Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Chemistry Behind Chemnitz - Part I, Spirit of '89

The Last Week of August 2018, First Week of September:
13th Year of Merkel's Acid Reign

"In Germany, the one who points out the filth is regarded as more dangerous than the one who put the filth there." (Kurt Tucholsky, journalist in the 1920s)

The printed, radio and televised press here, and in the EU-dominated West (and as one sees in the States) have long since-sold out their reputation as even relatively objective journalists sniffing out the facts.  Fake-news and baseless denunciation are what they peddle, even as they have been bought and brainwashed. Those who will not, or can no longer, tend to be fired or thow in the towel and leave their employers, even go independent.

THIS is what the world press' twisted, manipulating, libelous - and frankly entirely false, misleading - assertion that Chemitz is "proof" of "German Nazis on the march", every German-hater's wet-dream - THIS is what Chemnitz is going through, and what the Merkel-State, the Merkel-Press and the Failed Journalism of the mainstream press EU-wide, worldwide, DOES NOT want you to understand, to comprehend, to reflect upon. They do not want you to think, and are using ALL of their enormous resources to make sure you do not think.

But one free mind they cannot reach, is already a power above them. And the more tens and hundreds of thousands of free minds hitting the streets, informing and demonstrating, is without question their greatest fear. They love the staged pussy-hat marches and the Big "Reality"-Show.

We show up as we are, and call THE reality by name.

Resist denial.
Question authority.
Challenge group-think.
Leave the bubble.
Eschew obfuscation.
Come home to your senses.

My Rana and I have assiduously researched over the past four years, I have posted on FB in German and in English, videos/kommentaries/articles/information, I have written and posted from my blog, I have delivered public addresses (likewise posted on my Facebook page from Youtube), and can confirm what, for example, former federal police officer Stefan Schubert exposes in his newest bestselling work The Destabilisation of Germany - and this handbook for the reality-interested, in turn confirms - in still more harrowing detail - what we have been covering these four years.

A pathological conformism, or normopathy, marked by a deep-seated hypocrisy and cowardice, dominates both the narrative shoved on the population and the latter's own receptivity toward the narrative of, for example, the Asylum Industry - as that is what it is.  The Merkel Cartel and it's entire mainstream press - add to this the same far-left slanted monopoly-press in the rest of Western EUrope and in the U.S. - either overlook or downplay, or else actually subsidize, promote or rationalize the twisted eratic behavior driving "Anti"fa or "SJW"s to bash, censor, shout down, drown out, smash property, character-assassinate, with carte-blanche.

A real background on Chemnitz since a least 2017, a town in Eastern Germany with a native population of about 244,000 - which returned to its original name, replacing what four decades of Socialism had laden it with: Karl-Marx-Stadt - and a typically ugly chunk of socialist monumental art.

Chemnitz has seen, since 2016 and throughout 2017 to the present, ever growing violence in the form of verbal attacks, physical intimidation and attacks, knife attacks, and rapes - specifically on the part of Merkel's Muslim Migrants - illegal and non-legitimate "asylum"seekers, "refugees", who have slipped in on the wave of unvetted, unconditionally and illegally invited actual refugees (who themselves make up somewhere under 10% of those coming).

Already in 2017 the annual City Street Festival had to be shut down on account of exactly this manner of "enrichment" for German culture.  The political actors, and the entire mainstream press which is there to serve the EU's and Merkel's cynical and calculated Asylum Industry like the cult it is, ignore this fact, and this year's City Fest was closed down (for one day) during the last week of August, on the publicized false premise that "right-wingers" and "neo-Nazis" were storming the streets and "menacing the public peace"!

NO - what had happened is, a Chemnitz born German of Cuban descent, in fact himself a supporter of said Merkel policy in all its marked failure, was murdered on the open street by a group of beneficiaries of that policy.

Daniel Hillig, the Cuban-German, an avid soccer fan and welcome face among one or another soccer club there, was with two German pals of Russian descent, and they were all out together with three or so women friends.  The one double-narrative which does still need clarification is whether one of the women (or some woman) was being sexually accosted, in fact threatened with rape, and that these had come to her aid - or whether it was an outcome of the three guys at the ATM being accosted.  According to what we do have, I have to go with the latter version entirely, so I will stick with that, as the first narrative would be plausible but has not proven to be the case, rather the latter.

Our Cuban-German and two Russian-Germans left the ladies on a bench and went together to an ATM to get cash.  They were approached by a Syrian, an Iraqi - and a third still unidentified because still on the loose - three Merkel-beneficiaries, who tried to force them to give up their ATM-card.  These refused, and knives were pulled.  Who carries knives in every such case, without exception?  The proud and heroic bringers of "The-Religion-Of-Peace", and no one else.  The result of a failed robbery:  one Cuban-German murdered on the spot with over 25 stab wounds (whereby the wild-fire self-copying press still maintains it was "only" five, having no idea of the enriching Muslim art of, two critically wounded Russian-Germans (one of whom had been rumored, still unconfirmed, to have died on ICU).  I spoke of three illegal aliens, but they had already called in a few more, on their cell-phones.  The two arrested have been confirmed as violence-prone serial criminals with records, who should have long since been deported according to law but are being permitted to remain, under Germany's progresssively illegal law-changes and law-bending - not only on Merkel's watch, but in fact, in letter and in spirit, from her own directives.

The Chemnitz population which still has a healthy impulse left in it, had had enough of all this, and with rapid spontaneity responded by hitting the streets on the following day. Were they furious, were they determinedly bent on showing a presence?  Yes.  Did they "shut down" the festival?  No, the far-Left City officialdom did that, to play off the angry demonstrators as a "right-wing mob" and simultaneously as a faked (altogether belated and therefore transparent) gesture of piety for the murdered.  Was there "mob-rule" and so much as one single verifiable xenophobic attack on those streets?  NO, all the invention of one "Anti"fa bullshitter, and the Press bought it and ran with it.  Were there, among the upward to 12,000 demonstrating, actual right-wing extremists and "Neos" represented?  Yeah, some 50 to at most 100 - made to order, completely focused on by said Press - neither wanted there by nor identified with, by the 12,000 really normal and really civilly behaving citizens of Chemnitz, nor by the Pegida-Dresdeners who had joined them - all of whom the Press seemed to have overlooked in its own frenzy to have it's "Nazis" at all cost to any rmeaningful shred of objective, professional journalism.

In short, no interest by said Press in the incident  of murder which had aroused the still entirely legal gathering of 12,000 on those streets, and no interest in the confirmed and verified fact that if anyone, the "Anti"fa itself had swarmed in and jeered, thrown bottles and trash at, and physically attacked both demonstrators and police personnel.  Interestingly - and even the Press couldn't help this - the visibly right-extreme who were there for the Press' satisfaction, had themselves shown "surprising" self-discipline insofar as breaking out and going off on anyone is concerned.  They mooned the "Anti"fa, and any scuffles or slugfest which occurred was entirely between these two groupings of total mongos.  No "foreigners or foreign-looking" were in fact attacked.  But the Germany-hostile world-normapathic public cannot let go of this pathological need for German-bashing.

Consider this:  In West-German Offenburg just this past month, a doctor and his assistant were likewise and in like manner murdered by a knife-wielding, likewise illegal immigrant-by-Merkel's-grace.  And like our German-born Cuban victim-of-the-week in Chemnitz, as it turns out, the doctor also had been well known for being Left-leaning in his views and activity, his "engagement" as the Merkel-marketing loves to call it, for refugees, for assisting in the hopeless venture of integration and making "a better life" for everyone coming aboard, at every taxpayer's cost.

And who went to the streets notwithstanding the doctor's own fatally naive position, and who held respectful mourning for one more of Merkel's blood-soaked victims?  The Left?  Not on your life, nor on their decadent one.  And who hit the streets in Chemnitz immediately last week, one day afterward - and again yesterday, despite all the bad press and in the face of the real mass-mob-psychology -  for the same kind of person falling victim to his own welcome-refugees position?  Yes, for a Chemnitz-born Cuban socialist who'd voted party of The Left, felt right about Merkel's "refugees", and at the same time was regarded as a brother among the soccer fans and a welcome face in their clubs?  Who hit those Chemnitz streets to mourn - and yesterday we made the trip out and were there with them, who?!  Well, who indeed:  the citizens of Chemnitz and more, who have come to demonstrate that enough is enough, who alone have the piety to place wreaths, votive candles, bouquets of flowers, hold minutes of silence, hold vigil, hold on to the last threads of decency remaining amid this country's mad affinity for Socialism and climate of totalitarian autocracy!  We "Nazis", that's who.

And the hounds of the Left, the German SJWs, the "Anti"fa, and the sitting parties who literally foster them (the SPD, The Left, The Greens, even the ex-conservative CSU, sister to Merkel's Communist Demonic Union party), all of these piss all over this, and use their press to piss on it with a vengeance - they are bitter because we have the decency to mourn (just to name two) victims in a litany of just such victims of violent attacks, abuse, rapes, and murder (reduced to "manslaughter" here unless a German should happen to commit it) which have skyrocketed since September 2015 when Merkel and her crew opened the floodgates, threw open the borders to Europe and to Germany and threw away the key.  Without anyone - anyone - asking the German voting population first, without anyone asking the people of Offenburg, or of Chemnitz, none.

(Following is a shot, by Rana, in which I appear on Sep. 1st, posted on FB by an AfD blogger, with her own comment, here translated:  "Dear Antifa, dear politicians, dear press:  An American Jew, a German-Pakistani Ex-Muslim, and an autochnon 'already-living-here-longer' (note: actual Merkelese for "ethnic native Germans" - no, really!...) meet together in peace and undauntedly of one mind and spirit, ont he memorial walk for a recently murdered Cuban-German.  Not colorfully diverse enough?  Or rather, too colorful and diverse, for your polarizing narrative to manage?  Chemnitz, September 1, 2018.")

As already stated, and let me be forgiven for repeating this:  Last year's town festival was already shut down on account of Muslim gang violence - I say again, specifically Muslim gang violence, specifically Merkel-and-Consort's "worth more than gold" "specialists" who have flocked here "to enrich" German culture; this year's was shut down for this same reason last week (for a day, at least) and the Left-dominated press has spread, German-wide, EU-wide, world-wide - the calculated lie - I say again, calculated lie, without retraction in the face of hard facts - that the festival was shut down because "right-wing neo-Nazis were storming the streets".  There were none of the purported "man-hunts" on the part of "neo-Nazis" as the "quality" press and its worldwide gullible readership so hungers after.  Any shoving or whacking back on the part of these few IQ-challenged (made out in colossal form by the press) was actually nothing less than their response to the hyena-like calculated provocations and violence already coming from the IQ-challenged of the "Anti"fa.  And even here there were no injuries worth mentioning, no casualties, and no fatalities!

And those notoriously "right-wing" no-go areas?  They don't exist.  The no-go areas are entirely and exclusively in Muslim hands, all factual confirmation on this belies the Fake-News press on every point.  Furthermore, 12,000 wrathful and non-Merkel-compliant citizens didn't "attach themselves" to any neo-Nazi/right-extremist scene, it was (as usual) the other way around - these IQ-challenged attached themselves to the 12,000 to run their own shit.  And the press loved it, the press gets its orgasms from it, and it whips up the Good-German liberals who then attach themselves to, or at least identify with, the extreme-Left system and it's SA-"Anti"fa thugs.  What's more, the soccer-hooligans there all knew the murdered Cuban-German Daniel Hillig personally, that is why they were there at the mourning in the first place.  But disinformation is part of the indoctrinating program, it is literally - and I mean confirmed here - Doctrine.  A doctine of lies and thoroughly baseless, blanket insinuations by the press and polit-elite - in this case of reckless acceptance of Leftist bullshitter statements and claims

No "speculation" on my part and no "conspiracy theory", just giving it to you straight:  Under Merkel, the entire Justice Department has, inside of at least these several years, departed from all integrity and abandoned its obligation to impartial independence - it has gone down the tubes.  Likewise systematicaly going down the tubes:  The police are a factual no-show in the factually growing and still publicly denied no-go areas of Muslim violence, leaving calls to the police going unanswered, incidents going uninvestigated, evidence going uncollected, in all matters of German victms of Muslim violence; bodies have turned up here and there over the last year or two, in a Chemnitz heretofore mighty unfamiliar with bodies of their own neighbors just being discovered with stab wounds or the like - but of course, "Chemnitz must be all brown" - and yet on the other hand rallied itself in a forour day characteristically Pavlovian response to the far-Left and Green political machine's call to "stop-those-Nazis"...

And from what, exactly?  From openly and legally, non-violently demonstrating on the open streets on behalf of the constantly risng number of murdered, stabbed, raped ethnic Germans (and not only, not only!), this at the hands of Merkel's illegally unvetted and immigrated "enrichers" from a widely verifiably violent and integration-resistant, domination-inclined culture, which shall remain unnamed here in order not to offend any Muslims - and at the hands of the dangerously naive Islam-coddling Muslim-apologistic public of Good-Germans who will sell any fellow German out at the drop of a pin.  And these have the sheer chutzpah to judge the same tendency in the 1930s, where back then real State terror demanded it - and where even then, there had been cautious but determined Resisters!
Yes, the media all swarmed in "pre-planned and on cue" like pirrhana, for its cliché feed.  Upwards to 12,000 patriots, and the press focuses on the 50- to a hundred-odd (tops) right-extremist IQ-challenged infiltrating the civil protest and only serving the press in doing so.

Not a few of whom are verifiably left-extremist actors and agitators posing as “right-wingers” to discredit the actual 12,000.  Not a few of which “neo-Nazis” or “right-extremists”, are also themselves in fact either recruited and paid off by or actually from, the State Verfassungsschutz (Constitutional Protection, something like when the FBI infiltrates anywhere and everywhere they can, to create False Flags).  But whichever sort of “right-wingers” these were purporting to be, aside from mooning the “Anti”fa and trading verbal trash and a few shoves and slugs with them, there were otherwise no injuries to anyone, certainly no one hospitalized or killed – and certainly no foreigners.  So?  Well, that’s all that sufficed for the press’ calls of “escalation”.

So why only this coverage?  Because the press wants it so – it is not the least bit independent, it knows who butters its limpy-Leftist milk-toast.  The printed and TV system-press, what passes here for “journalism”, is Merkel’s whore, it sleeps with whomever pays it and wherever the money is.  (I deeply apologize to any actual whores I may have just offended by placing them in the same light with the press – the sole difference here being, let it be duly noted: the press is a whore which holds itself up to be the high moral standard, in the “Kampf-gegen-rechts”, the mass-sold Zeitgeist of “fighting anything which so much as smacks of right-extremism”, which of course is everything that is willing to call out Merkel and the entire political monopoly by the Left under her daft "GDR 2.0"-driven hand.This is factually and unequivocably another Grand Socialist Experiment, inwardly driven into the political and cultural landscape like a power drill, while outwardly run abominably laissez-faire where it comes to all matters of internal and external security touching on the lives of the ethnic native German population.)

Oh yes, and from one American Jewish patriot among the German patriots, including those Jews inside the AfD (Alternative for Germany, the sole oppositional party which can be rightly called such - and is making historic strides) - just this:

A word to the effete establishment, system-Jews in Germany:  you all are every anti-Semite's wet-dream.

Those who still fall for the manipulation, suck up the mainstream disinformation and propaganda, still look up to Merkel, still trust what they are told:  these have no right ever, ever again to judge their grandparents' generation under the "Third Reich" propaganda for having had only Goebbels and no access to Radio-Free; or their parents' generation in the hinter-regions of the GDR who had only the State TV-channel for disinformation or its "Black Channel" for outright propaganda - they have no right to swing the Nazi-guilt sledge and cudgel.  In this respect, the Jewish Community works with Merkel against us.
So that is what had gone down Sunday of last week, and that is what gets shown in the press and what gets left out or ignored.

The neurotically normopathic frothing "Anti"fa was observed instructing the German-challenged Muslims on streets of Chemnitz in the fine art of heckling and shouting down 12,000 disciplined and non-violently demonstrating Chemnitzers and supporters, with "Nazis get out!" and "Fuck Germany!" among other poetic verbal accomplishments at which both are well-versed - and schooled by a cadverous cadre of old-established RAF terrorists.

Meanwhile, like the Nazis themselves, the "Nazi" doing the Adolf-salute is: (lo and behold!) none other than an "Anti"fa Leftist. As such, this is thoroughly identifiable here - and has been verified - an "Anti"fa mole who had just delivered for the frothing Idiot-Press just what it wanted: "Nazis!"  Not to be outdone, I've posted as well, photo evidence of at least one identifiable (by name) agent-provoateure directly form the Verfassungsschutz itself - giving the Adolf-salute.

It was the only Hitler salute caught by the world mainstream - this with complete impunity, whereby he should have been immediately arrested or at least questioned by the police, as I or any non-"Anti"fa German surely would have been - so this Leftist genius who'd mingled in, also got his ass thrown right out - and dutifully returned to his "Anti"fa stormtrooping thugs.

By the way, Muslim youth were staged before the cameras last week, schooled and set-up by none other than the "Anti"fa and consort, to laugh, heckle and jeer at, and to spit on, the mourners of the brutally murdered Daniel Hillig at the very spot where he'd died, just as the wreath was being laid, as already mentioned, with shouts of "fucking Germans"...

The police directly involved with the mourning demonstrators were visibly relaxed; the police direction from above however, participated in the agitation via false flag statements, baseless insinuations, with concealing of information which would have clarified so much, and with outright lying.  Apropos police presence:  were there even enough police for a City festival in the first place, given last year's experience of specifically Muslim sexual harrassment, knife-wielding violence at the festival, and the year's rapes and murders?  Good question... The police are in fact well known for covering up or "losing" vital facts, evidence, info; as to the Iraqi "suspect" now in custody, and already with a steady record: his own flat has still never been searched by the police, and his credentials for having any legal right to remain here or receive asylum are, according to law, nill.  However, Merkel has already abolished law, and is steadily making progress herself to (in her own words) make legal what has been illegal.

All that counts is that the press does its part in promoting the shitty image of Germans, embraced by the brainwashed masses inside and outside of this nation ("Germany cool, Germans bad").

Now hear this and get it straight, dear and precious readers:
The1989 wave which hit East-Germany ("Wir sind das Volk!")  was felt, greeted and celebrated by hearts all around the globe, and today Merkel is the Trojan Mare of the very SED-party and the very GDR-Regime which was supposed to have fallen to the dust heap of history.  But we were all mistaken:  She has since established GDR 2.0, the Third Socialist Catastrophe in modern German history; she, with the EU, is accomplishing - and hell-bent on fulfilling - the Leftist-NSDAP's vision of Europe, using all the tactics SHE had learned in HER apprenticeship and early career with the SED, with the Stasi, with the entire privileged apparatus of that socialist state.  And we are now there again.  But the Spirit of 1989 - born of the East-Germans, in fact primarily the Saxons - is also alive and well, and this again, no thanks to the limp decadent and comfortable West-Germans but to the very Saxons themselves, from Pegida-Dresdeners to today's Chemnitzers, who will not be intimidated by state nor by fake-news press, nor by the internally weakened police nor by the EU army being built as the Bundeswehr becomes dismantled to make Germany still weaker for the final kill.  The Resistance is alive and the Patriots are on the streets, the Movement is growing, people are waking up - and rising to their feet.

Merkel has infiltrated her party, the government, the entire dying Consitutional State with her GDR agitation and propaganda, her latest self-outing on this point being the use of actual terms from parapgraphs found in the GDR's law-enforcement books, but which had never existed on the books of this Federal (now banana) Republic.

The Merkel Regime wants and is fomenting a civil war, it may come, and it will come; it wants the Germans to react toward the open-borders coddling of Muslims; it foments any outbreak of even actual, now-maufactured, "xenophobia".

We have a dear friend undergoing psychiatric care, who tells us of a therapist running her therapy group.  Imagine this therapist asking those in psychiatric care - people with issues of trauma and addicitons and neuroses, also psychoses - asking these what they think "about Chemnitz"!  What they think about Chemnitz!!  They were all visibly uncomfortable with even being put on this spot and confronted with a question so loaded and so not-belonging anywhere near a therapy group!  Imagine your dentist asking you this while drilling...  But that is exactly the climate here.  Doctine of Indoctrination

If you want to know what is really happening in Germany without the fake - the real story - you ought to be following my postings.

Yesterday, a week after, we were in Chemnitz; this time the "Anti"fa, the entire mobilized Merkel-Left spectrum of the SPD/Greens/party of The Left, and Good-Germans in general, were on hand to scream and rail and moralize against our continued demonstration of mourning and of memorial to all victims of Merkel's demented debacle.  And Muslims had been called out on social media by a Berlin-based Hamas-Palestinian - whom we happen to know and have had occasion (as JewGida) to confront and to royally irritate by our mere presence - called out by him to mobilize against our right to solidarize with the Chemnitzers. Not a one of his "hundreds of thousands" was to be seen or heard from.

We, however had reached a number of 12- to upwards of 15,000 by objective reckoning.  What held us back from making it further than about three city bocks?  The police had kept us blocked and standing around, the mainstream media had belligerantly ignored the police directive to go the left side or the right side of the column of demonstrators, knowing full well that the police would not move them physically.  Further on up, more out of sight but within earshot, were the "Anti"fa whose usual sitting blockade was also not removed by a police force - possessing significant numbers all in riot gear, and boasting some thirteen armored vehicles with water-cannon.  We tens of thousands all adhered strictly to a Demo-advisory of our own:  a dress code permitting only dark clothing, no signs or insignia or party affiliation or anything of the nature - and best behavior and self-discipline - the only flags to be carried and seen were the national Federal German flag (the same one Merkel cast down in front of cameras at her third election win party in 2013 - and which did not cast her out of (abuse of) Office!´- neither at that time nor any time since!)

You don't believe all of this?  Be my guest.  You still think I'm putting you on?   Then you are cluelesss.  Or you are just not quite there yet.


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