Saturday, September 24, 2016

Getting Impermanence

Of course we really know that nothing is permanent, and it is in our
altogether human nature to resist it, to fight knowing it, and in a certain sense
this is understandable and even healthy.

What is understandable in it is that by our grasping we delude ourselves
out of a primal fear of losing what we are identified with, having not tasted
our basic nature - or better, having forgotten the taste of it.

What is healthy and quite sane however, is the demonstration in this
of concentration of our own creative and constructive will and activity toward
making something manifest and holding that in place.

This shows responsibility, maturity, a will to develop and to benefit oneself
and others, one's environment.  That, even knowing, acknowledging that
anything is existentially impermanent, one gives all human effort of mind,
of body, of nerve, of heart and soul to create and to hold.

When "the impermanence of all things" gets sifted through the filter
of lazy egos which have merely ridden on the gravy trains of those
who've worked and striven and left something solid, one sees an attitude
of ingratitude, of complacency, of indifference, of narcissistic demands
full of excuses for everything but one's own responsibility:  one sees "SJWs"...

Or laid-back (passive-aggressive) "anti-materialists"  full of moralisms
and without morals, exhoritng and cajoling with more "demands" than
their pens can catch up with.  No, pens would be inaccurate:  for the very
Twitter and I-Phone culture of this time speaks of even the spoken word,
the written or printed idea, as being of no permanence, and in this is meant:
of no importance, of "no matter"...showing no character.

This is not Right Thinking, to which the real dharmic instructions on impermanence belong.
One who is clear about impermanence is apt to appreciate things for what they are in all their native beauty, rather than to go out to destroy them.
One who is clear about impermanence knows that a rose always grows and then goes,
that it withers and dies on its own - one needn't trample the rosebed for that,
in order to lay waste and not even have a clue about developing
that same soil and producing something of equal or better or higher value.

One speaks of "capitalists," how attached they are to what they create,
edifices to their own monumental egos.  That may well be so, but they still create -
and as times move the creative impulse moves with it,
conscious of impermanence or not.

Fascism, socialism, communism - full of Four- and Five-Year-Plans,  controlling, controlling,
and presuming to usher in the next "utopia" with a Wall or a Camp or a Gulag or a Prison:
its wannabes stoning police, setting public and private property afire,
mobbing and exercising unbridled puerile psycho-terror -
for the express purpose of "demonstrating impermanence" and in so doing
merely vomiting forth their own total disregard for life itself.

One who really, but really, gets impermanence of all things treats all things
all the moreso with care and with dignity - and more importantly: all sentient
beings, that being: Human, animal, vegetation, the earth.
For if this life is impermanent, then it stands to reason, that compassion
must be real, awareness must be conscious, and every thing and every one
must be appreciated, natively and intimately.

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