Sunday, April 29, 2018

2018: "And don't let the door hit ya..."

"Hello, Angie, welcome to the White House - no, not there, here through the back, right - nice ta see ya.  C'mon in for a chat before ya go.  And don't let the door hit ya in the ass on your way out."

What do you do with the ChanceLiar of Germoney, the Trojan Mare from the Stasi-State of the GDR, Honecker's Tramp?  You Trump her.  And you let her go out for a cheeseburger and take selfies with dimwitted American idiots who probably had (no doubt) voted for HIllary or hadn't voted at all.  That is how you handle the globalist EU-devotional Bötsch - a German term I needn't translate - who is destroying her entire nation while boasting all along how she'll tell you where to get off.

No highly courted Macron-speech before the entire Congress, no reception with all pomp and circumstance, no State Dinner.  Even that was all so intended, to lay the net out, play la France against DoitchLand's Merkel-State, to unsettle the EU-pedomonopoly, bring its overweening Babel to falter, while strengthening the one German oppositional and patriotic party in existence, the Alternative for Germany (AfD).  The Donald's Q is at work and has Germany's true interests - and with it, Europe's - in mind.  Beatrix von Storch of the AfD, addressing the Bundestag in no uncertain terms, signaled her acknowledgement by merely mentioning Trump's name (gasp!), that he has her party's back.

I could be mistaken - I have been from time to time but only temporarily, I've more often turned out to be right (not "right-wing", just right) - but I don't think so.

When Merkel sat with Trump for those couple hours in Washington – for which she'd only just arrived after a six-hour flight over, and would be taking her next one back on the same day (with jet-lag) – we know from Q-Anon, and this is starkly confirmed by news shots and footage, that Trump had informed her she is not to use her normally indispensible Masonic gesture while with him on camera, and being always obedient toward mastersshe didn't. But he in turn DID, and in doing so, THAT gesture was HIS gesture to HER defeat at HIS hands, that his triumph was in Trumping her NWO-arrogance, as when you hold your defeated enemy's own sword in your hand and wave it before his kneeling presence. Let me make that clear, for the record.

Trump, all his detractors be damned, plays on a 4D Chessboard in dealing with Deep State.  With Macron I'd wager a guess that he's playing 3D, with LittleRocketMan 2D.  With Merkel it was nothing more than Checkers.  He gave her an ultimatum to get off her mass infiltration of Germany and Europe by limitless unvetted and illegal immigration, and to close the goddamned borders to secure the said regions according to every law she has been breaking since at least 2015.  Then he conceded a few feel-good points so she could go out for that cheeseburger.

Brussels is in an uproar, the red-green dominated political climate and its societal SJW madness likewise, their Islamisation-bent criminal insanity and the German corporate press are in a fever of self-righteous rage - while the Amercan press dismisses her as "Europe's weakest link"..  And Killary's friend in Berlin, MehrKill, holds a lone selfie-session in a posh DC burger joint.

"Would you like some fries with that order, ma'am?"

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