat of an election campaign, was so aggressively loud and difficult to speak over - not only to avoid hearing any of our content, but to try to demoralize us to quit, which never has worked nor ever will. Like me some weeks back, Mario had to shout himself hoarse, but we remain undaunted by the "defenders of freedom of speech" from the Left. But the police were nervous, and my talk had to be postponed till the next opportunity, two weeks down the road. That will be posted here in due time.)

Inzwischen, Dresden:

Pegida: „Remigration einzige Lösung für Deutschland und Europa“ 

Epoch Times 30 Aug 2016

Bei der gestrigen Demonstration von Pegida in Dresden forderte Lutz Bachmann die „Remigration“ von abgelehnten Asylbewerbern im großen Stil. Jürgen Elsässer vom Compact-Magazin lobte als Gastredner die Besetzung des Brandenburger Tors durch die Identitäre Bewegung. Eine Zusammenfassung.

Here's the deal, folks: you have a long established actually-right extreme (neo-Nazis would apply here) party called NPD, which the Agency for Protection of the Constitution, somewhat a German "FBI", has never ever succeeded in fulfilling its task of getting this party off the books - every time since I've been here, and that makes at least three over the years, the entire investigation and charges get all thrown out of court for three real reasons: They "can't" because the Agency itself has almost more of its personnel inside the party than actual party members, and a significant number of these in active leading positions in the NPD echelons. Okay, so that's become disgustingly clear by now anyway.

Then, of course, they don't want to get rid of the NPD because it is a useful straw-man to use onthe public as distraction from what really is afoot here. And because there has always been behind-the-scenes support for NPD anyway in government - not becuase the party has any chances of a future outside one or tow of the 16 Federal states. But somehting else happened which threw them off and caused alarm: a real opposition party.

Enter AfD (Alternative for Deutshcland) an honest-to-gosh conservative party with a mixture of liberals and conservatives. Serious and competent people who've left the traditionally conservative CDU/CSU, The Greens, even The Left, the former neo-liberal FDP - all out of logical disgust with the System and drawn to the sheer rationality and common sense opposition (the only opposition party of any consequence or credibility) of the AfD. Everything, I mean everything and everyone which positions itself in critical opposition to Merkel's mass-immigration policy, in fact any who even question anything Merkel autocratically has done here, falls under the Juggernaut of defamation, slander and prosecution as being "right-extreme" or the widely overused "Nazi". On this basis I, an American Jew, am now "a Nazi" and have been so designated, in open press. Those who are called "far-right" regardless of the falsehood of it, do not today have the right to meet or confront the accuser nor expect to fight the "charges" and win.

Guess what: The AfD is actually moving forward with encouraging strength for such a young party, and THAT makes it far more dangerous to the System and its politcal machine, than the frankly marginal and overrated NPD ever really was or certainly ever would be. So the AfD stands now under complete attack by all the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men (or what pass for men) as "Nazi".

So guess what else: the Federal Criminal Police are now "warning" voters against voting AfD. A better signal than this for gradual but definitive steps toward a police-State dictatorship rivalling the GDR and who knows - the other Socialists with "National" in front? - can hardly be imagined. Many have already endured house searches and confiscation of PCs, vandalism of property and attacks on person - as of yet no one has come checking my flat, but then I'm not eligible to vote. I write this not to cause alarm concerning both our safety, but to make sure the reality of Merkel's Germany comes across, knowing as I do that most Americans sort of know where it is geographically.

Please excuse my irony, if I didn't have my sense of humor I might just get real angry. And that would make me aleady suspect.  Here's the read:

Kurz vor der Wahl: BKA warnt vor AfD!
Wir haben großes Glück, denn gerade noch rechtzeitig vor der Landtagswahl in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern werden wir davor gewarnt, die AfD zu wählen! Es warnen nicht, mal wieder, die politischen Konkurrenten der AfD, es warnt, gerade noch zur rechten Zeit, der Präsident des Bundeskriminalamtes, Holger Münch!
(Von Selberdenker)

Puh! Das war aber knapp! Punktgenau hat das BKA seine vermutlich monatelangen Ermittlungen kurz vor der Wahl noch abschließen können und teilt uns jetzt seine Warnung mit:

Das Bundeskriminalamt warnt vor AfD-Propaganda

Dankbar können wir auch all den geneigten Qualitätsmedien sein, die die Warnung noch rechtzeitig vor der wichtigen Wahl, in aufopferungsvoller Eile unter das Volk bringen.

Im Ernst: Das ist keine Satire, das ist Realität. Der Text unter der zitierten Überschrift ist im Grunde fast unerheblich. Die Schlagzeile wirkt, die Schlagzeile geht in die Welt und verfolgt, besonders zu diesem Zeitpunkt verbreitet, eine klare Absicht.

Naive, unkritische Geister lassen sich von solchen Überschriften beeinflussen – sonst würden sie nicht zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch gestreut.

Früher gab es in Deutschland etwas, das nannte man Gewaltenteilung. Das bedeutete: Die Polizei hatte sich aus dem Wahlkampf herauszuhalten, hatte sich parteipolitisch neutral zu verhalten.

Auch dieser gute Grundsatz scheint zu bröckeln. Das BKA warnt vor einer Partei! Das gab es in dieser Form in Deutschland noch nicht. Der Herr Münch ist natürlich nicht „die Polizei“, er hat aber das entsprechende Pöstchen, entsprechende Schlagzeilen zu produzieren. Die Angst des herrschenden Filzes vor der AfD muß wirklich groß sein, wenn sie schon derart durchschaubar agieren.

Bleibt zu hoffen, dass genügend Menschen noch oder schon kritisch genug sind, dass sie begreifen, worum es bei der Wahl geht und dass sie sich von solchen platten Aktionen am Sonntag nicht beeindrucken lassen.
(von PI-News)

The Abu-Sayyaf Chapter of "The-Religion-Of-Peace" has just (once again) made fools of those in Washington, from the sitting President on down, to the cold decadent clowns in the sterile halls of Brussels or of Berlin's Merkel-Copulation, Either these latter are stupid and gullible or they are lying through their teeth, when they go before the cameras to "inform and assure" us, "IS is licked, they 'just' want a Caliphate in Iraq and Syria, they're not looking anywhere else."

Right, except the roughtly 90% Catholic Phillipines, where a bomb and 14 dead, many injured, just reminded us that The-Religion-Of-Peace," when it comes down to it, is of one mind, regardless of merely apparent "splinter groups" or "offshoots" - this ain't Corleones vs. Gambinis! "The-Religion-Of-Peace" is one big family, like it or not, it's time for 'Umma.

And, not being squeamish like those who keep getting voted into instead of out of (abuse of) office, Abu-Sayyaf has made clear it's planning more of this. Anyone else out there have....a "plan"? Or is this after all, the The Plan all along? (Thomas Barnett, anyone, or George Friedman... Never mind.)

But never Germany, never the States (which one's nearer to Caliph-ornia - Davao or Berlin?)

And the Pope says "appease!" and Obama says "appease!" and Hillary wants to double up on the Welcome mat in her bid to winthe "Match Mama Merkel" Sweepstakes! And the stakes are high, friends, they will sweep your ass of your feet.

Being awake to this doesn't harden me to one single death or capture or rape or execution - the horror gnaws at me every time. And I don't even have a Smart-phone to tell me what to think. I guess that makes me pretty dumb.

Tatort in Davao

The "Anti"-Fa - the Red SA...the Merkel Regime and every sitting party in the Bundestag, through their statements in interview or before the camera, through their organs of propaganda, regularly refer to THIS MOB, this pack, as "defenders of democracy" while it takes to the streets for only two purposes, depending on the "event": a) to deny us the legitimate freedom to wend our way and speak OUR piece unhindered and unmolested, and b) provoke the police to action by aggressive verbal abuse and by shoving and by hurling objects at them, so these bedwetters can "heroically" show themselves being dropped and then yell "police brutality" whereas the police are overtrained in restraint and growingly denied the numbers and logistical support that they need to even function in this climate of political correctness.

They love this shit - the "Anti"Fa I mean - in fact they live for it!

4 Sep

THE ARMENIAN RESOLUTION: In April 2015 we marched through the streets of central Berlin with the Armenian Christians observing the 100th anniversary of the Ottoman-Turkish genocide visited on the Armenians - a proof for Hitler that the world wouldn't give a shit if he gave HImmler instructions for the "Final Solution", yet unlike post-WWII Germans Turkey (like Japan toward the Chinese and Koreans) cannot own up to its own atrocities and raises hell when it comes up at all. The Armenians that day were also celebrating the one thing acting-President Gauck ever got right: he finally recognized from the position of his office, that the genocide was a genocide. This of course pissed off the Erdogan-Turks who likewise took to the streets in a massive nationalistic counter.-demo, which was maintained separate from the Armenian demo by about two street routes thanks to an enormous police cordon. The Armenians were very festive and the Turks very militant.

Fast-forward to June of this year, 2016: the Bundestag also finally got one thing right, including Cem Özdemir of the Greens who, it turns out, after having a blood-test made on account of Erdogan's murdeous reaction toward his person, is himself not of Turkish but of Armenian ancestry. The Bundestag voted almost unanimously for the "Armenian Resolution" which states inofficially that the genocide was by definition a genocide. Merkel and her highest ranking lackeys held themselves entirely apart from this and have indicated thereby that this remains inofficial and without carrying the weight of State. Cem has meanwhile received verbal and internet abuse as well as death threats. He can scratch any future plans to visit anywhere in Turkey and return alive.

Fast-forward to today: Merkel has just (once again!) proven herself weak-kneed before Erdogan and bowed to his blackmail by going on record stating that the Armenian Resolution passed by the German Bundestag holds no weight and no water. She has shit on the Bundestag, on the German President, on her own native German population, and on the Armenians here or abroad. She can do that because a) Erdogan has her by the short hairs, b) Turkey would otherwise refuse all further cooperation with the German Bundeswehr flights in the (presumed) "fight against IS", c) they're still NATO partners and the US won't have it, and d) Merkel is obediently paving the way for Turkey's EU-membership.

If this isn't all dark irony enough, try this: Merkel and her highest ranking lackeys permit the German population to bludgeon itself over the Holocaust of nearly eight decades ago, but 101 years after the Armenian genocide Erdogan still calls the shots and can threaten to fill the streets of Germany (we got a sound taste of this in Cologne this last July) with Turks loyal to him and to his ultra-militant right-wing nationalistic "Gray Wolves" (recognizable in the raised hand gesture of index and pinky fingers held up).

If you have a problem with this, you are "a Nazi".
I have a problem with this.

(I recently happened to overhear a rhyme while dozing in a bus full of children - I think I heard it right:
Merkel Merkel feiges Ferkel,
biedert sich die Turkei an;
sie hat kein Rückgrat, IM-Erikel,
und schläft mit Erdogan.)

VIDEO WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES: Our Berliner bus drivers face more and more frequent attacks on their person, in a number of districts,. Politicians either remain silent about it or make light of it. There had always been a certain occasional degree of this by immigrated "enrichers" of the City, but only in Merkel's past couple years has this escalated to dramatic proportions.

(Krav Maga training, by the way, offers seminars in dealing specifically with bus violence, as with likewise club/disco, car or parking lot, swimming pool, street or alley.)
This is the face of feminism in 2016. This really is it!

I think not even the States have enough psychiatrists in practice to handle this emerging epidemic of insanity. Germany certainly doesn't - I have seen the proof of this from their own Association and my attempt to correspond with it, in fact they've thrown in with the ones they should be treating and malign those of us who are pointing the epidemic out.

Mental disorders are being ideologically written off as such from the books, so to speak - in Germany via a socialism-bent Red-Green politic - to "normalize" these symptoms and illnesses in order to further destroy any sense of order and definition. No, I'm really not joking. This may sound like the antithesis of the professional healing sciences - well it is. The image of a kid like this and his behavior will be sold for "normal" and promoted as such. If you have a problem with that you are "a Nazi". I know this is occurring across the States as well, but here it's already more intense than anyone there may yet have seriously noticed.
SJW and BLM - also LGBT*+etc. - attract, and are full of, a young generation with grave personal issues: pathological narcissism, borderline syndrome, schizophrenia, ADHD, alcohol, Tilidin & Ritalin abuse, and no doubt more.

More evidence of a slide into dictatorship. But fine, Americans will probably wind up voting Hillary into (abuse of) office, just as Germans will keep Merkel in, just for lack of spine.

Those who consider me very naughty for my postings needn't go out of their way to lecture me on that, I know. And I remain unconformable toward their discomfort.
You cannot fake harmony, tolerance or good will, or consciousness. As these cannot be faked, it stands to reason they likewise cannot be forced or enforced. That is, however, exactly what ideology proposes to do, specifically the socialist Regressive-Left as ersatz religion, proving itself void of all four and abysmally lacking in objective self-reflection and self-criticism.

8 Sep

Recently in Munich: at a Pegida-Munich Monday event, where they regularly face rmassive and characteristically violent (i.e., beyond the screaming vocal abuse intended strictly to disrupt and not to actually counter-argue anything not-heard anyway - very physical attacks barely held at bay by the police) from the definitively SA-tactics of the self-adulating (and State-subsidized) "Antifa":
In the course of delivering some characteristically good, content-serious speeches, Pegida-Munich showed a video on a huge screen as background, with sound, showing - SHOWING unmistakeably - Merkel's invited immigrant "enrichment" to Germany from "The-Religion-Of-Peace" vandalizing, defacing, or knocking down headstones and crosses of both Jewish and Christian graves and destroying these.

How do the so-called "Antifa" - the champions of "anti-Nazi" Fantasy - respond? By screaming even louder (with whistles and horns thrown in) "No one has the right to (spread) Nazi-propaganda!" Huh?? What was THAT again?

Hm, go figure. Had the video showed, as in the '80s, the early '90s, real neo-Nazis, right-extreme Skins, whatever, doing this - and that would have been exclusively Jewish graves - about which I was so insensed back then I was considering finding any SS or even Wehrmacht graves and doing likewise (and didn't because we Jews don't, period), these hoodlums of today's "Antifa", seeing themselves a s "social justice warriors", they would have been all for showing this video large on stage. JUST NOT when those perpetrators are clearly Muslim, and understandably fulfilling what Qur'an and Islamic tradition permits them, even foments.

What this reveals to those who may not already know: is NOT anything new concerning "The-Religion-Of-Peace" nor its practicing adherents showing their zeal toward non-Muslims in this manner, NOR that the post-National-Socialist Socialists of the Left/Greens/SPD, represented by their frothing zombie "Antifa" are decidely for the destruction of Christianity and its entire tradition in Germany - in fact Germany itself, as such.

NO, it REVEALS how antisemitic these latter in REALITY are, always were, and always will be - that demonstrates as graphicly as anything can, that THE ACTUAL "NAZIS" OF TODAY ARE THE "ANTIFA" THEMSELVES, posing as the anti-fascists and being in all things: fascist.

This is what Orwell foresaw, and others echoed.

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