Saturday, February 29, 2020

Answer These First

If you cannot answer any one of these ten questions, you've disqualified yourself as incompetent for any discussion on matters directly concerning PizzaGate, PaedoGate, the Clintons, JEpstein.  Or the Trump Administration, for that matter - and why it matters.  To presume to "debate" this with me is as out of the question as would be "debating" the factual reality of the Shoah with an Auschwitz-survivor.

Answer any or more of these questions - at all:

1. What manner of "art" is to be found inside the home of John and Mrs. Podesta, or what is "Spirit Cooking"?
2. What is NXIVM, and who are the Bronfmans?
3. What do Sigmund Freud's grandson, the Podestas, and Portugal have in common - with each other, and with the current UN-Gen.Sec.?
4. Who were "The Finders" - and what did they "find"?
5. Who is Guterres, and what is on his record?
6. What do the the following share in common: Epstein, Brunel, Nygard, Savile, Charles, Andrew, Ukraine, Mossad?
7. Who is Dutroux - and what had been, has been, and still is, the EU's own interest in him?
8. Who was Relotius, and why has German "reporting" so heavily lost its readers and viewers, to the point that only by subsidies based on obligatory fees forced onto the public on pain of prison, can these entities go on existing at all - or, why have CNN, MSNBC, and others likewise lost viewers, Washington Post and others their readerships?
9. Who is Andy Ngo, and what does he know?
10. Who is Tommy Robinson, and why am I no longer on Facebook?

Or, just take one hour and 17 minutes to watch the following: Out Of The Shadows - The "Out Of The Shadows" documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of awakened professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video. -

If you only can afford 8 minutes, however, then go here - and hear this through!  The video appears to be in German, but it's all original English with German subs.  A mother delivers personal confirmation before a live audience, of SRA (ritual satanic abuse) - torture and murder included - out of her own (and others') children's experience -

Nicked For Apprehending A Child Molester
After Tommy's daughter is sexually assaulted in a childrens pool by one of three middle aged men of "Asian persuasion", Tommy gets arrested and charged with assault, and the child molester goes free, to carry on with his day. This is Britain 2020....

Google (now freed up) - Podesta's "art":

NYC Children Being Freed From Underground Tunnels:  Operation Mercy & Comfort -



1) A Bill Cooper Lecture in which he explains Aliens (their presence among us, our collaborations with them, the Alien Treaties), Secret Governments, the Trilateral Commission and an insight into Sercret Government plans to leave the Earth. A great lecture - poor video quality but there's no need to see....just LISTEN! Mr Cooper was a true American Hero, may he rest in peace. -

2) Interview with William Cooper (highly improbably "by CNN") -

Cooper wound up fatally shot in a (supposed) standoff in Nov. 2001.

3) To Serve Man (Welcome to...The Twilight Zone) ADRENOCHROME -

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