Sunday, February 14, 2016

Let's Talk About DRESDEN:

It occurred to me yesterday, as often happens while driving Tour and asking myself what it actually is that drives Chance-Liar Merkel (George Clooney's favorite German). She dictatorially breaks with international law, EU security measures and everything which ever mattered in German Constitutional law. She (in tandem with her DDR-partner, Prez Gauck) invites the unlimited flood of non-refugees - with some real refugees thrown in - mostly illegally arrived as they have no ID and have arrived through one or more non-conflict countries. This to the tune of 1.5 million last year and a projected goal of at least another million in 2016 with no implied limit in sight. And these primarily members of the regions respectively dominated by "The-Religion-Of-Peace" to the ignored disadvantage of the non-members of the same.

She repeatedly insists, unchallenged by anyone in the authoritarian climate of political-correctness, that Germany "must" do this because of "our past". Therewith are all questioners with counter-arguments effectively shut up, whether in the syndicated TV-media or the press, to an extremely large extent. Therewith are the official Churches also on board. One mentions the German refugees of '45 without however once addressing what those German refugees were about - for that would nix her entire assertion and she knows it.

How appropriate that in Dresden was the starting point of a citizens' initiative which has swelled against enormous odds and constant defamation, manipulative propaganda - and found resonance in other EU countries, and world-wide. A critical citizen's initiative which asserts its rights on the street every Monday without cowering before intimidation, the rights to dissent and free thought, to free speech, to unmolested non-violent assembly - and to fair representation in the Bundestag. Dresden, where the Monday demos of '89 had rocked the DDR-Regime, Merkel's predecessor in authoritarian style.

Dresden: where the infamous and perfidious Allied firebombings of '44 rendered a civilian population melted at 1200° C in their own asphalt streets in an atrocity which counted some 200-300,000 dead and some 500,000 refugees. Not refugees-with-"demands," nor refugees-on-demand, not rapeugees, not economic-immigrants - but refugees from terror.

Of these, we have seen in interview Jewish survivors of the Shoah, speaking before the camera, addressing what they knew and experienced directly or indirectly as German Jews, in whose name Merkel grooms her image (as do the Greens and The Left, the Churches, the Unions, the Media, the celebrities among Gutmenschentum, the elite, all in turn) of addressing this way, collective German post-war "guilt" and likewise "redressing" the wrongs done to Jews.

These Jewish survivors abhor with great dismay, the events of those firebombings, they state unequivicolly that this did no favor to Jews, that the mere notion of suviving at the cost of those hundreds of thousands of civilian men, women and children, babes in arms, animals, all living beings, as unconscienable. Period.

Even long retired veterans of the British RAF come to gather in mourning with Dresdeners at the Frauenkirche for the annual memorial vigil to those who'd perished in the horrendous phosphorus bombings. Not Merkel, not Gauck.

And the Left takes to the streets, aided and abetted by the ideologically strict multi-culti elite, with banners of "Never again Germany" and "perish" and even - "artistically" painted over the naked breasts of a member of Parliament: "Bomber Harris do it again!" Do what again: THAT?

These are no friends of humanity, these are no friends of refugees anywhere. Merkel is in this for one thing, and it is NOT "humanitarian" but to bring an absolute end to Germany as a nation and as a people, through enforced population trade, allowing for rapes and for the insidiously pathological fulfillment of her needs. The 7,000 murdered Germans since 1990, when the Federal Republic took its first steps toward becoming the dictatorial successor to socialist East Germany, do not make it into her speeches or statements.

She means business. I suspect, I suspect very strongly, that what she means with driving the numbers of inflooding members of the world's "fastest growing 'religion'," from wherever she can cull them, ever higher and without putting the breaks on, while piously asserting "our past, our past" and "we must - we can manage it" - is to actually use the six million figure of her claim to honor those whom no post-WWII German of my generation ever murdered, to justify the madness of burying this country in as close to that figure, 1:1, as she can "manage" to do with what time she wants to give herself. If, as one hears, her own plans are to graduate to the EU-Parliament or (yes, really!) replace Ban Ki-Moon in the UN, then she'll drive it from there with al the accolades she'll continue to gather. From those with somewhat still more influence than George Clooney.

I came to Berlin 27 years ago to combat exactly this mentality and climate before it had ever openly manifested, sensing intuitively and confirming upon arriving here that the mentality could become ripe for what we have today. It took a quarter of a century for me to "get it". Now we are on the streets, and researching and informing by posting - in the wake of an intimidated and/or deep sleeping public, and facing a viciously hostile reaction from the Left and from the mainstream Establishment.

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