Monday, April 9, 2018

Am I Otay - Can I Be Aw-white Wit Dat?

I was just noting aloud to myself and the Good Woman the other morning upon getting up, before even having seen the following FB-clip at all:

Back in the late '60s we all got on board with the new, provocative, in-your-face "BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL" - and it certainly had appeal, because of course it was so, is and remains so. It was also a heartfelt balance to "Black Power!" as mottos went. I would go with MLK - then as now - in saying, "Yes, Black IS beautiful. All colors are beautiful, all faces are beautiful in and of themselves. All human beings are God's children, all colors - black, brown, olive, red, yellow, white - ALL are beautiful." And I KNOW that he would say today, "White isn't just 'okay', it is beautful as well."

So now we have only a conspicuously cautious: "IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE."

And who, more than pampered upper middle-class screaming mentally disturbed half-stoned white "students" grabbing control of lecture halls and campuses, crushing free speech and free non-violent assembly, who more than these is screaming you down loudest - and tossing you a Molotov or stripping your car for it - if you should even dare be caught saying, "IT'S 'OKAY' TO BE WHITE"...?!

"Black Is Beautiful" you can still say today, in fact the "SJW"-shocktroops of the fascist Left make doing so an imperative. But "White is also beautful" is as out-of-the-question as Asian is less-interesting. I could laugh tears, if it weren't about real cultural-Marxist verbal violence and the attempt to shut down free speech, when I see a White-boy with no balls screaming at a white man of normal decibel but outnumbered by white-boy's "SJW" pals, "You're WHITE, you're fucking WHITE!" Like it's not okay to be as white as the self-hating moron screaming.

This White Self-loathing is a product of the Soros-funded White-Self-Immolation Left which has been dominating America and Canada, UK and Australia, and has already dominated the (Western) European Continent since German Reunification. The East-Europeans know better, they have the maturity of knowing what collectivist-propagnada is about. Actually, when I first came here to Berlin just short of 30 years ago, I noted right away - to my dismay - a German self-loathing, and cautioned them against this then. Today I am not only still seeing it, I am to my horror facing it throughout the entire artificially controlled and steered political and societal fabric, and media - from the good-old Nazi-bludgeon of unjustified "guilt" to the Brussels-Merkellian Resettlement Plan sold through propaganda as "Refugee-Help" - in an intensified, escalated, and accelerated form. The phenomena of self-hatred is as destructive for the world as for oneself. Because it makes of one the very Monster one proposes to be "fighting".

So, just for the record: YES: It's okay to be White. And YES: It's okay to be German.

Everyone OKAY with that?

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