Sunday, February 28, 2016


Daniel once read the writing on the wall, interpreted the kingdom's fall.
Denial of what appeasement brings, a decadent republic where “Welcome!“ rings.
Denial of logic, denial of sense, denial of every value against this decadence.
Daniel made clear, as spirit moved him: "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin."

He minced no words, translated the warning; the kingdom fell ere came the morning.

Today the Wall no longer stands which once divided two Deutschlands.
There's writing however, which remains denied; another million on the "refugee" tide.
The regime denies it, the media denies it, while "Islam-Is-Peace" completely belies it.
Denying Pegida and AfD, denying what's present, and plain to see.
After all the damage of the regressive Left, what will be left, with no will to fight?

This cold cynical regime so aggressive: bereft will this people be, where might is right.
Denial of nation, of culture, of norms, denial of own nature there gradually forms
The crusty, slimy mold of politically-correct: on the brain, covering the eyes like a cataract.
But "Islam-Is-Peace," and see what that will get you; Shari'a at odds with the Welcoming crew.

The aggression of the Left, Greens, Femen, Elites, and that of "The-Religion-Of-Peace"
Unleash hostilities which were not there before, but now aroused toward what's in store
For those who will not conform or bend to the demands of those who demand our end.

Democratic dissent and objective confrontation denied, of this there's ample confirmation.

What's to do but hit the streets – parliamentary denial … vote 'em outa their seats?
Multi-culti, mainstreaming of gender and of pedos, all part of the mass dogma's holy credo.
But "Islam-Is-Peace" – woe, should you deny it! You racist, you 'phobe, just try it, you'll like it!

Daniel once read the writing on the wall, interpreted the kingdom's fall.

Denial of what appeasement brings, a decadent republic where “Welcome!“ rings.

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