Friday, November 28, 2014

Their Lowest Common Denominator

Two things could be said to differentiate Salafist and other strains of traditionalist/fundamentalist Islam, the Catholic priests of notoriety, and the Ultra-Orthodox/Haredi/Hassidic "Jewish" Community, commonly, on the one hand – and the entire political class of EU-parliamentary (and across-the-board from Brussels to Berlin to Vienna) Left, Green, and SPD (formerly Social Democrats, I don't know WTF they are today, all sell-outs) Parties, commonly, on the other hand:

So what differentiates the two would be this, that the former grouping promotes and upholds an agenda of patriarchical, archaic family structures somehow binding family values with cranking out large litters of kids, and leaving responsibility to chance, or out of it altogether. The latter grouping in today's above-mentioned career politics exerts all its influence in destroying family values and structures altogether, period.

Now what the two groupings have in common, I mean beside a culture of aggressive dogma, a knack for guilt manipulation, twisted projections on feminism/sexuality and women – and a pathological lack of responsibility or empathy matched only by their colossal arrogance and hypocritical piety – is this: After all is said, by far their lowest common denominator, or shared trait, is that both groupings are loaded to the gills with practicing pedophiles and their enablers, protectors and camouflagers – all acting with impunity. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

But they are being exposed, it is all finally, if gradually, dawning – the worm is turning. And so will a new leaf. But not without serious upheaval.

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