Thursday, May 10, 2018

(More Than "Just" Cultural) MARXISM UNVEILED

On the occasion of Karl Marx's 200th birthday 2018, a characteristically hyped affair in Left-driven Germany, an enormous socialist-godsized statue depicting the Father of Communism (a gift graciously bestowed by none less than the Chinese government) had been ceremoniously and with much celebration unveiled in West-German Trier, his birthplace.

This last Monday I had a group of our currenty usual mix of Bärgida (Berlin's Pegida) - and others who'd attached themselves to our now well over three year long unbroken weekly endeavor, amounting to just over fifty of us - before me at the end of our Demo-Walk, as I began my reading aloud, mike in hand, at a pleasant square with a fountain, of a choice article outlining a little known work of Marx concerning "The Jewish Question", graphically illustrating with generous quotes form his own text, Marx's explicit antisemitism, his intensely relished (and quite ignored by his admirers) anti-Jewish prose, and his pretty base contempt and enmity toward his contemporary Jewish socialist "competitors" and "capitalists" alike. I threw in for good measure, my dear friend (and contributing researcher) Michael Kleemann's passages concerning the close relationship between this work and HItler's and Goebbel's insistance (with sourced quotes) that the NSDAP was Leftist. Mention was given also to the fact that the German Communist Party of the 1920's had introduced exactly these passages into its "Red Flag" publication, which were then passed along later to the National-Socialist agenda.

Across the police cordon, always there to protect our physical safety from the Marxist-Wannabes for Peace and Tolerance, there about that lovely fountain, were gathered some well over fifty (hard to tell) "Anti"fa with the usual flag waving and loud whistles and tooters, ghetto-blaster blaring, and hysterical screaming and shouting ("Nazis out!" of course). I was less addressing my reading to our group specifically, and far moreso the "Anti"fa themselves, so it was fitting that they should be there and hear this. They didn't, of course, they never do.

I thundered the text loudly and clearly, as one is compelled to under such circumstances, and they thundered back all the louder but altogether unclearly. It isn't about what they "agree" or "disagree" with, it is as always about being paid (literally subsidized) to bellow and drown out. Sort of like Berkley, and just as prone to violence - hence our police, who did listen.

The text was of course in German, so I'm not translating the article here, but I'd posted it already. But I'll mention the few spontaneous comments of my own which I did throw in - for good measure - for both the core group of this screaming mob of Left-extremists and moralizing terrorists, and for any marginally "right-wing" listeners who for whatever reason also don't like hearing this from a Jew.

I pointed out, mincing no words (I never do, with either of them), that I was about to give them a more intimate taste of their own icon Marx - "not Groucho Marx, not the NWO-Cardinal Marx, not the old Deutschmarks, but Karl, you know: Karl. Marx. That Marx!" They were in high form, and so was I.

I told them after the article was through (they're like the old Gary Larson cartoon depicting what we say to our dogs and what they actually understand - the latter being, "bla bla bla Trixy, bla bla bla Trixy, bla bla...!), during which they'd only heard "Marx" and "Hitler" and "Jews", if I'm to go by their own Tweets as someone showed me later, pointedly what I do NOT concern myself with here:

That "...I DON'T concern myself with any thoughts of being physically attacked by or in danger on account of" the ACTUAL existing, real neo-Nazi elements, each of which I mentioned by name, including the insignificant NPD party, to drive home the point that AfD is NOT on this list, far far from it. I firmly countered their very staged rage with the fact that these "Neos" are likewise just socialists and always were, but these have no power and no pull, are of entirely negligible influence on any part of the mainstream German population. And that these also "never will, NOR would they ever have their act so together as to build a Concentration Camp, or erect a Gulag, or for that matter a (GDR-Stasi) Bautzen-Prison. The totalitarian Socialist Left however, most certainly and most definitely would, and will again - if they're not stopped NOW from taking Germany in the direction it's headed for a third goddamned time, under this very Regime!" They're programmed zombies, or on drugs, or just reality-challenged on their own - or all three.

But hear it or not, it needed to be said, and it was an affront for anyone from their crowd or from any Neos-courting groupies. Raising my voice a titch more over their din, and speaking in measured phrases so that my message would go unmistakeably on record, I cut to the chase: "The reason why I will NOT be attacked, as a Jew in this country by anyone from the 'radical right Neos', is simple: because I am a Patriot."

Then giving them a taste of their own bile I tossed in, "So F*** Marx, F*** Socialism, and F*** You 'Anti'fa!" And left it at that. They should take it home with them when they crawl back to their mothers' basements.

I left them with some real Marx, and - deaf and brain-dead notwithstanding - I left some marks, just for the record. There is no love lost between me and the Left, me and the "far-right" or Neos, nor between me and the System-Jews of the Central Committee which likewise panders to Merkel and to mainstream appeasement and instrumentalisation.

This is a struggle over life and death - the fields of battle ar ethe parliaments, the media, the net, and the streets. We have to apply our minds and our intestinal fortitude, before it ever comes to civil war. And should it do that, we will be there as well.

Here is the original article from which I read:

And here is the complete address in Living Color, as delivered on the above described evening in May 2018:

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