Wednesday, November 9, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part XXV - The US Election

9 Nov 2016

For all your intrigue and machinations - you ended up getting Trumped.

America voted NO!
Your hubris caught up with you, and your polls lied again! Landslide.

You see: there was more at stake here than "just" an election.
And take Gauck and Merkel down with you!

The "good-hearted" anti-German Germans and EUropeans don't know this yet - may never grasp it, but they've just been done a great favor by the American voters.
You are history.

Hillary Clinton Reportedly Canceled Fireworks Display for Election Night


17 Nov.

The most far reaching factor which holds a tyranny or a dictatorship in place is nothing less than the conformist political correctness of a complacent or intimidated mainstream population. Merkel must go!

Der weitreichendste Faktor, der eine Tyrannei oder eine Diktatur am Platz hält, ist nichts anderes als die konformistische politische Korrektheit einer selbstgefälligen oder eingeschüchterten Mainstream-Bevölkerung. Merkel muss weg!

Better to die in penury than live with tyranny.
I'm just one of many setting the alarm clock. Anyone is welcome to turn it off, block it out, go back to sleep. I will reset the alarm as I am compelled to do. One's "argument" for turning over and remaining asleep neither deters nor interests me, as that speaks for itself. When the time comes, and it will at least for some, those will be rudely awakened and it will be bitter. I will have set and reset the alarm, I'm not dragging anyone out of their comfort zone who doesn't wish to leave it. Each is responsible for his/her own sleep or awakening, and I have to respect that. My setting the alarm clock is a conscious act on my part. It doesn't win any popularity contests and never did.

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