Guru Teg Bahadur (l.) 9th Guru;
Guru Gobind Singh (r.) 10th and last Guru.
On his instructions, the Guru was now
to remain in the form of the sacred Scripture,
the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.

"He walked into the room, so silently,
and looked at him straight into the eyes.
He said, 'I don't fear your hate or anger,
and neither do I fear your earthly might.' ..."
So begins the song by American Sikh Gurudev Singh Khalsa, commemorating a decisive event in Sikh history toward the end of the 17th century. Around these last two of the ten Gurus of Sikh lineage extending from Guru Nanak - Teg Bahadur and Gobind Singh, father and son, there played out perhaps the most defining moment in the then 200 year old Sikh history:
Armed Resistance toward the Mughal-Muslim excesses in brutal tyranny and its monocultural stranglehold on an otherwise very multicultural India.
Counting Sikhs, Sufis and Hindus among his many devoted disciples, Teg Bahadur went with three companions to face the Emperor himself and diplomatically challenge the ruler's pathologically ruthless enforcement of "The-Religion-Of-Peace" on non-Muslim India. This didn't go off well, and knowing it would come to this, Teg Bahadur sacrified his life to the beheaders of his day - that day being 11 Nov 1675.
His son took up the shepherding and protection his father had promised, and raised, trained and led the Sikh Resistance against the Mughal tyranny, at great and terrible cost.
The refrain to the above mentioned song, addressing this episode, goes as follows:
"Those who wait to be reborn in the glory of the Name,
they're like flowers in the rain waiting for the sun,
till their souls shall be reborn in the Body of a saint
who shall live forever in the hearts of those who know love."
(Quite a different image of why one would lay down this precious life in defense of justice and equity against cruel tyranny - from that which has always driven Jihadis and drives them to this very day, giving them every license to dominate and to murder.)
Yogi Bhajan's personal instructions to me in the course of a correspondence spanning two decades:
Jun 1981
"... My son, there is no defeat to be very, very kind. And, it is the utmost strength to be very, very good. Take goodness and kindness as your tool and proceed on your path with love and devotion. All will be well; all is in God's hands. My love and prayers are with you always. Keep Up! In the Name of the Cosmos which prevails through everyBODY, and the Holy Nam which holds the world. ..."
Mar 1983
"... We have come a long way in a short time...just a mere dot in infinity. I am convinced after much looking and living and sharing and being, that when we have reverence for our soul, every bit of karma is washed away.
Just speak reverently to one another. There'll always be pain, emotional traumas, major dramas, intenseness and stubbornness and fear to change. But when we have respect for the dignity of others, beginning by speaking with reverence and kindness, we will hear the beat and compassion of soul. You will never hear anything to equal its divinity. ... May you learn to respect reverence and revere respect. ..."
Feb 1991
"... Mankind has reached a turning point. Those of us who are religious by nature and by standard must exercise the effective penetrating power of our prayer to guide our brothers and sisters through this testing time. In our lifetime we shall see changes that we have not dreamt of.
Those with spirit and fortitude shall be beacons for all to see, and many shall come to them to find shelter in the strength of their consciousness. Now is the time to understand the you within you, and to develop such fortitude that nothing on the planet shall shake you. You have a position and a personal power to elevate and uplift those around you.
It is my prayer that the gentle Hand of God continue to bless you and guide you. ..."
Sep 2002
"... Your prayers have kept the breath of life flowing. May God and Guru bless you with health, peace and prosperity. Now is the time to remain calm and peaceful. Your self-containment is the source of your prosperity. Stay steady: It is your highest spiritual strength. Nothing can match it. ..."
Sep 2004
"... Keep it together, Keep meditating and let your expanse take hold. By Guru's grace, feel relaxed and ready for things. Be a leader.
My prayers and blessings are with you. May Guru Ram Das hold you in his energy field and give you the power of prayer and devotion. ..."
6 Oct 2004: Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji left his body - and left behind a body of Teachings and a legacy to fulfill.
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