Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Tweet of Trump

Donald J. Trump‏@realDonaldTrump
"The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking
the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!"


WE live in Germany, WE live in Berlin - WE are living with this, and with the heavy-handed lies and cruel gaslighting EVERY day.

Trump is completely right, down to the letter. The shitstorm of comments toward his Tweet are themselves full of shit - WE can verifiably attest to that - from more liars, gaslighters, gangsters, or agents of the deeply communist parties. ALL from the perpetrator-friendly, pedo-loving, jaded and destructive, Stasi-regressive Left, which is openly bent on literally wiping Germany out of existence.

WE will not stand by in resignation or indifference, WE will be called every cheap idiotic baseless name in the book, from "Nazi" to all manner of "phobic". WE will not back down, WE are growing in strength and in number, WE are long in endurance and WE have the intestinal fortitude to weather this out. WE are the plain, rooted Patriots and citizens who want Merkel and the EU, the socialist totalitarians of the most insidiously fake "tolerance"-nannies and monotone "Diversity"-Mafia - OUT. Gone. History.

History is on the side of this Resistance - it is on the side of Pegida, it is on the side of the Identitarian Movement, it is on the side of the party Alternative for Germany (AfD), it is on the side of the Patriots. That normal population of basic Germans who, liberal or conservative or some of both, are tired of the shift so far Left that to merely hold the Federal national flag with any pride - the one Merkel brusquely tossed to the floor at her 3rd victory bash - or to sing its beautiful anthem with any self-respecting gusto, is to risk being jeered and maligned as "right-wing", if not actual "fascists" - and this, coming from the brainwashed aggressive-Left. But THIS population is waking up.

No, Trump got it right, and he's sent Grenell as ambassador, much to their chagrin. THIS American and Jew is standing firmly with his Lady and all other German Patriots, and WE will triumph, with God's will, and for a real future. WE are at war - it has been declared by Merkel and her law-breaking, unconstitutional Stasi-State, her equally criminal pedo-elite in this Banana-Republic. WE are at war, and my President knows it.

That Tweet is sweet to greet.






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