Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Chemistry Behind Chemnitz: Part II, Breakthrough and Triumph

Update to the Evening in Chemnitz after we'd left:


First let it be known, that on that first Sunday, a week ago, the alleged "manhunt on asylum seekers" which had been disinformatively spread across every mainstream rag (from "high-brow" to tabloid, from Germany and its talk shows to CNN, NYT, and on and on) was in fact nothing of the sort, it never occurred.  There was in fact an actual hunt PERPETRATED BY the "Anti"fa ON (the murdered) Daniel Hillig's friends.  These were attacked by Leftwing extremists, by the officially subsidized, permissively down-played, politically pampered terrorists of the "Anti"fa, who attacked Daniel's friends with iron bars delivering fractures and broken noses.  Some of these friends of Daniel's are stil recovering in the hospital as of this writing.  Where do we know this from?  Certainly not the press, do we.  We know this directly from his own circle of friends who, notwithstanding Daniel Hillig's own Left-leaning viewpoints on matters of the day, had gratefully joined the one single show of solidarity and mourning, of memorial dignity, which came in vast, vast numbers and exclusively from the AfD, from Pegida, from Pro-Chemnitz.  Yes, from the "Bad Guys".  From the Patriots.

But first to back up a little bit in the factual narrative:  We had left the Demo with heavy heart after the polcie, as I'd explained in Part I, forced us rather than the "Anti"fa to disperse and "go home".  We had arrived in an AfD-chartered bus, and this bus was returning to Berlin at 9pm sharp.  So it being nearly 8, the appointed time to group up again, we all headed back to where the AfD has its small headquarters in town and then from there to the bus.  I tell this at all only by way of remarking on that return route, how clean the streets had remained considering we were a steady train of at least 30,000 strong.  Had this been the Left rather than us, those streets would have been left looking like real shit.

The "Anti"fa is confirmed to have been attempting small-group attacks on our Demo, which had apparently also kept the police busy.  (On the Demo side there had been three long-vehicles with water cannon - on the "counter-demo" side, with characteristicaly mental, frothing screams of "Germany is shit!" and "Never again Germany!" and "Nazis Out!", were 11 such long-vehicles with water cannon.  And not one was put to use.)

The Palestinian activist Fuad Adjani's social-network call for Muslims to come in thousands to confront us in our attempt to honorably hold vigil a murdered Chemnitz citizen - and to assert our completely legal right to hit the streets and do just that - had to come to terms with a no-show for all the trouble he'd taken.

After we had left, a large part of the Demo stayed and formed a legally sanctioned spontaneous Demo which requires no registration, it's core being Chemnitzers themselves and supporters amounting to perhaps 200 or more in number.  They held forth and after a while the police - surprisingly enough - relented and let them pass on to the memorial spot where Daniel had been murdered a week earlier with over 25 (not the mainstream reported "five") stab wounds, this spot with wreath, cross, bouquets, votive candles, some photos.  This spot where the entire Demo of tens of thousands had just earlier that same evening intended for its objective end point.  No more and no less.  So at the end of the day, or of the evening, these 200 or so determined remaining had arrived at this spot, and was satisfied to hold the planned vigil after all.

Out of these a small number of what identifiably were radical-right, of whom a small number got into tussles with reporters from the Left-dominated press and then with the police, who responded with night sticks. The radicals were without doubt further agent-provocateurs sent there or at least abetted by the Verfassungsschutz, whose stated function is to place certain radical elements under observation - and whose internally stated function (and I have law enforcement sources on this) is to likewise foment agitation and violence, using left and right radicals and usign the paparazzi as well.  All this is small potatoes however, compared to what destruction the "Anti"fa is commonly wont to wreak on the streets, on public and private property, on police personnel.  Even in light of this scuffle, the 200 patriotic Chemitzers maintained dignity and discipline, they kept their act together.  And they'd gotten through.  With police no longer working against them, and the "Anti"fa nearly absent at this juncture.

While the press nonetheless relentlessly cranks out its disinformative narrative, at least Ruptly was there filming - its fake.news commentary notwithstanding (i.e., the rolling pictures don't lie, only their rolling commentary.  The Demonstrators gathered themseves stood together unite, holding a spirited but entirely sober, dignified vigil and witness for the murdered Daniel Hillig.

Daniel's friend spoke.  He spoke of Daniel and the triumph of all those standing there.  He spoke of the loss of the simple application of German laws which, had these not been discarded under Merkel's systematic dismantling and destruction of all that has held this country together, would have seen Daniel Hillig still alive today.  And many, many other victims of Merkel's grotesque plan.

Daniel's friend showed a photo of a vibrantly alive Daniel, taken just five hours before his murder.  He spoke of Daniel's wife and children.  And he pointed out, that "if we were 'Nazis' this would all look different here this evening!  But we gathered and came non-violently - so do me and do Daniel Hillig a favor:  Keep it up and keep it non-violent, don't give in to anyone's provocation!"

Then they sang the national anthem.  And they broke up naturally and on their terms as normal citizens.  That a few radical individuals - and they were no more than that - attacked some baiting mainstream reporters is frankly entirely understandable from my point of view, given the grotesque press propaganda and whipped-up hysteria.

And as one could only expect from this baiting.press:  exclamations behind the cameras, of "How could it come to this!..."  What?  How could it come to hundreds standing at a memorial for someone just murdered (himself a known Left.suppporter) and honoring the dignity of his memory and then calling it a night and heading home?  After hours of being prevented by "Anti"fa and communist politicians under Merkel's good graces from doing merely this, and by the significant presence of riot police whose necessity was, as always, only due at all to the "Anti"fa - or to the "thousands of whipped-up Muslims" who never even showed?

This memorial gathering at the end had to be forced through by courageous Chemnitzers.  And that all could have been avoided - it could have been this simple, this uncomplicated, this nonviolent, and this successful in the first place:  had it not been for the exact GDR/Stasi strategy and tactics on the part of the State - both federal out of Berlin and state-level there in Saxony, from Merkel to mayor, from SPD to The Left (with their entire subsidized, artificially mobilized "Anti"fa), from Verfassungsschutz and the Interior (federal and state), down to the last cop in riot gear.  Of course, had it not been for the fact that Germany's most vicious and venomous, self-declared arch-enemy is occupying the highest position there in the Chancellory and has been for 13 years - and has no intention of leaving her (abuse of) Office - Daniel would not have had to be sacrificed on her altar of #OpenBorders at all cost.


For it is an established fact which even is leaking into the mainstream feeds from time to time, but already long known and confirmed by those with inside sources - which really are literally inside sources, if one would only read them, watch and listen to them - that the system of justice and law enforcement are not only compromised or corrupt, they are completely bought, brainwashed, gleichgeschaltet (to borrow from the Third Reich and the GDR, as both were socialist) to an extent and with a "mission" known best under the totalitarian, doctrinaire Group-Think of Socialism.

Many of these steadfast Chemitzers were the women - wives, mothers, grandmothers, aunts - yeah, some "partiarchy".  So where's this "Third Reich" thing?...


So if the "Nazis" finally got in the end what they'd wanted - namely this - and headed home, who are really "the Nazis"?  Who is the enmy here?  Who really are the hate-spewers, the agitators of hysteria, the despots, the indoctrinators and the indoctrinated, the ideologues, the brainwashed, who are the totalitarian fascists, who carry the influence, and who the grotesque power, who spread the grotesque lies and the dangerously smug, self-adulating and self-serving fake-narratives?  Merkel and her entire Cabinet, her legions of sycophants who will jump ship when it hits, her passive dumbed-down votership as it shrinks in the polls.  And the talk show hosts, the yellow-journalists, Stasi establishment brought over with Merkel after a failed "Reunification".

Bianca T., Daniel Hillig's widow, is quoted in a bona-fide Fake-Interview in the national tabloid rag BILD, in the characteristically maudlin manner in which this paper generally leads or fabricates its interviews, that we who'd marched on Saturday were "not doing this in Daniel's spirit, eh would never have wanted this, he was neither left nor right, we just want our peace..."  How interesting  The FACT is, Daniel was an active supporter of the party The Left, of the Merkelian "refugee"-policy.  His own friends, one of whom spoke at the end as mentioned above, had been the targets of the one "manhunt" there had ever been, just not as the press (and world press) had reported it:  it was they who had been chased down and beaten bloody by the "Anit"fa, goddamnit!  And Daniel's wife Bianca happens to be active with Pro-Chemnitz who had held a Demo and then joined onto ours (the AfD- and Pegida-led one) that very Saturday before this "interview" was ever fabricated and published.

And of course, the abominably, unspeakably grotesque "Free Concert" featuring the most low-brow punk-and-grunge "Anti"fa-bands with no talent and thoroughly vomitous "lyrics" - all financed and unabashedly promoted by the very highest ranking political (SPD and CSU) and celebrity elite, trade unions, commercial industries, all united in showing the world how "safe and colorful" - and how socialist - Germany is, in its "model tolerance", its "world-openness", its pathological denial and Stockholm-Syndromatic death-dance of a nihilistic naiveté heading right over the Abyss.  And THIS all, two evenings after our memorial vigil, and likwise at the very same spot where Daniel had died on account of their "argument".

The "concert" followed a "Good-German" one-minute-of-silence for Daniel; before breaking out into the celebratory self-satisfied frenzy of headbanging and hopping they'd actually only come for, as a "statement-against-the-right", you see.  This "Concert-for-Heart-Against-Hate", as it was billed (calling itself #WeAreMore, much like the Leninist Bolsheviks who were really minority Mensheviks sold themselves as a "majority" to win the masses - and it worked then...), intended to whip-up more mass hysteria of "tolerance" for Merkel's chronically integration-resistant - and spite and vitriole against critical conservative voices and patriots, a "concert" for more denunciation and defamation.

This "concert" was literally promoted toward families as an actually targeted attending public, by none less than the Federal German President (!) personally - an avid socialist - featuring, as he himself would well know, bands specializing in graphic and threatening hate-lyrics toward police, toward everthing and everyone German, and in loads of graphically obscene lyrics so family-inappropriate that even I cannot print it here, and which no sane responsible parent would dream of exposing his or her young children to for one single moment - but hey, I digress.  Welcome to Merkel-Land 2018.  After all, school curricula is already being genderized here as well as in the States, with drag queens indoctrinating pre-schoolers in "sexual- and gender-diversity".

I am proud today of the Chemnitzers - and we were proud to stand with them two days ago.

I will appropriately close with a warning given by an Italian post-WWII socialist politician, Ignazio Silone:  "When fascism returns, it won't say, 'Look here, I'm fascism'.  No, it will say, 'I am anti-fascism'."...

PART I - http://samuelinayatchisti.blogspot.com/2018/09/the-chemistry-behind-chemnitz-spirit-of.html

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