Thursday, November 19, 2015

Nächstenliebe and Civil War

A body's immune system repels negative influences and maintains a strong defense for the protection of the body, its health and survival.  Through the introduction of destructive substances on any massive scale, that immunity can become severly compromised and weakened, inviting many factors weighing against the odds of survival.  All the moreso does this apply to the psyche.

No sane person visits such hazard and destruction willfully on his or her self - unless there is a nihilistic, suicidal drive leading toward a good cliff.  Rather, it's by an accumulation of habits enacted out of ignorance.

Metaphors aside, looking at this from an EU-wide perspective, and certain countries specifically (UK, Scandinavia, France, Holland) with Germany foremost in the lead:  this is altogether willful indeed.  It is nihilistically wanted, enjoined, coerced, sought after, and indoctrinated.

As with a body, so with any nation, or culture, or people.

Today it's all the rage to hear preached and "amen"ed by Gutmenschen all over Europe, about loving your neighbor as yourself, Nächstenliebe.   But there is no love of self there, only a preening egotism, so there cannot possibly be substance in loving that neighbor as oneself - only in make-believe and delusion.  For to love is to be conscious.  Love is not appeasement and conformity out of fear and cowardice.

The matter of loving that neighbor implies those already in your proximity, it is personal and interpersonal.  It's the one next door, or in the office next to yours.  It's the person standing before you, so beautifully addressed by Meister Eckehardt.  Or the newcomer:  there is room in this particularly Judeo-Christian commandment for that  "stranger at your door."  So you take in the stranger, "as you were strangers in a strange land."  And not only has this one-on-one tradition nothing to do with today's "asylum and refugee" policy of calculated massive infiltration as it is being sold us - the Nächstenliebe is being crassly commercialized and cynically instrumentalized by the most immoral set of sitting parties I've ever seen in one parliament, short of the EU itself.

Taking in the stranger or loving your neighbor as yourself never so much as implied amassing and unconditionally inviting waves of - primarily and preferrably Muslim - populations and bringing them to your own open gate, to your own door, in a mad frenzy to hand them the keys and let them loose all over your property.  Whoever preaches doing this, let him or her be the first!  This arrogance of projected neurotic "love" endangers all concerned.

A dominating ideology of doctrinaire narcissistic atheism and Gutmensch dogmatism has no place dictating the moral high ground, broadcasting "love thy enemy" - a sure sign that a cancer has set in and is spreading, the body defenses have been weakened, they're shot.  I see the cadavers of the walking dead.

If "welcoming refugees" is loving ones enemy, as one is being so lectured, then the psychosis will have its day, because only a semi-conscious conformist pliable people, groomed and manipulated into a national self-loathing such as I see here, can "love ones enemy" in the very form of intentionally directed millions from a culture and a tradition which does not see the welcoming commitee as their friends but as fresh meat.

Those shouting "refugees welcome!" to all, whether in fact refugee or not, may welcome any whom they wish into their own homes - the consequences are theirs to have and to keep, that is their choice, their "enrichment," Bereicherung to coin the current German sell-out campaign.  They may not welcome into my home whom they wish, nor into this country, this nation, these borders, as they have not that right.

Confronting Islamisation is no more "Islamophobic" than to resist and combat tyranny is "tyrannophobic."  To "love" a tyrant however, certainly amounts to Stockholm Syndrome.

Here's another German word for you, dear reader:  Gleichschaltung,  keep this word close at hand, it has a very socialist history: National Socialist and its East German successor.  The word, having no direct equivalent in English, means to fall lock-step and uncompromisingly into line, without question or dissent, with the governing doctrine.  The Nazis employed this coersion to have the official Churches, all forms of media, all civil services, the police, secret services, all the professions, the academia, also the psychiatrists and the social scientists, researchers, unions (they were, like the other parliamentary parties abolished and replaced by one-size-fits-all).  The East Gemans enjoyed their own particular flavor of Gleichschaltung.

I am telling you, not for the first time, nor the last:  we are right back there again, on program, word for word - the Gleichschaltung of today, here and now, in the EU and deeply embraced by Merkel's Germany.  It promises to become as total as its two predecessors, with more technology to enforce it.  For when the Churches and the Jewish Council and Congregations have sold out with a perverse and macabre "love-for-enemy," then only they, not I, can be a Jew or a Christian.  When the political parties shout, this is democracy - how does that make me then, a democrat as well when for them I'm a "Nazi"?  When the dominating left-lesbian lobby hails hijab and burqa as "a woman's right" - where is there place for me as a feminist?   You catch my drift. Gleichschaltung.

Here is one last German word I want to share:  Widerstand.   Resistance.  We saw it under the Third Reich.  We saw it in 1989.  We're back.

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