Thursday, May 31, 2018

"Political Beauty" Is Their Name For It

In its personally unappealing and unappetizing founder's own words, the German psycho-terrorist "Center for Political Beauty" - a name only a socialist would come up with, and heavily funded by the SPD, The Left party and the Greens, as well as by contributions from other individual and organized former GDR-Stasi communists further ripping down the very fabric of this democratically unrecognizable Republic - the CPB (frankly renamed here as Center for Political Ugliness) exists for the very purpose of actively tasteless propaganda and defamation, of dramatically hyped narcissistic displays staged to promote their vision of thorough decadence and arrogant cynicism, to cow and goad the public into "taking for granted" a politically-correct dictatorship of the mind - and with this, the public's mental health.  And doing it in the guise of "conscience" and "satire" - rights of self-expression which only fly today as long as it's Left-extremist.

What they're in fact known for is stomach-turning publicity stunts which groom their self-righteous image while flagrantly destroying both public and private property and invading others' right to privacy in one or another threatening, even siege-like manner.  The hypocrisy behind their "antics" is legend.  Such as tearing up the entire lawn at the Reichstag (today's Bundestag) with fake graves, purporting to "bury" drowned Syrian refugees whose remains they claim to have brought for this, using stolen and collected white crosses from the real memorial for the real victims of Berlin Wall shootings (by a former regime they celebrate and assiduously work on reinstating, 2.0) - then holding not even an actual eulogy for the fabricated Syrians (which would have been at least fitting if one had once meant any kind of compassion as they'd claimed, or was capable of the least piety), but rather a pop-hit badly chosen and badly sung.  They couldn't even pull that much off with a shred of some credibility.

Or such as setting up theatrical speeches in halls filled with curious or admiring visitors, claiming to literally "feed oneself" to and be devoured by, either of the two (circus) tigers being caged right outside in a public spectacle with more theatrics and rave and techno noise, if by the end of that week the Berlin Senate did not buckle to their low-brow pressure to fly more "refugees" into Tegel airport (while the digital calendar-clock ticked off the days and hours for the swarming spectators and tourists and press).  We spontaneously went there ourselves as a silent two-person demo with signs protesting the cruelty toward those tigers - not without effect.  Just we two.  Needless to say, the ultimatum did not get met and no one fed herself to any tigers.  The pitiable animals had to take all that abuse of their nerves and go without lunch as well.

Or such as setting up all manner of psycho-attack and public defamation of AfD politicians and members - as in the most notably publicized case of occupying the peaceful natural surroundings at one controversial but highly regarded AfD-politician's house and private property, to lay siege around the clock for the better part of a year, including the use of photographing him or his terrorized family and their doorway, and foremost by setting up dummy-reproductions of the huge blocks constituting the Berlin Holocaust memorial - this, because he had called that "a memorial of shame" during a speech, in the context of what is being expected of Germans ad infinitum, and in fact mrely borrowing the term itself from an earlier, established Social-Democrat - who had never been pilloried for saying it.

All of this criminal "political beauty" goes on with impunity.  In fact, they were commissioned with setting up and "decorating" the tax-payer financed river boats used this previous Sunday - with raver and techno naturally, and of course, the obligatory grass and alcohol (just by way of contrast, nowhere amongst our "too-German" 100,000 strong that blazing hot afternoon was a single beer bottle to be seen in anyone's hand) - to lure clueless and willing "protesters" with boat-party tactics, to achieve the otherwise unreachable numbers screaming their acid slogans "against hate" toward their most openly hated target:  the AfD, as it - in stark contrast peacefully, joyfully and self-assuredly (under police protection and without a single bribe or trick) - wended its 10,000-strong way along the bank's open street for over an hour.

Chemically mixed tar-attacks on AfD members (the latter bespattered persons of middle-age being met again en route to the station by netwokr-informed "Anti"fa on their bikes just waiting for these to pass by to verbally attack them some more), spontaneous verbal and physical accosting on the streets by whipped-up AfD-haters, and an enormous lynch-mob atmoshphere inside the Main Train Station, were the order of the day, because for these:
"Everything is permitted when directed against 'Nazis'!"

The leading AfD figure in the Bundestag, Alexander Gauland, a brilliant and fine mannered man - and among their many great speakers, never mincing words - back in his years with the CDU, long before leaving it for the AfD, he had helped develop the Frankfurt Altstadt program which recently was being celebrated by visitors and lots of commercial hype.  So he strolled over there himself, accompanied by an elderly woman on crutches.  In a loud booming voice from a balcony in the passages, came the "demand" from none less than a member of the German Greens, an Italian woman (always their women) with a shrill tone, that Gauland is not welcome there and must now leave, so as not to burden other visitors with his presence.  Looking visibly irritated, he did leave, perhaps out of consideration for his partner under such circumstances.  One sees them walking away as someone shouts out from some corner, "Nazis raus!"  Is this coming across to the reader?  This manner of crass public ideological humiliation of a dignified public figure and democrat by a communist harpy, is what the SA itself was all about, and what the Stasi later!
(This is "political beauty"...)

Back in the 1930s there were real social and economic crises under which people suffered, so when the Party said jump, under pain of fearful consequences, people jumped (most, not all).  Today they have it too good - and they march in lockstep with this Red-Green communist program of calumny and denunciation willinglyWillingly!  No one is forcing them to comply, they comply and suck up the propaganda against the AfD of their own free will and yet lecture you and me about "what it was like then" and that "AfD is the return of Hitler" differently than do the same communist Left in the States toward Trump.  And in both cases "acceptable" behavior.

But all of this aside!  What they've now come up with is chillingly closer to the very National-Socialist tactics toward political opponents and especially Jews in the 1930s, against which they are the self-promoting supposed champion "warners" - but in fact, one and the same perpetrators of fascism:

Try to grasp this - one now sees in train stations and elsewhere, as with those commonly known stickers prohibiting the bringing in of food or pets or bikes and the like:  this form of "prohibition" of AfD, meaning AfD members.  Of course there is no real prohibition of AfD members from public transportation - as yet - and the placing of such stickers for the public to consciously or sub-consciously take in and accept (as with National-Socialism, or later the GDR) is curiously not being deemed illegal or pursued as such, in fact it is abetted.  We are however already at the point, since at least three years now, of the gradual criminalization of a conservative, patriotic and popularly voted party as it only increases in growth, in votes, in membership - in spite of or because of this calculated marginalizing and persecution - yes, now at the point of seeing:

That businesses, restaurants and hotels are literally forced to lose clientele or even close down, for serving anyone associated with the AfD.  That people are literally at risk of losing careers, or positions, or their employment altogether - at the whims of whoever writes their check or patronizes their services - for being a member of or even associated with the AfD.  Where and whom this hits is still - as was the case back in those early-to-mid-'30s - an arbitrary matter of who goes along with this or who does not.  Both former and latter are growing in this very guided climate of total polarization (divide and conquer) and severe Gleichschaltung.  More and more lemmings keep going right along with this propaganda of ungrounded and unjustified rejection of and open hatred and contempt toward the AfD, either because they are old or new communists, or because they are just spineless and go with the herd.

However, more and more are also becoming so fed up with the reasons the AfD logically and effectively became necessary, namely the Merkel-State and the globalist EU-dictatorship, the no longer deniable mass resettlement and Islamisation, with all their inherent consequences on Germans' own actual future, that people are being alarmed out of their long deep slumber and comfort, to hit the streets with us and to demonstrate.  And to vote in their interests as patriots.  And think for themselves and for their children's and grandchildren's future.
(In the middle: A. Gauland, Beatrix von Storch, Jörg Meuthen)

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