Friday, July 7, 2017

"Welcome To Hell"... Bonus: Bundesbank/AfD/"Anti"fa

The really non-violent Identitarian Movement - libeled and slandered by this Regime and its Press as "right-extreme" and "dangerous", whereby it is conservative in the most traditional sense of the word - was not permitted by the Red/Green Berlin authorities to exercise its right to go the full course of its legally and legitimately registered Demo-Walk (17 June, a day of special historic significance for all Germans), was permitted to be blocked, first illegally by "Anti"fa and then illegally by the police themselves.

IN CONTRAST TO THIS: The Regime (sorry, I cannot call this a "government") cynically sees to all these divisions, sees to the uncontrolled and abetted arrival of this mass of stormtrooping zombies, literally permitting them free passage onto the streets to exert their mayhem, so that the police can be there to give the appearance of "keeping order" and "showing muscle" - it is all a farce! The sitting Federal Party "The Left" has its own politicians illegally participating with the "Anit"fa/Stasifa terrorists - I repeat, poltiicians working with and amongst them, then chatting with the cops, then going back to rioting (!) with these pyromaniac jackals and hyenas of the New World Order of socialist authoritarian doctrine-devotees. THIS ENTIRE THING WAS SET UP, IT IS A SET-UP AND WILL GROW, THIS IS THE FUTURE HERE, THIS IS IT. And it will be a totalitarian one with State-manipulated chaos and State under-manned police forces "going after them". The only ones who will wind up being destroyed or put in Concentration Camps (you read that right) or "protective custody" will be democrats, patriots, those demonstrating in civil initiatives against the twin plagues of Communism and Islamic Shari'a. If anyone thinks I am kidding, laugh on. I won't be "offended", I'm just not laughing. Nor will you be for much longer.

(Is it clear yet, that I am speaking of Left-extremists groomed with an anything-goes criminal bent and demonstrably hostile to the Constitution itself and to Basic Law, who ARE State-subsidized with taxpayers' money, to raise hell FOR Chairman Merkel's Plan to open the borders and leave them so (except for the G20, proof that they could have closed them all along), to flood Germany with "Syrian refugees" from all over the Mid-East and Southwest-Asia, the entire reach of North Africa and Sarharan and sub-Saharan as well, to force through legislation such policies as gendermainstreaming, pedophilia, and censorship of all criticism toward the Left, toward Islamization, toward the unvetted immigration and asylum-law abuse, and much more. The "autonmous revolutionaries" with Che-shirts and kaffiyehs all WORK FOR MERKEL. Is this clear yet?)

Here you have the Orks of "Anti"fa, the (Inter)National-Socialists - i.e., the State sponsored and well-subsidized "autonomous" đŸ€ŁBlack-Bloc (which they'd symbolically self-promoted wih a huge air-filled black cube curiously resembling (coincidence?) the Ka'aba in Mecca) - demonstrating, as they like to call it: and demanding THEIR RIGHT to act contrary to all police directives, to destroy public and private property, incite riots, commit violence against persons, and arson on...well...anything, attack police, commit attempted murder if homicide alone doesn't work, and generally terrorize the streets - all in the name of "peaceful protest" - indeed, "Welcome to Hell", this entire nation is being taken there by Chairman Merkel's political elite, day for day. Remarkably, her next election win is counting on just that:
("An international anti-capitalist demonstration is taking place in Hamburg on Thursday, July 6, one day before the official start of the G20 Summit, scheduled to run between July 7-8 in the German city.  Dubbed ‘Welcome to Hell,’ the left-radical rally will act as a prelude for a series of around 30 protests and blockades expected to take place against the summit. Demonstrators criticise what they understand the Group of 20 policies represent, namely capitalism and state repression.")


4th of July in Bavaria - "There is no 'right' to breach of law" ("Es gibt kein Recht auf Rechtsbruch!")

Chairman Merkel is not actually a Communist per se - notwithstanding her utilisation of the Red/Green actual Communists she is deeply partnered with in her Weird Coalition - she is of the Neo-Liberal Turbo-Capitalist "persuasion" ... and is herself well-versed in Stasi methods of persuasion.

The AfD, a duly registered conservative democratic party with seats in some 13 state legislatures, and the ONLY opposition to Merkel's Regime, holds a talk in front of the Bundesbank in Bavarian Regensburg, critically and knowledgably addressing real economic issues - the role of the Bundesbank, the Euro, the European market, etc.

The Fascists of the Left, going by such a misnomer as "Anti"fa, are doing the one thing they're any good at: relentlessly shouting him down and not hearing a word of what he's saying, nor letting anyone else. Especially in the case of a politically established party, as the AfD is, the police should be keeping these jackals and hyenas as far removed as possible - instead, they're allowed within a few yards' distance. This is not democratic or legal. But par for the course under Merkel.

The AfD originally had planned to rent a hall to hold this as a peaceful, undisturbed event. The "Anti"fa used their tried-and-true SA tactic of bullying those in charge of such a hall into refusing the AfD such space. So the AfD had to hold this outdoors - what happens? As you see, the "Anti"fa zombies throw their mouth-frothing shrill Hate Session (1984 anyone?) at him there. Of course.

The laugh-riot of the thing is: what the AfD really is addressing are allegedly the same gripes and concerns of the very "Anti"fa themselves - whereas the turth is, in shouting him down and trying to prevent him to speak, ready to run him out of town if the police were not there cordoning off, THEY are DEFENDING Merkel and the very globalisation-determined Regime they pass themselves off as "fighting"! It is very hard for me to decide what is their greater idiocy: their mental incompetence or their glaring hypocrisy. Maybe both, since Merkel's paying them for it.
(" Peter Boehringer auf der AfD-Gegenkundgebung gegen die Bundesbank-EURO-Propagandaveranstaltung und gegen die Antifa. Regensburg 4.7.2017" 4.7.2017. M.E. ein must-see! (Anti-)Faschistische EURO- und PolitikrealitÀt in D anno 2017.")

(Es gibt doch Hoffnung!)

"Antifa Ausstieg JETZT:

"Der sogenannte „Kampf gegen den Faschismus“ lockt viele Jugendliche an, die von einer besseren, gerechteren Welt trĂ€umen. Bei der Antifa mitzumachen scheint zunĂ€chst nicht verwerflich, sogar gesellschaftlich anerkannt. Doch erfahrungsgemĂ€ĂŸ fĂŒhrt die weitere Entwicklung meist in die KriminalitĂ€t. Von Hausbesetzungen ĂŒber Straßenschlachten mit der Polizei bis hin zu Brandstiftung und versuchtem Totschlag reichen die Delikte im Umfeld der Antifa. Eine linksradikale Ideologie fĂŒhrt zur Verachtung anderer Meinungen bis hin zu offenem Hass gegen weite Teile der Gesellschaft und den Staat.


"Rund 10.000 linksextreme Straftaten jĂ€hrlich bei steigender Tendenz zeigen deutlich die Problematik. Nicht nur gesellschaftlich – auch fĂŒr den Einzelnen. Wer die halbe Welt als Feind betrachtet, kann im richtigen Leben schwer Fuß fassen. Wenn du betroffen bist: Übernimm Verantwortung in der Gesellschaft. Akzeptiere andere Meinungen und man wird dir zuhören. Hör auf, dir falsche Vorbilder zu suchen und fange selbst an zu denken. Nimm dein Leben in die Hand und nicht den nĂ€chsten Pflasterstein.


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