Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Krav Maga, Hungarians and Czechs On Immigration, and Getting Along With The Stranger You Meet

I. PlainSpeak in Doitch and in English:

Es ist ja bemerkenswert, wenn nicht ironisch/makaber auch dazu. Die herrschende Atmosphäre hier durch Grünen und Linken verbreitet immer eifrig sowie schlagartig, daß Frauen, Mädchen, Schulkinder jed. Geschlecht (auch wenn Hetero), haben in Deutschland bzw. EU-ropa, nichts zu befürchten von "Flüchtlingen" aus den Gebieten "der-Religion-des Friedens" oder von Moschee getriebenen und beeinflussten Jungs die von eigenen gelernten "Überlegenheit" genau so überzeugt sind wie von der Tatsache daß sie von der deutsche Polizei sowie Justiz und Gericht selber nichts zu befürchten haben sollen.

Und schon gar nicht haben sie zu befürchten, daß ein deutcher Rentner, ein deutsches Schulmädchen oder junge Frau oder ältere Dame, zwar nicht mal jed. durchschnittlichen deutschen Gutmensch im männlichen Körper - sich einmal verteidigen wird oder würde oder könnte. Auch von keinem Juden. Tja.

Und DOCH: seit Silvester 2016, strömen neue Teilnehmer in Selbstverteidigungs-unterricht. Tae Kwon Do? Nein. Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, und was-weiß-ich? Auch nein. Sie brauchen jetzt und für morgen zu lernen, was keine Jahrenlangen Traditionslehre bedarf, nur um bereit gemacht zu werden, sich morgen zu verteidigen. Sie brauchen Krav Maga, und sie kommen, sie kommen. Von wem kommt Krav Maga zu uns?

Indem diese totale Schwächung der entmannten Männlichkeit in Deutschland über Jahrzehnte geschult wurde, und Frauen durch die Gutmenschkultur und "Fremdfeindlichkeits"-knüppel, gemahnt wurden gegen Selbstschutz und Notwehr - die Linken, die Grünen, die SPD, und ja der Zentral(ver)rat der Juden (und seine Gemeinde) haben alle versagt aus niedrigen Gründe bei den ersten drei Erwähnten, und aus reinster Feigheit bei dem letzten Beispiel. Die Grünen und Linken geben sich lauthälsig als Pali-freunde zu sein, wenn sie nur pro-Hamas meinen; deren Judenhaß is dünn gedeckt mit anti-Israel Rhetorik auf billigsten. Ausgeliefert von diesem Pack sind die Frauen, die Kinder, die verweichlichten Männer - die sich alle nicht mehr wissen, sich zu verteidigen oder sogar warum.

Aber "Deutschland"! Und "Nazis"! Und "die Juden," ach, die Juden ... und "Nie Wieder!" und "Zivilcourage!"

Alles schön instrumentalisiert, ja - aber: von woher haben wir Krav Maga? Ist das nicht ... Hebräisch, für "Nahkampf"? OMG, Training in Krav Maga, damit jed. Mensch mit dreierlei Voraussetzung*, wird lernen in kurzer Zeit, sich effektiv auf der Strasse gegen jed. mögl. Angriff, zu wehren - wesentlich und realistisch besser als ohne - diese wurde erfunden von einem IDF-Offizier, uns in Deutschland(!) gebracht und verbreitet und durchgeführt durch israelischer Trainerschaft, und unter deren Aufsicht aufrechterhalten.

Siehe mal an! Stellt Euch mal vor: Von Israelis wird nicht Deutschland gerettet; sondern, Deutschen von den beigebracht und gefördert, sich zu retten, und sich zu wehren, und sich zu verteidigen. Na, so was!

Ich wünschte mir, das alle friedfertige Männer und Frauen und Jugentlichen und Kinder in Deutschland, meinem Deutschland - wenn nicht auch Europa-weit - lernen würden, sich effektiv zu wehren.

*(Vorausgesetzt: man muß a) Kampfgeist haben oder entwickeln, b) Technik lernen um aus der Klemme zu kommen, und c) fit sein oder werden.)


It's rather so remarkable actually, if not also ironically macabre. The ruling and dominating atmosphere here by the Greens and the Left altogether, zealously and militantly, spreads the assertion that women, girls, schoolchildren of every gender (yes, even if hetero), have nothing at all to fear from "refugees" out of the regions where "The-Relgion-Of-Peace" dominates, or from mosque-driven and -influenced fellows who are as convinced of their own "supremacy" as they are convinced of the fact that they have nothing to fear from German police, courts, or justice.

And most certainly have they nothing to fear should a German retiree, a German schoolgirl, why, even any average Gutmensch in a male body - just once defend him/herself, or would, or could. Also not even any single Jew. Hm.

And YET: since New Years' Eve 2016, ever more new participants sre streaming into self-defense courses. Tae Kwon Do? Nope. Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, and whatever-the-hell-else? Also nope. They need to learn now and for tomorrow, something which requires no Tradition-discipline and philosophy, just to be prepared to defend themselves tomorrow. They need Krav Maga, and they're coming, they're coming. From whom did Krav Maga come to us?

In that the entire weakening of the castrated malehood in Germany has been schooled over decades, and women have been warned against self-defense and self-preservation, via the Gutmensch culture and "xenophobia"-stick - the Left, the Greens, the SPD, and yes, the Central Con-cil of German Jews and its Con-gregation, have all failed - out of low-brow motives in the first three cases mentioned, and out of sheer cowardice in the latter. The Greens and the Left position themselves shrilly as Pals of Palestine, whereby they mean pro-Hamas: their Jew-hate is thinly veiled by their anti-Israel rhetoric of the cheapest sort. Women, children and soft-boiled men, conformist and maleable, have been sold out by this Pack - and no longer know how to defend themselves, or even why.

But oh, "Germany!" And "Nazis!" And "the Jews," ah, the Jews ... "Never Again!" and "Civil Courage!"

All prettily instrumentalized, yes, but: fromwhere comes this Krav Maga? Is that not ... Hebrew for "close combat"? OMG, training in Krav Maga, so that everybody could stand a chance of defending him/herself against any possible attack on the street, under three conditions* - and this significantly and realistically better than no options and no chance - this was developed by an IDF officer, brought to us in DoitchLand(!) and spread and instructed and maintained through Israeli trainers and under their attention held to standard.

Check that one out! Just imagine for once: not that DoitchLand would be "rescued by" Israelis - hardly; rather, that Germans would be taught by them, encouraged by them, to rescue themselves, to defend and to preserve their own asses! Now really - well, I never...!

I would wish that all normal peace-loving men, women, youth and children in DoitchLand, my DoitchLand - if not also Europe-wide - would learn to effectively defend themselves.

*(Conditions: one has to a) have or develop a will to defend one's sovereign self, b) one learns techniques to extricate oneself from a clinch, c) one has to be or condition oneself to be fit.)

I once found myself in the subway here in Berlin, some 15 years ago, sitting in a nearly empty section facing a Black African. As 99% of Blacks you'll meet are directly from Africa, and judging from his slight physique and narrow features, it was evident that he would be an East-African, south of Egypt of course, and also neither Eritrean nor Ethipopian. either Kenya or Somalia. As he spoke English with me we stuck with that, as my command of it was adequate enough, and it was nice casually inquisitive exchange.

"Where are you from?" I asked.
"Africa," he replied.
"Listen," I said, leaning forward. "I know I'm an "American" an' all, but trust me, this one really does know that Africa isn't a country, it's a continent with 50-some or more countries, each entirely different with its own characteristics and ethnic identity. So - where ya from?"
Bingo. And we chuckled.

If I post a 5 or a 10 or an 18 minute video of three Hungarian journalists speaking while perfectly readable English subtitles are provided for every burp and comment - or be it a very calm and dignified Czech President delivering with real statesmanship (as neither Germany nor America and longer know - and for own specific reasons) his country's position on the immigration and integration, and EU-rope enforced doctrine, spearheaded by Merkel, of taking every Muslim non-Syrian who is now an honorary-Syrian into sovereign Czech territory, also with perfectly readable Englsih subtitles: I don't want to hear from people who saw the postings but would not take the time to watch them because they're in either of two thoroughly unfamiliar foreign (East-European) languages with subtitles that you have to read, and THEN explain to me how "racist" I am.

As an American myself, who would rather watch a "foreign film" subtitled as do the Scandinavians, than synchronized (dubbed) as do the Germans, I KNOW that most Amis feel themselves too challenged to bother with subtitles. Not everyone - I would hate to be caught "generalizing" about a people - but most in my Stateside culture.

So be like me that day on the subway. KNOW where Czech Republic or Hungary are on the map, take my word for it, that Germany's main cities and certainly Berlin, and Wall-era West-Berlin (NOT the socialist East, however) has enjoyed decades since the end of HItler and prior to Hitler: a thoroughly multi-cultural reality in an environment of recognizable and identifiable respectively regional German culture.

Otherwise, go back to McDonalds if you're Hungary, order a Bürger and ask if you can pay with a Czech.,S6j3fXE9JgrbjodX9uiUlByj-leOaClgHsxq9YcoowqjIJqLVe9ba0NTvQB2FPZnUjWhaFfQqZ6mJFkwN37W8_XlLmlZkfG4Of7TZcNDSxmaRR8mQrnr_Yv1xQdp7itXyT00JBwsb9fTtFsuLpt5u5y0ttlQBh7-JxJfIKWNx-AQCCuAf0dHop4vBsiaVTBF-sE2Y0jFV5Y5Sg

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