Sunday, February 18, 2018

REAL Women Rising

17 Feb 2018 - Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Thousands were called, some thousand-plus showed.  And really showed!

Between the "Anti"fa and their unwilling help, the police, many were either cowed from showing up or gave up after being turned away at so many police force preventing any direct access to our advertised starting point.

Women who'd known demos their entire adult life, of all ages, and those who'd never taken to the streets before.  Men who don't cosmetize their eyes, lips or fingernails to show "how feminist" they are.  Young and "old", women and men, youth, lots of flags of the German Federal Republic - like the one Merkel tossed away, on camera, at her 2013 election win - no "pussy-hats", just real people confronting real issues:  the macabre rise in sexual harrassment, in rapes, in armed and otherwise physical attacks, and in murder against women, against gays, and against Jews, specifically and verifiably by Merkel's invited "enrichers", her "refugees" and "asylum-seekers" (a glaring 70% of whom are neither the one nor the other, and largely criminal at that) from almost entirely Muslim cultures.

This is denied and/or relativized only by the dominating neo-Communist Leftist/Green climate, including all the conformist and brainwashed established parties at state and federal level through their policies and their propaganda, by the mainstream press and television, by the establsihed Churches (Protestant and Catholic as well as "Freikirche" Baptist congregations), by the Trade Unions, by the Jewish Community of Berlin and elsewhere and its Central Council, and of course by the paid-and-played stormtrooping useful idiots of the "Anti"fa and their terrorist "Black-Block".  Yet even some of these mentioned are reconsidering, the rest are losing their grip and for this reason escalating their violent vitriole and tactics against us.  Let it be duly and unmistakeably noted:  In a recent article appearing in the Jewish press, the columnist pointedly addresses the fact that anti-Jewish ("antisemitic") attacks in Germany statistically are anything but from "right-extremists", rather massively present on the part of imported or newly racicalized Muslims - Arabs, Africans, Turks.

Of course, it's long and well established, that "only" the "Anti"fa gets to speak out for women's rights and dignity - for neither of which these have ever accomplished anything whatsoever.  If normal citizens free of, or at least independent of, any political affiliation or ideology which isn't Communist or even merely "Left enough", gather and organize and take to the streets to make a loud and clear statement concerning women, the Left takes that rather badly, because they are mentally incapacitated by Blue Pills and other drugs, they are emotionally stuck at about age three.  And behave accordingly, in grown bodies.

There were in fact - I know of one case specifically - open knife attacks by Syrian and Afghani Guests-of-Merkel's on our persons, spontanously prevented by the police who otherwise did a miserable job of seeing to the unhindered passage of our demo.  These are the non-German speaking "enrichers" promised by Merkel and convinced by the Rainbow-loving Leftist Tolerance-Troops, that we were out to "have them all put in concentration camps or worse" in order to set them upon us with the knives they usually carry anyway - oh, not the Left or "Anti"fa themselves, mind you, they're "for world peace" (through the extermination of Germany).  The peace-loving Rainbow-RED "Anti"fa applied their usual arsenal of tactics:  whereas it's bouquets and teddy bears and all manner of convoluted excuses for Merkel-imported Muslim rapists and killers, we will be treated to having bottles and rocks thrown at us - and Hitler-salutes (likewise prohibited by German law).

The opening addresses - which thanks to street access being cut off we wound up missing - were eloquently delivered by two very celebrated and appreciated dissidents:  Dr. David Berger, an LGBT activist (for which community he became persona non gratis due to his tireless criticism and warnings toward them concerning Islamisation) and the Lebanese-born journalist and film-maker Imad Karim (like David Berger also under attack by the internet.censorship).  As mentioned, the organizer herself is Kurdish-born, ex-Muslim, and a Christian convert.  Also present were the British activist Tommy Robinson and Pegida's founder from Dresden, Lutz Bachmann.  All unoffically represented, likewise from the Identitarians and from the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party.

So, to keep this short:  The entire Demo and March, robustly beginning in the "heart"land of the "Anti"fa and Gutmensch-Left, namely the Kreuzberg district, and the equally robust Show of Presence before the Chance-Liary where Merkel despotically ignores her own nation, covered a period of exactly six hours in the February cold.  The March from the starting point to the said final destination was cut short for over two hours by the police who insisted that they had to first "clear the blockading "Anti"fa which were allegedly already throwing stones (as they are indeed wont to) and we could not advance forward - this turned out to be a complete lie, there had been no "blockade" which we could not have moved right through, and the police had only made a gesture by arresting and carting away a few bed-wetters from the "Che Guevera-wannabes".

Furthermore, the police had done everything they could, under the orders by the severely far-Left governing body, i.e., Senate and Police Presidium - while being "so nice" as to escort us en route to the Chancellery - to simultaneously prevent us from ever reaching that destination by a) talking some people out of even taking the trouble to go there after this (police engineered) fiasco, b) hindering their way over there via "sudden" checkpoints, c) and brute force in the case of about fifty people - middle-aged and older, and their kids accompanying them - and various other scare-and-discouragement tactics such as we'd already seen ourselves or caught wind of.

In fact, as it turns out:  whereas we'd loudly called upon the police blocking our passage on the bogus "grounds" of their "having problems" clearing the "Anti"fa, or that "counter-demonstrators" ahve the "same rights" to be there as we (a compleely unconstitutional lie, as no one has the right to actually blockade our demos, which the Left however always does whenever they can, can gets away with it), we called upon the police to get out their water cannons and do what they are known to be capable of and frankly obligated when ordered to resort to, to clear the "Anti"fa out.  Not only would they not, they blankly informed us without any qualms about it, that they would use this against us, and their rubber truncheons as well, should we have broken through as we were qutie seriously on the verge of doing.  Yours Truly and a lot of very angry women and the men among whom I counted myself, arms linked and chawin' at the bit.

I repeat:  I saw them preparing full riot gear – only not against them, but rather against us should we break through their illegal and unconstitutional farce in protecting rather than clearing the decidedly violent „Anti“fa.

I should especially note here, that in this capital, Berlin, as in Cologne or Munich or Hamburg – all neo-Communist Red-Greens dominated major cities – whenever Erdogan-loyal Turks march en masse, covering said streets in a sea of Turkish national flags (some ranging in size reaching half a city block), demonstrating an openly stated attitude of superiority over the very German population whose land they are inhabiting, and over all non-Muslims (kufar) in general – THIS is never met with anti-Turkish demonstrators (except in the case of  Kurds of course) or with any problem by the self-loathing, anti-German “Anti”fa.  The police would never think of blocking the Turks, they would have a war on their hands.

Last summer they'd tried this on us (we were a legally registered Identitarian Demo) and we all stormed then in the other direction to get around this, but it didn't come off because the police had their orders from the top to prevent us in either direction - and that day the entire demo was capped.  Fine, well and good.  But not this time.  After an angry, non-violent but women-tough stand-off with the "de-escalating" police we all headed under police escort, mind you, to the still distant Chancellery, by foot and by bus and subway - even as some were told by some police, not even to bother going because "there ain't nothing happening over there anyway"...  Well, the "ain't nothing happening" was of course another state-ordered deception to discourage the numbers from showing which showed anyway.  And with gusto.  A helicopter hovered briefly overhead, the light and sound system was shut off (as had likewise occurred in Dresden) until we got a generator going and continued to the end.  It was a very spirited last hour or more to what wound up being a productive afternoon and evening.  And the tone determined that we will return the next time to the streets of Kreuzberg and the next time and the next.  We will take back Berlin.  Germany will take back Germany.  Women will take back their dignity!

(What Merkel does in 2013 with the national flag at her third election celebration for all the world to see, gives one as stark an impression as it gets, of what she has intentionally done with Germany - and STILL people voted for her a fourth time, but 2017 was blisteringly weak, and the CDU (as likewise the SPD, the FDP, and even The Left and The Greens) had gone on to lose a significant number of its own reps, membership, and voters, to the AfD: )

Just a first taste of "how our day went", the "Anti"fa you see on the balcony (in the first of six links given below) gives you a sense of the heart of whose territory we were taking the street, they wound up blockading, as always, the entire demo with a sit-in which the police had orders from above NOT to remove although illegal and although they are there to do just that: protect us from their violence and to remove their blocking tactics.

The police, who normally on Mondays are more likely "with us" - as it turned out here, and we know this also from experience, there WAS no real "blockade" to speak of, way up front at the spearhead where I was shoulder to shoulder with the coolest elderly ladies you'd ever want to be there with - just had orders not to let our legally registered demo through. We demanded in vian, that they set their water cannons on them, or tear gas - they would have  on us, as it turns out, had we broken through.  The March was called by a fabulous Kurdish-born AfD-member and literally welcome to all, she is a gem; the "Anti"fa on the other hand, is thoroughly supported with taxpayers' funds, via the SPD, The Left, and The Greens, all of whom took part in their defamations and sit-in. We did NOT give an inch or a cm.

The police, as it so happened, were so in line with the Red-Green Berlin politics (as the Senate etc. are known) that they could not seem to get it together to clear our legitimate and rightful passage for us on the street, yet they could offer us necessary escort all the fucking way to the Chancellery – for those who footed it – in the face any possible number of "Anti"fa attacks coming from any dark street en route,. And the police were evidently already at the Chancellery waiting for us while also stopping us on the bridge just prior to the spot, to suggestively discourage still more from coming – which they couldn't, so we cleared that up in a jiffy. This manner of state-managed chicanery not only was evident to us, at times soft-pedaling and at moments quite brutishly reacting to a father and son within our demo as the police's staged passivity toward the "Anti"fa and fake-assurances to assuage us sent some into a proper rage. And Leyla Bilge, the AfD Representative in the Bundestag who first called the Demo and March, will address this very directly and forcefully during the next Bundestag order of the day.

She will address, why would the police not have cleared the considerably minimal number of "Anti"fa blocking, but instead had set up police barricades from the start, in such a manner which only helped the "Anti"fa to stuff the streets and to a shocking degree hindered oncoming Marchers, many of whom had traveled far to get here - and furthermore, why the police in fact were just standing about or walking loosely among those blockading "Anti"fa pants-wetters liek it was a picnic (in Hamburg at the G20 last summer the police were quite able to move the trash out.  With water and with tear gas.

(Some opening comments by my dear Lady who carried our humble but trusty camera):

"On the way to the venue at Hallesches Tor, two subway stations were closed, and the announcement was that the subway would not stop at the designated stations, but would pass through.
"So we got out and walked to our destination.
"Every street was blocked by the Antifa, so we had a hard time reaching the event.
"Once there, a chain of police protected us from from the attacks of Antifa.
"The worst mouth-frothing defamation on the part of Antifa accompanied our way.
"I'm sure that many people were on the way to the women's demo, but were deterred by this gauntlet, or did not even find the appointed location.
"You have to experience it yourself to really understand that we live in some kind of democracy, and we're moving straight on the road to dictatorship.
"But I am very proud of the brave women and men who supported us from all parts of Germany in Berlin."

 I'd passed out 100 of these at the Women's March, wearing my #KravMaga cap - I should have printed out at least 200, they went like hotcakes:

One other "little moment" to share form the Women's March, shown in the fifth link below:

On the one hand this was a very mixed crowd of real, normal.ticking civilians - Berliners and many who'd traveled from all over far and near to be here, alike - who were united in determination not to give any ground; and likewise lighthearted enough to while away a bit of the 2-hour+ "blockade" time, preventing us - only on the part of the orders-taking police, as it really turned out - from moving forward.

With some tunes and move-yer-booty, parodying well-known hits with rewritten lyrics.
One dear lady along with us there, told us she (as with many who've since woken up) used to be at Leftist demos, and whereas she always found them loaded with a jaded boredom and frankly not-very-nice-OR-tolerant but very clueless people, she delighted in seeing how loose and friendly, how welcoming, how human, how spot-on and REAL, we "right-wing-Nazis-and-racists" actually are.


Six-part Take off our little camera, of the March, followed by a larger presentation ending with the actual - really excellent - talks delivered at the end, in front of the Chancellery:


Eric Graziani'a Takes (part 3) of the Women's March after being finally broken off by the police and we all headed off en masse to the Chancellery which was to have been our end destination in the first place.  There the speakers, minus Dr. David Berger and Imad Karim who had already spoken at the start of the demo, delivered (again) their addresses with such strength and vigor, and received in kind.  These were, among others, Lelya Bilge herself, Christian civil-activist Heidi Mund from Frankfurt, and the day's second LGBT-spokesman, with no one mincing any words. (Oh my, we are sooo shamefully homophobic, we "Nazis"!)

Imad Karim:

Dr. David Berger:

According to the hopelessly credibility-poor "Left" - that is, the ruined SPD party, the parties of The Left and The Greens (and the compromised-beyond-hope CDU/CSU), and of course the SPD/Left/Greens subsidized and participated "Anti"fa, "Interventionist-Left", and other terrorists and terrorism-supporters, I am a "Nazi". And they are correct, I am just that:

N.A.Z.I. In plain German, that's: Non-conforming To Islamisation.


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