Sunday, February 4, 2018

Who Could Have Seen This Coming?

Did you hear that U.S. President Trump was in the German Bundestag? Can't say that I did either. Yet he just left left his indelible footprints all over Merkel's carpet, and a really new chapter has been opened.

On Friday, Feb. 2nd, the AfD (Alternative for Germany) parliamentary group in the German Bundestag met with representatives of Berlin's Jewish Community, on the occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day. This much alone is unprecedented and an enormous kick in the ass for all the establishment parties likewise in the Bundestag, all sworn enemies of the AfD opposition.

At the event, a video message from Israeli intelligence legend Rafi Eitan (who had headed the team which nabbed Eichmann in '66) was also shown, in which, mincing no words, he paid glowing, unmistakeable tribute to the AfD for their political work. I repeat, this is an unprecedented turn-about on the part of the Jewish Community, which has always sucked up to Merkel's Program. and to the Red-Green politics - or rather, has always permitted itself and the issue of Holocaust at all, to be heavily instrumentalized by the self-promoting establishment.

The video clip giving you Eitan, is very short - and the full, published greeting from him is in German. When the AfD formulates a unified draft proposal calling on the Federal "government" to relocate the German embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the establishment parties will have an impossible task in the future, upholding their scripted, libelous legend of the allegedly "Nazi" AfD.

Let this be clearly understood:  In heaping unconditional praise on the AfD, he was in effect also addressing the work of the decidedly non-violent Pegida, Bärgida, Jewgida, the Identitarian Movement, and such journalists as Michael Stürzenberger, Michael Mannheimer, Imad Karim, to name but a few patriotic voices.  (Violence is the trademark of the Stasi-Left, Greens, SPD guided and managed "Anti"fa, exercised in full measure against the AfD on a continual basis, which is not expected to end, even with this.)

I don't know how the lying Propaganda Press will spin this, because you really can't - and the Greens and the red Left and SPD, certainly the CDU itself, cannot possibly get their minds around this one.

Further proof, "that there is a God", furher proof that Q-Anon is extending Trump's hand to Germany, the same hand he openly refused Merkel.

While I do not plan on translating the entire content of Eitan's extraordinary greeting, I'll give you the following exerpt of some of his closing remarks, altogether in the vein of the entire text - no ifs ands or buts:

"As a friend of Germany I give you my advice:
"1. Close your borders as soon as possible against Muslim mass immigration.
"2. Create international alliances that provide solutions for asylum seekers outside your country.
"3. You should rather facilitate the humanitarian solution for Muslim refugees in a suitable Muslim country.

"There is no other way to keep your country safe!

"To believe that Europe can solve the problems of the Muslim world by allowing millions of Muslims to immigrate to Europe is a dangerous illusion. The Muslim world and its culture are very different from the Western ones. Where there are Muslims now, in every European country, we can expect violence and terror as a result. ...

"I sincerely hope that you will be strong enough to end the policy of open borders, stop the further Islamization of your country, and protect your citizens from terrorism and crime. Security and sovereignty are what we need and want for our countries. In Israel, in Germany, in Europe. Let's do this together. ...

"May you become, not the Alternative for Germany only - but the Alternative for Europe as well."

He went on to discuss Sobibor, the erection of a memorial there on those grounds, and he insisted that the Russians be included in long overdue mention on the part of the heroic prisoner outbreak under the leadership of Red Army Lt. Pechersky, which brought an end to the Death Camp.

Viel Lob und Anerkennung von Israel für die neue Partei

Videobotschaft von Rafi Eitan an AfD

Note well:
First, AfD's von Storch goes on record with a clear statement supporitng alternative news sources, nets a shitstorm from the usual culprits.

Then, AfD's Weidel goes on record saying PI-News and any other serious alternative sources should be made full use of as one weens oneself from MSN.

Then, AfD's Gauland goes on record supporitng Pegida, to whom the AfD owes its election wins and its status as 3rd strongest party (hands down).

Now this! The Jewish Community, which in lock-step with the red-green Regime would never have touched the AfD with a ten-foot pole (or a 14-ft. Swede either) is suddenly recognizing them (and having to, in light of Rafi Eitan's message of greetings to the AfD)!
So TELL me that Q-Anon isn't working some magic and pull, in Germany!

I already said once, God has not forsaken Germany. And with that I meant the PATRIOTS who alone ARE "das Volk".

And who, indeed, could have seen this coming?

Addendum, 7 Feb

We have observed afterall, how the MSM corporate press - both in print and TV - has spun this:  They fully ignored it, I have not seen one word of mention of this, because they preferred to plug the fully slanted version of the celebrated Auschwitz-cellist/last-living survivor being Bundestag's Guestz of Honor and together with leading political shirts lecturing the AfD(!) against "antisemitism" - in sheer chutzpah is this hardly beatable.

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