Saturday, July 23, 2016

"And Jesus Wept"

There is a heaven of sorts, for dutiful Conformists
who'd paid their taxes and believed in good faith,
all that their churches and pastors, their governing elite and
media and lobbies, told them about being multi-cultural and tolerant,
keeping thier poltically correct noses clean,
and staying out of trouble.

A heaven of sorts, for those who'd joined in good faith
the "good fight" against the "radical-right and Islamophobics",
waving smiling Welcomes at Merkel's waves of smirking,
able-bodied young male "refugees" bringing with them the fruits
of "The-Religion-Of-Peace" to be spread and bred on this soil
unsoiled by any consideration for the victims they leave in their wake.

Into this heaven of sorts come those Gutmenschen who'd conformed
unquestioning, with Gauck and with Merkel, with pervasive propaganda
which painted in rainbows the forced acceptance of unchecked floods
of nearly exclusively Muslim "enrichers", on pain of being called "xenophobic"
by television or by neighbors.

Into this heaven of sorts, furnished with nice things and sailing and
elevator muzak and people being nice and partying a lot, and getting a feel
for their extended after-life, walks a guy who greets them with
no more than a nod and makes them rather uncomfortable in their conformity.
Gradually they see that it's Jesus standing before them, and he regards each
with a calm, neutral countenance.

He asks but one thing of these good "liberal" Germans and good Europeans,
who had renounced their ugly Germanness and their boring European culture and values,
to willingly embrace the conformity demanded by a pervasive culture calling itself
The Future as it appeased and appeased and appeased a returning culture of death
which would see to their transformation to docile servitude, dhimmitude, and
unquestioning obedience once and for all.

He asks, "What have you done for the victims of Islam, what have you done
for the least of these, for mine, what have you done to intervene and to rescue?"

Nothing, of course – and none will respond, as there will be nothing to answer
in the continued absence of all comprehension of responsibility. Again.
There is stillness in this friendly heaven of sorts, a light breeze only accentuates it.
There is no thunderclap, no boiling oil for the unrepentant, no casting out or in, and no yelling.
There is only weeping, open, copious tears – and they're from Jesus, only from his eyes.
It is he, who shows himself to be mortified by this crass conformity and cluelessness.

Hell would be preferable than to bear seeing that; even a losing battle here and now is better.
For this would be a heaven of sorts I could really do without.

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