Friday, July 22, 2016


22 Jul 2015

1. The Lie behind the prevailing and dominating Multi-culti ideology and its companionate Islamisation by appeasement, is:

- that, a native and inherently homogenous society and culture is “regressive”, and its rejection and its ensuing destruction therefore “progressive” – but ONLY where this concerns European, North American, Canadian, or Australian.

- that, said (only largely) homogenous society and culture is of itself NOT already open and multi-cultural as it is (taking as a prime example, Europe and focusing on Germany).

- that, multi-culturalism (the ism already indicating its newly hyped ideological character), where it has made itself an institution over generations is by nature harmonious and in all things progressive and desirable – it is not so, never was, and saying “it’s so” will not make it so.

2. The Truth behind the multi-culti ideology which has taken hold with a venomously self-righteous vengeance, is:

- that, contrary to being the “multi” it proposes to be, it is in fact a collectivist Orwellian vision of absolute utopian “One-Think”, swinging its openly dissent-hostile cudgel of political correctness and taking no prisoners (whereas on the other hand, holding native Western populations hostage).

- that, diversity here is a misnomer at best, and a dictatorial dialectic at its worst: in which actual diversity of opinion is vigorously stamped “inacceptable” and shouted down.

3. Akif Pirincci, A Turkish-German satirist whose books may be a matter of taste but until early this year were all best-sellers, made one clearly articulated ironic statement in the middle of a public talk he’d given as guest speaker at a Pegida gathering in Dresden, which the mainstream press deliberately misquoted and used to drive him out of his career nearly entirely (but for one single publisher which stood by him), and this manner of character assassination is bread and butter for the ideological culture we find ourselves in now.

His point was audibly unmistakeable, that the ruling elite who are bent on stifling all dissent toward Merkel’s “Welcome-Refugees” program might consider other measures with us, but “the concentration camps are no longer available for it.” The mainstream and the boulevard press, the political elite, the talk show circuses, everyone got on the band wagon to turn just that odd comment into “we could just put the refugees into concentration camps”. Horror of horrors – and he never said that. Try telling this to anyone blindly sucking off the mainstream organs of the Merkel State. All his best-selling works were taken off the shelves and no publisher (except Kopp) would touch him with a ten-foot pole (or a fourteen foot swede).

4. Now if you think truth is painful – try misinformation, disinformation, or ignorance (right, I’m forgetting: “Ignorance is bliss.”).

Ach...kein "‪#‎je‬-suis-München"?
Kein schwarz-rot-gold Tri-couleur überall auf FB?
Kein sofortige Staatsbesuch von den drei M's - Merkel, deMaziere, Maas?
...Tja. Ich habe's schon längst vermutet.

Sie haben erst auf Kinder geschossen - aber Mutti-Merkel hat keine Kinder, ausser die "Allahu-akbar" schreiende Täter, in München - sowie in Würzburg, sowie in Nizza, sowie in Brüssel, sowie in Paris, sowie in London. Das sind "Mama-Merkels" Kinder, ja.

Aber "Aktuell sieht die Polizei keine Hinweise auf einen islamistischen Hintergrund der Tat." (Süddeutsche-Zeitung, wer sonst?)

23 Jul

Heute, Samstag der 23.7., ist Christopher Street Day in Berlin.
Und in jeder andere Großstadt in Deutschland.
Und in München - ja, "warum nicht?"...

Mein Vorschlag: bleibt zu Hause dieses Jahr. Damit, CSD 2017 vielleicht noch weiter erlebt und gefeiert wird - nur auf sicherer Nummer, versteht sich.

Und überprüft Euren Voräte nach, von Teddys, Lichterketten, Sträuße- und Kränzekasse, Trauerkarten - auch auf sicherer Nummer, natürlich.

Der krasse Zynismus hinter meinen Vorschlägen liegt NICHT bei mir - sondern, bei Merkel & Co., bei der Senat, bei den Amtskirchen und Gewerkschaften, bei den Grünen, bei den Linken, bei den Medien natürlich, bei der LGBT-Lobby selbst.

Weil, "Aktuell sieht die Polizei keine Hinweise auf einen islamistischen Hintergrund der Tat."

Concerning MUNICH:

This would account for those FB-postings which Heiko Maas and Annette Kahane DID NOT mean to include in their stated intent to scour FB and elsewhere for "hate-speech" in their campaign "against the Right" and their war on dissent, warnings, free speech, urgently critical dialogue. Either they missed this guy or they smiled and shook their heads, muttering, "Go for it."

1. While CNN carried a clear statement by an eye-witness, herself Muslim and who would know the Takbir when she heard it, as she stressed: that the shooter she saw unmistakeably shouted “Allahu-akbar” (after "I'm German") in the course of his shooting; the entire GERMAN mainstream propaganda passing itself off as professional reporting follows its normal pattern of complete denial, telling us the shooter, age 18 even that is true, is supposedly Iranian (with German citizenship) and a Christian convert going by “David,” a wannabe who’d allegedly modelled his act after the Norwegian psychopath Breivik. And THIS, notwithstanding CNN’s eyewitness in direct contradiction of this. What the news here does all the time, is a) tell you some half-baked version according to what the power elite want, conveniently leaving out significant facts and information entirely where it doesn’t fit, and sauce it up with improbalities that the German mainstream public has been trained to just swallow without questioning; and b) shift it obligatorily over to “the Right” as if this were in the least plausible, which – trust me on this – it ain’t; and c) as with the alpine German Wings crash, the fact that there was indeed an emergency call made from the cockpit after all, but this gets brushed away so that the pilot could remain the “mentally unstable and unfit” perpetrator so that Merkel & Co. – having made exceptional haste to drop what they were doing and rush up to that altitude hours later – would not have the scandal on their hands of a German Wings technical mishap as the very probable cause to answer to. All damage control, crowd control, sleight of hand with the public.

2. That Breivik had specifically singled out Social-Democrats, or more exactly their youth, and this bastard in Munich just fired arbitrarily into a McDonalds, and in a visibly trained shooting stance; and that Brevik had taken pains to state in his long-winded psycho-manifesto, that he’d felt no identification with Christianity, either in his person nor in his actions; and that no priest or pastor here would baptise with the name “David” an Iranian convert (if even he is that, which comes off like a cheap ploy by him and the zealously Islam-avoiding media); and that the mainstream media here proves time and again that it cannot be trusted with the task of giving factual information nor relied on for integrity in reporting, but in fact begrudgingly acknowledges long since confirmed conclusions well after the alternative news agencies and blogs, and activists, have pointed out the evident relationship of facts – and netted defamation and character assassination as thanks:

3. This latest concerted effort to give the public another red herring smacks of an attempt to not only keep everyone focused on the pet-bogus “struggle-against-the-Right”, but moreover leads one to suspect we’re supposed to start considering a “Christian-terrorism” just to keep the heat off of “The-Religion-Of-Peace,” which will go on with its Jihad regardless of how the mainstream “news” functions or doesn’t. The Grand Maipulators of Media and Jaded Elite (GMMJE) are jumping through hoops to portray this as a "typical" case of a loner who'd been mobbed and harrassed at school, as with earlier strictly German shootings from the end of the '90s into the early 2000s. In playing this off to a public they know just wants any reason to not have to look its fears in the face, and to cower safely behind the illusion of State effectiveness and interest in public security at all - the purveyors of Lies dismiss in one sweeping gesture of abominably gross negligence of political and societal obligation and duty, deliberately ignore the glaring FACT that he is of Shi'ite parentage in a predominantly Sunni Turkish vicinity, a FACT which speaks volumes - and these volumes don't even make it onto the shelf, much less the table.

As concerns my Christopher Street Day warner earlier today, it occurred but must have been a second, extra CSD with hundreds of thousands protesting discrimination (hardly likely that perpetrated by "The-Religion-Of-Peace" however). I should have reminded myself that this year's was long over, on the 23rd of JUNE, not July. I’d responded according to a heads-up on this from a fellow commentator with whom I correspond, and it seems he was right. The point I made remains intact, as many various scheduled events had been cancelled for today on account of Munich, whereas some others chose to follow through with their plans intentionally "to spite" what just occurred there. Putting a lot of people at risk, but multi-culti and the delusion of safety took precedence – again.

CENSORSHIP IS ALIVE AND WELL in the Federal Republic of Germany under Merkel - I personally know people in my own life, and have heard or read of others, who have been forced by their employers to choose between keeping their job or continuing their activism in Pegida or Bärgida, or even normal campaign activity in the registered democratic-conservative party Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD). As I write this, the Pegida page has been forced off of FB. Not the Islamist hate-sermons and tirades, mind you, but just this citizens' initiative which began simply on FB and has burgeoned inside of two years into a movement Europe-wide, in fact West-wide. On the one hand, this dictatorship of the jaded elite and the Left play down the urgent reality and credibility of our position toward Islamisation; on the other hand, they evidently regard us as SUCH a threat that they engage the combined force of all their media and all their vandals and hecklers, and all their organs of government and civil service apparatus against us, to silence us, to defame us, and one day not so long from now, to arrest us.

Was? Man spricht von..."Hass-Rede"??!...Und deren Gewalt??!

Kein Hass redet sich so erniedrigt ein, so grottisch, so psychisch krank, wie die Einstellung - sei es durch die Ausrufe und Verhalten von pseudo-"Anti"-Fa, die Aussagen von Grünen und Linken und SPD Politiker, die Lehre von RAF-nachsehnenden '68er Uniprofs, oder die Gutmenschkultur selbst - verkörpert in Formulierungen wie:

"Nie wieder Deutschland!" oder "Deutschland muss sterben, damit wir leben können!" oder "Deutschland, halt die Fresse!" oder "Deutschland verrecke!" oder "Wir lieben den Volkstod!" oder "Bomber Harris do it again!"

Ausgedacht, geschürt, gefördert von und durch Staatsorganen, die auf Steuergeld leben! Wenn Inquisitionsminister Heiko Maas auf der Suche wäre, nach Hass-Rede im krankhaftsten pathologischen Sinn, er hätte nicht weiter schauen als Merkel, Gabriel, Schwesig, Gysi, Künast, Trittin, Roth, Kipping - und ja, sein eigenen Sohn, der bei der sächsischen pseudo-"Anti"-Fa Sturmabteilung eine Leitende Rolle genießt.

DAS wäre ein guter Anfang, etwas konsequenter und mit weniger Heuchelei.

24 Jul

 Renate Künast muss sich nun heftige Kritik gefallen lassen. Außerdem wird ihr der Rücktritt des Vorsitzes im Rechtsauschuss des Bundestages nahegelegt. Foto: / Obersachse (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Leute, ICH MÖCHTE FAIR SEIN, zu Renate Künast, sie hat auch Recht auf eine Meinung. Und deshalb möchte ich diesem vorbildhaften Grünenpolitkwesen*in, ihre fachlich unerfahrenen Behauptung bzw. Theorie, konsequent auf den Prüfstand legen.

Ich schlage Folgendes vor: Die Renate wird mit dem nächsten Beil-und-Messertragenden, sich aggressiv verhaltenden nicht-Afghaner-sondern-Pakistaner (muslimischer Herkunft) im Alter von doch-nicht-17 Jahre, ohne Papiere und illegal „Asyl“-suchenden als „Refugee“ – zusammen in einem leeren Zugwagon, ganz alleine unter sich, eingeschlossen.

Unsere Renate (ich sage nicht „Frau“ Künast, um sie mit keiner Genderrolle zu belasten) bekommt eine Dienstpistole mit einem Scharfmunitionspatron, reicht schon. Und...los: Sie darf uns alle zeigen wie es geht.

Wer von den beiden den Anderen überzeugt oder überwältigt, und zwar ändern kann, hat gewonnen. Und darf bei „Anne Will“ oder „Maischberger“ zu Gast auftreten.


Nachdem, DAS ein für allenmal geklärt wird, stellen wir Köllner Bürgermeister*in Reker alleine zu Fuß (ohne Dienstwaffe) nachts, mitten in dem nächsten Taharrush gamea-Spiel umringt von unzähligen jungen muslimischen Halbstarken, arabischer bzw. nordafrikanischer Herkunft, während sie uns alle zeigt wie es „lang“ geht mit „Armlänge-fernhalten“.

Sollte sie das erfolgreich überstehen, darf sie sich Renate auf Talkshowtour mit anschließen.
Ich finde beide Vorschläge durchaus demokratisch und fair. Und spannend.


There was a lot more than McDonalds going down in MUNICH this last Friday. It had been passingly reported within my postings below. Why only "passingly reported"?

Because the information had been largely withheld from the public. That the excellent and capable German SWAT units (SEK and GSG9) had been called in, this was known, but little else. Why and to what extent? WITHHELD!

These units had found and arrested TWO ACCOMPLICES of that "lone" McDonalds shooter (as he'd targeted mostly children, directly shooting at their faces), the one apprehended on the subway and the other at some other location. This was adequately reported in the UK and on CNN, while in the German news the initial mention of this was capped and no further mention of it reached the public. Which explains why I find those here restricted to TV and conventional papers completely misinformed - not badly informed, misinformed, with disinformation.

Even now, yet another guy there has been taken in for questioning, he'd beenapproached by the McDonald's shooter to join him in the not-so-"lone wolf" action.

In the vid-clip provided here (on FB) is shown either of these accomplices busily shooting up the Hofbräuhaus (a public venue) in MUNICH, simultaneous to the McDonalds shootings. And all of it compliments of "The-Religion-Of-Peace".

I have explained to people in conversation, and this only when approached and asked: that the attacks will intensify and come at ever shorter intervals, with a harrowing frequency yet to be felt. That it won't matter whether a perpetrator or several were put up to it by IS or by an imam, or they just "blew". We ALL have Merkel (and her acolytes) to thank for her generous invitations at the cost of Germany and EUrope, and at the expense of all our security.

TODAY: in Reutlingen, West Germany, a pregant woman in a Kebap fast-food was murdered by a machete wielding male acquaintance who'd felt his "love" unrequited. That he was an asylum-seeking Syrian may not be politically correct of me to just by-the-way mention here. But in a normal climate this would pretty much scrap his plans to have his stay rubber-stamped and to receive all those freebies and the sympathies of so many "Welcome-activists" and "social-warriors".

Yet in our present day, his status, compliments of Merkel, will as good as ensure that he gets some bit of lock-up time and then continues here on the dole. I am not kidding.

At the very moment I have just posted this, news arrived to me of an explosion in Nürnberg. Any more questions?

Well, one more answer is on its way, below.

TODAY: in Reutlingen, West Germany, a pregant woman in a Kebap fast-food was murdered by a machete wielding male, age 21, acquaintance who'd felt his "love" unrequited; others close-by came away with serious machete injuries, after he'd polished some nearby cars withhis machete on his way out.

That he was an asylum-seeking Syrian may not be politically correct of me to just by-the-way mention here. But in a normal climate this would pretty much scrap his plans to have his stay rubber-stamped and to receive all those freebies and the sympathies of so many "Welcome-activists" and "social-warriors".

Yet in our present day, his status, compliments of Merkel, will as good as ensure that he gets some bit of lock-up time and then continues here on the dole. I am not kidding.

Now an explosion in Nürnberg - they don't know if it was a gas explosion as presumed but is unconfirmed - they'd prefer that.  But just at this particular juncture.  Any more questions?

Here's an answer:  According to the Lisbon Accords back in the early 2000s, the military will be called in anywhere on EUropean soil to put down any dissent if it gets too cocky; the death penalty will be instituted.  it is an old trick, to introduce or to foment mayhem and unrest such as we are seeing today, in order to call "national emergency" with "extraordinary measures".  Get it?  It's all going on plan.


THIS WOMAN HAS A PLAN. In today's Mental Ward we call "German politics" - a Minister of Family can be switcched over to Minister of Defense without a clue or the least background in anything military - "Background, we don' need no stinkin' background" - because it's a neo-liberal one-size-fits-all government under Merkel, where elected Bundestag members (Greens and Left, Merkel herself) can get by and remain in the office they'd sworn an oath to uphold for this nation, while openly dissing the anthem, the flag, the people who went to the voting polls believing they ahd any choice.

Now what is this woman's plan as Defense Minister, who needs to be bailed out by some Bundeswehr General sitting next to her at any press conference when an actual question dealing with her job unexpectedly comes up? Well, beside trying ehr best to dandify the military forces (I call her the Pink Panzer) - her plan is now to introduce "Refugees" into the Bundeswehr, starting with about a hundred! And any one of these hundred alone could be...oh don't make me say it. Shame on me for thinking.

Now to be a member of the Bundeswehr, logically, you do have to carry citzenship, and if you seek to acquire that it does come with requirements and obligations. Is there anywhere else that that does not apply? Well, here, in 2016. "Requirements an' obligations, we don' need no..." - but Ursula von der Leyen (of the Lyin') can wave all that and get them in. Should Merkel actually leave office to take up a higher position in the EU-Parliament of Decadence or replace Ban-ki Moon at the jaded UNO, Ursula has her eye on the Chance-Liarship.

Whoever is running this ship (of fools), it can't go wrong, because the important thing is to "keep a woman in office, they do it better"...

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