Monday, July 3, 2017

On Being "Special" - Or Just Being Divine

If everyone is "special" then the word has entirely lost any meaning whatsoever. Whoever is special is anyway a matter of who's saying it of whom, thus subjective evaluation - and valid so far as that goes. If the word is applied to everyone (barring, naturally, deplorable Trump voters) as a matter of course, influenced by the politically correct "virtue-triggering" collective narcissism bordering on psychosis – and the SJW/LGBT/gendermainstream lobbying, bullying, terrorizing – then I have a bit of bad news for those social-atheists and pseudo-pastors and -clerics of their respective ethically compromised and theologically confused churches and congregations:

NO ONE is "special". And everyone is divine. Therein lies the Great, Sustaining Love, which never fails and never bullshits, betrays, or leaves you in the lurch.

Having said that, I do adhere to the "Van Helsing School" of combatting and defeating the psychic vampires and actual (Deep State or Islamic State) Undead of our time – in defense of life, of conscious life on earth.

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The "hidden" path of love in any tradition of faith, of devotion, of disicpline, lies in their respective mantras (the sacred Word bonding you in love, with your Infinity), if one has been shown them and how to apply them.

"God is your Lover, not your jailer."
– Rumi

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