Friday, February 7, 2020

So I Post

To grasp what "voting Trump" was about, let me make this simpler:  First and foremost, one has to grasp the problem.
1. There's a Swamp, centered in DC extending out.
2. Both parties are Swamp, neither is clean.
3. Trump had been a celebrated TV and business personality.
4. Either Trump is a joke, non-serious as a candidate, OR he is, considering how far he'd come, PART OF that Swamp.
5. OR: he means business with Draining it.
6. IF (5), why else would they all be against him with such biting, vicious venomous vitriole - and why is an ever growing majority of voters (including from both parties!) with him?  Voters are leaving the Democrats and going to Trump, more as independents than as "new" Republicans - which actually underscores the point.
7. He can only be the real thing, there is no other explanation - taking all the above into consideration.

We "agree to disagree" is an ineffectual "out" (at best) of a confrontation, especially when using this after one has oneself initiated the ensuing (and therewith abortive) repartee with one's own comment.  But so be it.  It is true that we do NOT need to debate anything - if I post what I post, it's there to inform and/or to trigger or provoke thought, not a pissing contest.

Either whoever reads that gets it or doesn't.  Or leaves it, which is fine.  I'm not some "SJW".  I want to give the reader an impulse to confront oneself with what I am posting about.  I am dead certain about what I post - which doesn't make me "always right", nor has to, as no one ever necessarily is, so much is acknowledged.

Better to say, "We are in strong (or complete, or irreconcileable) disagreement, or opposition, on this", and leave it at that.  I'm not out to convince anyone of anything that one is not interested in being - or not liable (or willing) to be convinced ot or even so much as confronted with, for that matter.

We are finding ourselves faced with a period of such potential in just this and many other regards, and that potential will be met, it will be brought into our lives, manifested, via this President, via Trump and no other.  We owe it to ourselves never to bow to censoring by anyone or from anywhere.  Ever.

TRUMP never "divided the country", no - the unrelentingly orchestrated, organized and coordinated hatred of him, like an "article of faith", with all its oddly normopathic and dysfunctional fervor, certainly DID.
Mutt 'n' Jeff
Now - on another matter:
When certain individuals who are publicly known - two of whom come directly to mind and would be named here if I could, but cannot, the first a Brit from Luton or Leeds, the second an Austrian from Vienna - known for their determined and tireless efforts to draw urgent public attention to real and present dangers (such as child trafficking and grooming in the one case, and the war against free speech and free assembly in either case) - when these are effectively being treated as "Non-Persons", such that FB or YT delete and de-platform not only anything they put up, but FB will likewise delete the accounts of ANYONE for so much as the mere mention of either of their names, printed or in blogging, commenting, even posting either of their images, much less presenting a video nessage or interview:  then there is a very, very serious issue here.  I am neither kidding nor exaggerating on this.

There are three categories of withholding knoweldge from oneself or of having it withheld, that of being:
1. Uninformed: lacking information;
2. Misinformed: by which one is going on wrong or false information, perhaps stubbornly so; and
3. Disinfomred: by which one has been very deliberately misinformed, misled, and told a lie, manipulated, gaslighted.
Analysis is the key to get out of these: one needn't "have the answers" pat, one needs to keep asking the right questions.

So when my assertions do come to fruition and are confimred, we have it on record.  And that still matters to me.  So I post.

(After all...Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.

As surely as Andrew sweats and Merkel shakes.)

Or, just take one hour and 17 minutes to watch the following: Out Of The Shadows - The "Out Of The Shadows" documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of awakened professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video. -

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