Friday, February 28, 2020

Merkel's Next "Reichstag Fire"

A Tragic Tale Of Two Towns - And A Major City 

Or: How #RedGreenGreen Calls The Narrative Of A Banana Republic

1. Night of 19 Feb 2020: Hanau near Frankfurt/Main. Independent eyewitness accounts report seeing three to four males running into a shisha bar - not one of them slightly resembling the "suspect" touted in all the papers, but I'll come back to that - and firing at random on those inside as well as on those seeking refuge outside, killing nine - all migrants.

See following for Hanau details: HANAU: And How FF Works -

2. The State, the Unity-Bloc of Merkel parties, the entire mockingbird media machine of jaded journalists from the propaganda-press, exploit this (if not in fact having staged this, as we maintain) for their concerted campaign against the AfD (in general and immediately prior to the Hamburg elections). They immediately place the necessarily, obligatorily "right-wing German" suspect as a certain Tobias R. (43), who is found directly following the incident, shot dead at his parents' residence, next to his likewise fatally shot mother (76) - while his father (a known GREENS politician), sits quite alive and unharmed in some corner of the residence. He is not arrested as a potential suspect here, but approached as witness and taken off in cuffs to the psych ward. They watch out for their own.

3. The Federal Attorney General admits in public having once received - and subsequently dismissed and ignored - a wild letter from their now conveniently dead "suspect" Tobias R. The same Tobias R. who had been since found rambling on FB-videos (I'm coming back to that) with a "manifesto" of strongly paranoic and delusional sounding mass-genocide fantasies encompassing pretty much everyone "out there". The same Tobias R. who lived remarkably close to the vicinity of a Hanau-based cult/sect and its sizeable film industry which had made its state-sponsored wealth on a) enslaving its own members, of school age, as film crew, b) culling its actors from Merkel-loyal agencies, and (pay attnetion here) c) producing material for shows, docus and specials featuring the bogus "Threat From The Right", doing all its part in helping to spread Merkel's "#Kampf_gegen_Rechts" program of intimidation, slander and libel, and open persecution of conservative critical voices and parties (the latter being only and exclusively the AfD). Taking into account (a), (b) and especially (c), one close look at the screenshots of his videos has us pondering, from what location these were made; our theory is that they may have been made in just such one of their studios, perhaps even reading his manifesto-text or similar material from something written for him to deliver - and given his evident state of mind, deception and mind-control may well play into his sense of persecution and paranoia, taking these at face value.

4. The Federal AG had dismissed the above mentioned letter, choosing not to undertake the least investigative measures, according to his own admission, strictly because "it ocntained nothing recognizably right-wing" - and therefore merited no interest. Yet despite the impression that he should be stepping down or driven out of office for a gravely questionable and ideological stance on that content, and having betrayed all public trust in that office - he is now "taking this on" with the responsibility of this office". After the massacre, and on account of that "manifesto" which had likewise given in its rambling content no indication of "right wing" sympathies, influence by or sympathies toward any political direction or party - none whatsoever. The AG is "taking this on", but not before letting every party and media rag or broadcast declare that it was all "right-wing", that it was definitely and necessarily Tobias R. (at all) - and the fault lay conveniently, obligatorily, and in true disinformation and smear campaign style: "with the AfD".

5. Turkish media asserts that the police in Hanau were informed prior to the attack there. Numerous eye-witnesses, largely the clientele of the shisha bar, assert with certainty - some on camera, some on non-visual recording - that not one of the males they'd observed approaching and firing into the crowd or fleeing from the scene resembled the now dead "lone shooter" named Tobias R. held up by the press and hailed by the Merkelackeys from the Left side of that spectrum to the Left.

6. Afternoon of 24 Feb 2020: Annual Rosenmontag/Carneval festiviteis,parade, in Volkmarsen. As in the case of Hanau, the international press reports without concealment what information they have, whereas the German presstitutes obediently conceal or massage fact after fact. Here, a Moroccan (29) - by French news account - with German ID and residency ploughed his very high class model Mercedes into a crowd, largely including children, in the midst of the traditional Rosenmontag opening of Carneval. The driver had no alcohol in his blood, no drugs either. He'd managed to skillfully maneuver around every police barrier in place around the event. And he had clearly, by all accounts (police and eye-witness) aimed at the children. The toll is now at 60+ injured, about a third of whom critically, and roughly half of that total being those children. As far as we know, no fatalities.

7. German police were giving out no information outside of his age, first he was "intoxicated", then that was retracted, he "wasn't" that - no name, no origins, no motive, no address, just "German and a resident of the vicinity" - in stark contrast to Hanau. The same Federal AG "taking over" the Hanau case has placed a muzzle on this one, the police have refused to comment. as he now "takes over" this "investigation" as well. The trick in those two words - "German" and "resident" - is that this is is what they also always call any migrant with a German pass or ID - handed out these days like candy. So that you shouldn't know. It's their game, and we're the "racists" for calling them out on it.

8. Note: No German runs a class-A Mercedes into a crowd, for two reasons. I know Germans, they haven't the heart to risk putting a scratch on their own Mercedes. They also would never even imagine ploughing into a crowd of other Germans, of parents and grandparents and children - or even animals, if you will - catching them right in a thoroughly German Rosenmontag parade. A crowd of anyone, of course, but my point is that if they need "another Bad German" from their cliché-basket of "right-wing loose cannons", the stagers of this FalseFlag certainly chose the wrong event. They'll have their work cut out for them "explaining" this one. Unless: he was a Leftist. Bad framing, that. Or: and we had not considered this - he'd converted to Islam as a jihadi. That latter might explain the French "Moroccan" if in fact they've caught a native German. As yet unconfirmed information from a consistently good source, he had recently converted to Islam. It remains to be seen, but I'm putting it out there now, as updates are always in order when data is either confirmed or bettered. Turkish media asserts that the police in Hanau were informed prior to the attack there.

9. At least a couple thousand "Anti"fa thugs and every other normopathic Left-extreme supporter of a despotic Merkel's Plan for a re-booted DDR, howled and hounded at the doors of the AfD offices in Hamburg, just following the Hanau incident, screaming for blood. Why Hamburg? The elections were on, and guess what: The SPD, otherwise the most failing party in Germany, just cleaned up, with the Greens coming in a strong second, and the SED-Linke just trailing a couple points behind the CDU still made up for its slack by combining with the SPD (with whom it shares the color red) and the Greens (whose color is, to form a completely dominant RedRedGreen Hamburg coalition of as far Left as Socialism can offer. It has been found that the AfD didn't even hold its 7% in Hamburg on account of a hefty conservative-middle-class votership, but rather - and here is the irony which exposes the Left all the more: the AfD gianed more via the working class and via migrant voters. Imagine that. The AfD, meanwhile, after sending out a tactically very bad circular to its membership calling for a self-critical introspection in the aftermath of Hanau, which the Left would certainly use against the party, then held a press conference to field "questions" inquisitorially levelled at them (confirming that point), taking to the defensive in a severely troubling, untactical move on their part, when they should have gone on the offensive in the face of the smear campaign in the wake of the Hanau attack. This underscores the difference between the West German AfD and the East. The Saxons and the Thuringians would never be caught trying this. That "press" conference was eating them alive - it didn't matter how sound the arguments, how clear the answers, the "questions" just kept being barked and re-barked as if the AfD had said nothing at all. And they should have known better, for all their experience with a hostile, Left-hysterical, pre-conditioned "press". That federal level AfD Chair Gauland (who was present) had been 40 years in the CDU, and the more seasoned "journalists" present would have known this, they knew him, they'd known each other, they knew Gauland is as unlikely right-wing as can be. Doesn't matter. He still thinks by the old rules, they play by the new.

10. For the nine murdered Muslims there has already been a huge turnout for their memorial service. In attendance, as was the case not long ago in Berlin at the funeral of a big shot (who'd been shot) among the Clan gangsters, like something out of a Mafia scene, were conspicuously many Clan males and very very few women. That the Clans have police intimidated and subdued, hiding at home from threats on their own persons and families, on pain of retaliation and/or death, is a long well established fact. Did you think it was the other way around, that the Clan hides at home to avoid arrest by the Big Tough Cops? Ha! But not only are the police intimidated, judges and DAs as well. Oh, yes. And this long well-established fact is overlooked or denied or ignored for the most part, by the prestige-presstitutes of the corporate media here. (The same which cannot once properly, objectively report on President Trump or his accomplishments, only their framing narrative. Likewise concerning the AfD.) Merkel always, and only, shows up (if at all) to memorials where they concern migrants - to drive home her German-loathing, German-baiting point: Of indifference toward all the countless knifings, rapes, physical attacks and verbal aggression, and murders, levelled at native Germans, on an ever increasing basis. All these, regardless of either gender and of any age, she leaves cold. Every time, every time. For she is cold-blooded toward all - toward her migrants as well, certainly toward the very Germans she'd been sworn into office three times to serve and to protect. The latter she openly disgraced and dissed in a public display of throwing down the national colors at her second victory celebration - much in the manner of Nancy Pelosi shredding the President's State of the Union text earlier this month.

11. The "#Kampf_gegen_Rechts" and persecution of the AfD got cranked up from the start, everything was already in place. If they can milk it after the Rosenmontag Mercedes attack, they certainly will. And just have: One Maurice Pahle - and I am waiting to find out where they cooked him up. Is he a Muslim convert? Where did the French journalists know of a Moroccan? One might wonder who's running the deception here, if it weren't for the fact that we already know the German DeepState is determined to run its FalseFlag. The framing has to fit the narrative - but if it doesn't? "So what?" The public is that stupid. They keep voting Merkel, don't they.

12. There are three solid theories behind what happened, how, and why, in Hanau - not to mention Rosenmontag or Halle, NSU or in the case of the high-ranking Lübcke assassination, or the 1980s La Belle attack in Berlin (conveniently blamed on Qadhaffi). They are based on factual historical and present analysis, and they involve the secret services, the Intel and paramilitary arms of the same, and this is entirely real without the least fabrication. These are found below in two German language links. In the meantime, consider this: On the same day as the Hanau attack, a further tightening, i.e., intensification of the already two year old Censorship Law which had been illegally pushed through the Bundestag for fast and undebated ratification then, has just been pushed through the same Bundestag - this time with a full house and only the AfD holding against it. All other parties of the Merkel Unity Bloc passed it - it is now in effect. It entails now still harsher measures against the internet (FB, Youtube, etc.), against what they nebulously call "#HateSpeech". The moment the Hanau attack played into their hands, these political entities tightened and intensified the gun control laws to completely disarm the population, even where hunting and sport are concerned. This is real, this is now.

13. In East German Halle last October, not a single Jew attending Yom Kippur services at that synagogue came anywhere close to injury. Because they weren't meant to, they were not actually the intended hits - just the impression of actual danger was needed to frame that narrative. The two dead non-Jewish Germans - who cared? Certainly not Merkel. She (but only later), and her troops of Merkelackey (without missing a beat), beat feet to that synagogue and that congregation - and swam in an ocean of staged shock, crocodile tears, and photo-ops. All that for a "shaken" Jewish congregation whose own rabbi had sent the police watch home instead of having them on hand just prior to that FF. The only Jews there who had reason to be shaken were, for example the JAfD member who told in interview how horrific the atmosphere of dense hostility toward the AfD there was.

14. Just to wrap this up, let me point out that, while in the (East German) Thuringian state legislature, where the AfD is reasonably strong, the chairfemale of the SED-Linke inheritor-party of the DDR told the public on a mainstream TV talk show how "fascist" the AfD colleagues there really are: They stoop to such "low tactics" as to "grin at you" in the elevator, or to invite you over for a coffee. That really is too much fascism for anyone. Yes, no satire here at all, she said that and she meant that - they do not have humor, they cannot see the vapid, insipid irony coming out of their own mouths. Really. And Jörg Meuthen, our AfD-man in the EU "Parliament", tells us that no one there will so much as shake his hand, they literally tend to avoid him. Very Monty Python. Thank God the Brits finally freed themselves of the EU. The Brits can do well enough with their own comedy.

If you can follow the German, THIS is for you! Three urgently plausible theories based on what is known and established fact:

Magnet Analyse zu Hanau - erkenne das ganze Bild - Eine Woche nach der Mordnacht von Hanau analysiere ich in diesem Video die Bluttat. Und: Was das Establishment daraus gemacht hat. Fest steht: Die Nachwirkungen dieses 19. Februar in Hanau, werden uns noch lange beschäftigen – daher ist es wichtig, die Ereignisse richtig einzuordnen. Es geht heute um die Frage, ob die offizielle Version dieser mörderischen Attacke stimmen kann, denn immerhin gibt es erstmals zahlreiche, medial dokumentierte Zeugenaussagen, die der offiziell verbreiteten Version des Einzeltäters widersprechen.
Vor allem geht es eine Woche nach der Tat aber darum, dass wir Hanau richtig in die absolut brisante Gesamtlage einordnen können – es ist wesentlich zu verstehen, was nun auf uns zukommt. -


Here is a non-native German citizen, one may presume a young Arab woman, telling it like it is in Hanau - her own Twitter AUDIO:

1) The "Arab Mafia out of Frankfurt" had commited the nine murders plus that of the projected "suspect" and his mother - those of the migrant community KNOW this, they know how the Merkelmedia is milking this against the AfD and some (the Turks) are helping milk it - and she explains that Tobias R., the dead "suspect" who had had a background in banking, was already in the crosshairs of this Arab Clan-Mafia for his having helped them in money laundering, and whatever had gone sour over that.

2) And she reminds us in unmistakeable terms, mincing no words, that the Clans rule - the police, even judges, are cowed in their own houses, where - like the "Anti"fa, only with these guys it's really business - they will be visited with "offers they can't refuse".

3) The Red/Red/Green (SPD+SED/Linke+Greens) dominated Frankfurt/Hanau political cadavre-in-the-making is entirely responsible for this climate. Now THAT's a real Climate Disaster to discuss. These, and the CDU, are covering up for the the Arab Mafia, via the media and the secret services, And you can go to the bank with that.

4) And her words COMPLETELY UNDERSCORE exactly what we had read in the Q-drop at the time, and what we likewise maintain, from experience - and stand by that: That this was (another in a series) a False Flag. Like Halle last October, for example, without question. And likewise the Rosenmontag incident, just followng on the heels of Hanau. Likewise Berlin-Breitscheidplatz (you thought we'd forget?) - Merkel had declared open war on the Germans the day she'd flung open the floodgates at the borders and removed all controls.

5) For those still not wanting to get it, fine - which is like going to a World Cup Soccer match, sitting in the bleachers, turning your back on the field, turning up your headphones to drown it out, and then telling everyone you "were there".

6) And THIS is what we are talking about, have been talking about since years, have been on the streets, have posted (and gotten blocked) concerning, and will continue to report and to advise on: that the MerkelState with her Unity Party work together - via media and secret services - with migrant criminal Clans, and place the one opposition and sole democratic counterweight to this outrage (the AfD) in the firing line.
Jetzt wird's spannend: Die muslimische Community macht einen Araber-Clan aus Frankfurt für die Hinrichtungen in #Hanau verantwortlich!
Außerdem bezweifeln die Moslems die veröffentlichte Presse- und Politversion.


Dr. Danlele Ganser im Gespräch: Stay-Behind Geheimarmeen (ZDF) - Der Schweizer Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser hat mit ZDF-Journalist Ulrich Stoll von der Sendung „Frontal-21“ über die NATO-Geheimarmeen und das Stay-Behind Netzwerk gesprochen.

Ganser erklärt, dass in Deutschland auch frühere Nazis in den Stay-Behind Geheimarmeen dienten.

In Italien trug die Geheimarmee den Codenamen „Gladio“ und war in Terroranschläge verwickelt, um im Rahmen der Strategie der Spannung die Bevölkerung in Angst und Schrecken zu versetzen. Die Geheimarmeen waren vielen Parlamentariern nicht bekannt und daher illegal.

Die NATO-Geheimarmeen wurden am Ende des Kalten Krieges 1990 aufgelöst. Der Beitrag wurde von ZDF am 3. Dezember 2013 gesendet. -

Merkel's Next  "Reichstag Fire".  Capisce?

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