Monday, July 25, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part XIX

25 Jul 2016

On The Heels Of Munich

1. I came here in 1988, and it's now 2016. Since 1980 I'd intended to come, and together with the present generations, put the past to rest consciously and healingly - and to remove the elements which would hinder that. I've learned a lot, and more in these past three years than all the previous. I came in 1988 with the Armed Forces. They left, I'm still here. And the said elements are back in power, solid and secured, with all their calculated manipulation - and they plan to stay.

2. On the heels of MUNICH:
a) Reutlingen - Machete attack on preganant woman in Döner snack-stop. Perpatrator had been known to the police.
b) Ansbach (near Nürnberg) - Knapsack suicide bomber at a music-festival ("Open Ansbach") benefit to "Welcome Refugees" and "asylum"-seekers. Perpetrator had never met the legal criteria for asylum here, and was slated for deportation already a year back, but Germany takes its time on these, hesitating and letting them stay on the ride.
c) Göttingen - Iranian with German pass, carrying a sign reading "Germans are dogs!" and hurling verbal abuse at passersby on the street. When he's verbally approached and confronted on this account, he pulls a knife and seriously injures the one confronting, and two others who'd intervened before he could be subdued for the cops.

3. These are occurring in the affluent states of Germany (Bavaria und Franken, Baden-Württemberg), for two reasons:
a) They're the industrial breadbasket, and
b) Bavaria's PM, Seehofer of the conservative CSU partner to the CDU, has been critical (among those at top levels) of Merkel's plan to flood Germany with "enrichers" from "The-Religion-Of-Peace" (all called refugees, whether they are or not) - cautiously so, but too critical for Merkel. So why protect Seehofer's turf, right?

4. German mainstream media (esp. TV) give as little clarity as possible, the fudging tactic is transparently to:
a) bend over backward to avoid saying the obvious, ever walking on egshells, ever misleading the viewers, explaining every peprpetrator away as "lone and meshugge" while pleading for understanding of the "traumatized war refugees" - so long as they meet the criteira of "enrichers" from "The-Religion-Of-Peace", as has been the case;
b) play the old routine "fear & calm" sleight-of-hand to the public, ratcheting up the fear, then calming that with lies - to keep the public maleable, dependent and uncertian.; and
c) place the entire onus of blame on the conservative opposition which already is kept at a disadvantage whenever the power elite or their organs or media open their mouths - this targets above all the registered and legitimate (and growing) party of the AfD, and of course Pegida.

5. Taking into account early 20th century satirist Kurt Tucholsky's warning: "In Germany it's the one who points out where the dirt is, who is considered more dangerous than the one who put the dirt there" - taking this into account, we have as Justice Minister Heiko Maas. An eerie look-alike for Eichmann, with a dogged sense of mission like HImmler, and a propagandist accusing any critical opposition of doing what in fact he is himself there to carry out, namely denunciation, slander and libel - and confiscations and arrests. The only two differences between Maas and Goebbels are, Maas doesn't have a clubbed foot, and Goebbels didn't have a son in the SA.

6. I came to Berlin in 1988 with an Army which purported to station me here "in defense of the City". It's 2016 and I'm still here, just without an army. I have not left my position, only clarified it all the more decisively.

Radical Christianity:
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
(Jn. 15:13)

Radical Islam:
"And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing..."
(Sura 2:191-193)

THIS is what followed the MUNICH attacks, this is how the memorial gathering went:

WTF. What's left, what next?! The very day after the Munich jihad-enrichment, families and friends of the nine who were slaughtered gathered with other Munich citizens to light memorial candles at the scene of their loved-ones' murders, and to mourn together.

Then came the follow-up by "The-Religion-Of-Peace" - perfectly timed, they'd brought the salt for the wound, they think of everything (you have to hand them that).

Seemingly out of nowhere, also true to character, there appeared an entire group of IS-sympathizers - I cannot bring myself to call it a Flashmob.

As the surviving lit candles for their children, they were showered with death threats, "You Germans will finally come to Belief!" together with that heart-rending music of Takbir: "ALLHU-AKBAR!"

There in the heart of Munich, the Bavarian capital, whose Mayor Dieter Reiter raves every chance he gets, over how wonderful he finds the "cultural enrichment" brought by "The-Reigion-Of-Peace" in the city whose native population he'd been sworn to protect and to preserve. Good work there, Dieter.

(And a big round of applause for those who find my posting this information to be "another Islamophobic instrumentalization".)


- Eure Chance-Liar Mama Merkel und EU-Verbundeten; Präzedenzfall Gauck(ler), Die-Grünen, Die-Linken, SPD, Die-Piraten, Heiko Maas, Anetta Kahane, "Anti"-Fa (e.V.), beide Amtskirchen und Zentral(ver)rat der Juden, Gewerkschaften, Akademia, gekaufte Journalisten der gleichgeschalteten Medien, mutli-kulti Appeasement-Gutmenschen - ach, Mayzek und die Islamverbände natürlich...



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