Thursday, June 7, 2018

Numbers - Or: The '89ers Are With Us!

Ten to twelve thousand participants in the Berlin AfD's (Alternative for Germany) "Future of Germany" Demo late May of 2018 were - as was only all too predictable - "reduced" by Merkel's Press Cartel (also commonly known as Lügenpresse) to "two to five" thousand.  The usual anti-AfD mixture that day, of people who'd have had nothing to lose and placing themselves at no risk (nor would they ever), namely:  a) hopelessly brainwashed Goodcitizens, b) State and Senate financed "Anti"fa - and their wannabe-supporters, c) robots of the mainstream church bodies Welcome-and-Charity naives, and d) complete idiots baited, bought and drawn in with Techno-droning, beer, ganja, and riverboat floats (hook, line and sinker), came to a grand total altogether - that is, considering how widely staged and dispersed they were - of 25,000.

The chief "Anti"fa leader Katja Kipping, of the (former SED) Party of The Left, spoke before the mainstream-cartel cameras, without once being challenged or asked to substantiate a single claim, of "2,00" AfD participants, and - read this one slowly, it's no misprint - "72,000"(!) of her presumed contrast in opposition to this, of "peaceful protesters".

Whereby, not only was their open verbal aggression and demonstrable proneness to violence, their tar-and-gasoline attack on AfD participants, their arson, their fulminating tirades of hatred toward Germany and the police, their attempt (every time illegal, like they care) to form blockades and obstacles to hinder the train of patriots and AfD-supporters, not mentioned even once let alone remarked upon, but rather, completely bypassed - the conspicuously unbroken cue surpassing the projected 10,000 in hardy AfD fellowship in our Demo was in contrast to our self-proclaimed adversaries, matter-of-factly peaceable and non-violent, good humored robust and with gusto, steady and grounded, and full of patriotic folks - many of whom would have never found themselves demonstrating on the public streets and walkways like this, but who in spite of widely and very publicly announced calls to violence on the part of the "Anti"fa, to "to resort to every necessary means to sabotage the AfD", overcame their fear of just that and arrived to lend theri faces and their legs, to show their love as Germans, for Germany.

I'm compelled to recall the early period of Pegida-Dresden, when on a certain evening - shortly after a Monday Demo, an "asylum seeker" from Eritrea had been found murdered in his apartment.  All of the Left and the Leftist press rallied in one voice without missing a beat, before the investigation had even gotten started, that the perpetrator presumably, that is "definitely", had to have come out of the "far-right" ranks of Pegida.  In the very midst of the very public mourning procession there walked, in fact:  the perpetrator himself, in person - the Tunesian apartment-mate, likewise "asylum seeking" - who had quarreled with the Eritrean over who'd dominate and decide things in their flat, and then offed him.  Once reported - enough, then followed radio-silence.  And from the Left and the "Anti"fa:  a very loud and cowardly silence.  As the Left only can, whenever the facts "don't match", don't suit their agenda.

As with the Berlin Women's March at the end of February:  some 5,000 were reduced in the MSM to "at most one to two thousand", as is usually the case with this form of (cowardly) yellow journalism.  The coming second Women's March on June 9th may be escorted and protected by the police in actual neutral accordance with job and its commission, as was the case with the above mentioned AfD Demo in May, and in sharp contrast to our experience in February - or they may not, this remains to be seen.

Because the "Anti"fa, considering their permitted and yet still ineffective blockade in February, and their attacks as we'd left there to make our way in other directions to the objective, the Chancellery, in spite of their blockade and police chicanery - these "Anti"fa and the Regressive/Aggressive Left, who are ever delightedly trance-like prepared to throw the "Nazis raus" and to "never-again" that "lousy dreck" Germany, these will be flipping out and come in immense numbers, to strive to justify themselves and finish us "right-wingers" off.

The remaining dinosaurs of the former RAF (Red Army Faction) may form the Cadres guiding the "Anti"fa, but the '89ers are with us, walking with us - those democratic German patriots who had brought down the socialist GDR with their Monday Demos - and therewith lend their credibility and confirmation, that we will win, that "We Will Overcome".  The "Ani"fa and the communist Left are yesterday, we are the democratic and patriotic answer to their third attempt inside a span of some ninety years, to instill and implement the final Rule of their "Socialist Experiment" in Germany.  For we are the future.

As they have no balls and no spine, they will see how much endurance and defense power we have in preparation.  Then we'll see what - and who - finally counts in the end.

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