Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nothing Hallowed in Berlin

31 Oct 2016


Exactly a year and a half ago on this very spot - more exactly, in a tiny side-enclave - of this old Franciscan cloister ruin dating back to 1250, a landmark attraction, on a very old but publicly frequented street, in broad daylight Saturday evening of Easter weekend, YOSSI DAMARI (22), Israeli, gay, was murdered by an Albanian he'd just shared a room in a nearby hostel with - beaten so brutally that his face was beyond all recognition until a DNA sample was taken - after which a memorial service was attended by some couple dozen people, after which nothing more was mentioned or reflected on the matter. Nor was the actual spot where he was found forensically tended to for weeks on end - we know, we'd been setting candles there.
An der Franziskaner Klosterkirche in Berlin-Mitte wurde der Tote gefunden.

2016: "Halloween", having nothing to do with Germans but imported and bought into here as another American product no one needs but is marketed anyway - it's not enough that psycho-clowns have made it over here as imports to enrich the boring Germans. It's not enough that churches and Christian heritage are gratuitously dragged through the pillory and slime of public media.

A "Zombie-Show" was staged by students and held as a small media event - precisely here where Yossi had been murdered. And precisely here at this dignified cloister of considerable symbolic impact in its own right. Someone granted them a permit to do this. Here. Why, I can only surmise in the present climate of cynical tastelessness. Berlin has soooo many other locations for a "Zombie" number - but it had to be here. And they had to play "Staying Alive". That the kids also present may not have had any idea what had so recently occurred here and would not have been told - is crass beyond words, and frankly abuse. If I'm mistaken on that, and they did know, then my point is underscored tenfold.

After the scene you are watching here, they made a round of neighboring Alexanderplatz, where, aside from Yossi, there have been a string of murders over the recent couple years - beginning most notriously with the cold-blooded murder of Jonny K., an Asian lad. None of these were committed by the straw man of "the Right" - then by whom? And why would they hold this performance of perverse chaos and crass loathesome flatulence here and never at, say, a mosque? Because there they wouldn't have the spine to pull it off, they would truly shit in their diapers. And the blood would be theirs and it would be real.

If the form of a 13th century cloister ruin offers "zombies" a stage, consider this, if you really like the macabre - they might have used the Holocaust Memorial here - the forest of dark slabs would lend itself with sufficiently crass irony to the "artistic iconoclasm" they purport to represent - and they wouldn't dare go there!  But to dump on Berlin, whether it's staging this at an historic site which became the ruins it is on account of the bombing of Berlin - or demonstrating with the Left for Bomber Harris to "do it again" over Dresden, the obvious and unmistaekable message is, to shit on Deutschland.  And this by Germans, Left and liberal, socialistically antisocial as it can get.  Pity, because the small troupe which put this on is capable of some pretty decent flashmobs - but if you're addicted to publicity, you make art a fart.

"Über 100 kunstblutverschmierte Möchtegernmonster trafen sich am Samstag beim Berliner 'Zombie Walk' an der Klosterstraße in Mitte und lehrten Passanten mit ihrem Tanz das Gruseln.
Es ist wieder soweit. Der diesjährige Zombiewalk findet am 29.10.2016 um 15 Uhr in der Nähe vom Alexanderplatz statt. Dort treffen sich alle fertig geschminkten Gestalten und Kreaturen. Bitte beachtet unbedingt die Regeln, damit der Flashmob nicht vorzeitig endet (u.a. keine Waffen). Um 16 Uhr wandeln dann die Untoten durch die Straßen von Berlin."

There is in fact and in reality - I do not care who is ready to hear this or not - a demonic Zeitgeist afoot, and this number only speaks to what plays in Berlin. I could speak of much more. Children out on Halloween are known to be kidnapped, sometimes for real existing Satanic cults among the elite, this has been documented. Even as I write, a 15 year old girl came up missing and is still so, her parents are at their wits' end. One is welcome to retort, "Oh, there's no Satan, that's just crap" - fine, but people who themselves go for that shit and are powerfully backed and networked and organized about it, do run massive pedophilia rings, hold children for sex slaves, and do in fact commit human sacrifices.

The mocking bastards who stage something like this and those who gather to film and interview and enjoy this festival of filth, are the very "Gutmenschen" of the Regressive-Left who pat themselves on the shoulders all the time proclaiming their tolerance with "Never Again!" No dignity in Berlin, none for Yossi I'm afraid.

Yes, right - THESE are exactly the morons who get on youtube and hold politically incorrect professors hostage in university halls to lecture them, as narcissistic advocates of "the weak" on "offensive inconsideration", or on "TRIGGERING"!!!

Talk about offensive and inconsiderate Talk about triggering!

1 Nov

So, what do we do as Jewgida, having held the candle alight for a murdered 22 year old Yossi at this old Franciscan ruin and landmark, what do we do as a small civil initiative after yesterday evening's "Halloween"-Anitifa desecration of something sacred - the tradition of European Christianity and the blood of a murdered Israeli lad, as well as of those in the Alexanderplatz vicinity likewise brutally murdered - all this in one slanderous, defecating psycho-trauma?

I'll tell you. You go the very next day - in our case it had to wait till evening because unlike these I do work for a living - on All Saints Day, and you take back the symbolic dignity, you demonstrate the empathy which has been erased from this society, you cleanse the lonely air and make a statement which neither the morally compromised official Churches can be relied on to do, nor the Jewish Community. You show the flag, you put your face there without theatrics and makeup. You restore the sanctity against the gathering forces - and they are real, and they are not humane - of sacrilege.


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