Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The "Denazification" Which Never Happened


NOW IMAGINE THIS: You have MERKEL with Georgia On Her Mind - no, not our Georgia, the one in the Caucasus, that Georgia - and she's singing along with this men's choir, a song which the GDR claimed as its own (and is Merkel's own stated FAVORITE), but was IN FACT composed under the "Third Reich". You read that right, now read it again: a Wehrmacht song, "We Love The Storm", by National-Socialists, included in the repertoire of the GDR-Socialists, and - while ALL traditional military songs have now been stricken from all Bundeswehr songbooks, by InterNational-Socialist Merkel's arrogantly and destructively incompetent, fatuously unfit, and unsuitably inexperienced Defense-Functionary Uschi von der Leyen, in the State's massively-hyped and excessively over-budgeted "Fight-Against-Rightwingness" - MERKEL goes and sings this with visible delight along with these Georgians.  (I haven't seen her like this since she's swooned like a five-year-old in Obama's arms.)


Meanwhile, you see, also present - and clearly uncomfortable with hearing a well-known Nazi-composed song being struck up and Germoney's own sitting (when she's not waddling) ChanceLiar making a point of joining in - the supposedly "Nazi" AfD representatives at a corner table quite wishing they were elsewhere. At the end you see MERKEL weirdly casting a "side-glance of triumph" their way, indicating that at least in HER mind she's still really sitting securely in her fourth abysmal term in (flagrant abuse of) Office.

When Q indicated that she was "Hitler's daughter" what was meant was daughter-in-spirit, because, as Q also pointed out, Germoney - whose Federal Republic was and still is a provisional government entity, and still not sovereign; that it is in FACT still governed (minus certain points) under the "Third Reich" books, it is still in that sense National-Socialist. The much touted but largely bogus "Denazification" never took place, or rather was never a fait accompli. This doesn't mean Germoney has that "Nazi problem" as it's shamelessly hyped by the political elite and the media - it DOES mean that the Nazi problem is the political elite themselves, and Merkel herself above all. She is in fact fulfilling Hitler's own plans for EUrope, just without the military MO.

Q has stated in no uncertain terms, as has the International Court in a decision just recently ruling against post-WWII German reparations to Italians likewise stated - and was reported (completely unnoticed of course) on mainstream TV-news - that the German Federal Republic is factually (not "open to interpretation" but factually) still the legal successor to the National-Socialist "Third Reich", and as such still held on enemy footing, i.e., occupied status, i.e., not sovereign.

By not completing any Denazification whatsoever, Germoney never became sovereign, and with the Bundeswehr being deconstructed under Uschi's motherly hand, and the ethnic German populace being replaced by a world of Muslim Diversity from Afghanistan to Morocco and an open door policy beginning in December for a lion king's share of 250-300 million Africans to take Europe by storm (Oh, did I say storm again? Shame on me.), this soon to be ex-nation among ex-nations under the New Soviet umbrella of the EU out of Brussels will never get that chance it might have had to denazify itself and actually pay(!) reparations, co-sign actual peace accords, or to become sovereign and actually democratic.

Of course, doing so would be to vote AfD and bring responsible democratic political change and a return from this inevitable socialist extremism (brown or red) back to a conservative and balanced system of governing, a rule by constitutional law and intelligent decision-making, a case for sovereignty once and for all - and secure borders.

But instead - and alas, I'm afraid we're still stuck with Merkel, and her singing Nazis:





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