Saturday, September 3, 2016

Angie's Copulition

Post-WWII Germany is still Federally "governed" by Coalition. I cannot recognize or address Mad-Merkel's Regime as an "Adminstration", as that would be to legitimize it, considering how steeped in her GDR upbringing and training she's thoroughly proven to be, down to the marrow.

Her CDU/CSU-SPD structure is also undeservedly called a "Coalition" which likewise falsely legitimizes a severely autocratic structure. Rather, it is a Merkel-Copulition, as the very People she is sworn to serve, and which is (the last time I checked) still clearly so stated over the portals of the Bundestag's historic Reichstag (which name they'll likely try to do away with as well - too German - shortening it to 'Tag or something), this very People under her rule are being screwed, hence the Merkel-Copulition. You see, we can get the point across without resorting to that troublesome "F-word" with all its messy consequences.

Not to overlook that sex and sexuality are positive and beautiful and healthy, these would be done a terrible disservice to be denigrated to a hyperbolic comparison with all the political and legal violation and the social violence visited by Angie's Regime on the native voting German population and on its generations now and in the future. So, to correct that I will call it here what it is that the Merkel-Copulition really is committing against the People whose trust she and the criminal rest of the Bundestag had been sworn to serve:


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