Monday, January 4, 2016

The PEGIDA Notes, Part IV

Jan. 2016

I had to repost this, as it's thick irony is not to be missed: here we see a North-Rhein-Westphalian politician - in fact, she is the Social-Democrat President of the State Legislature there - who, wanting to do her part in the pandemic frenzy toward Appeasement of "The-Religion-Of -Peace," had officially organized a spread honoring the close of Ramadan, with the State footing the bill, for 250 honored guests representing the world's-fastest-growing-religion and its Lobby.

For all the effort and funding thrown into this, you would think she knew even the most elementary thing about the folks she was sucking up to in this for their future voting power - not that one actually thought the narcissistic drive toward political correctness and one-upmanship ever had to do with persons, people or cultural sensitivities. Her own native culture for example can expect no such sensitivity, nor her own people.

Lo and behold, "dinner is served" and: NOTHING ON THE PLATE IS HALAL !! What a disaster. Who knew? Why didn't anyone tell her, why would all 250 honored guests stand up and leave the hall empty, and on empty stomachs?

Do I feel for her? No. For them? No. For 250 Geman homeless who could have used some mutton goulash and chicken kebabs that evening? YES. For a native population still sleeping this one out, and which will one day wake up to a nightmare? Yes and no. I have no faked pity for a population too jaded to resist its coming third dictatorship in some 80 years, nor the sense to take a stand of Resistance to it, much less for a population which continues to vote these ignorant and arrogant career-clones in:


Ah, yes..."ISIS and Mossad," or "CIA-Israeli cooperation in destabilizing the Mid-East". Heard it before, comes up constantly.

I find it at least interesting, if not remarkably suspect, when I come across stuff like that, with all its temptation for people to say, Aha – knew it all along!... that, to my observation, none of these same people seem too concerned about what really was behind "9/11" - as if they all just let Bush and Co. off the hook, all those who'd participated in guiding the grand illusion of that day, Giulliani, everybody – manipulating the public and using the real heroes, the rescuers and fire dept. for example, to distract the population from the real issues, then with the right propaganda steered everyone into supporting – or at least shutting up about – the "patriotic" starting of two wars ruining two countries and now an entire region of them, hand in hand with the Islamisation which is their most useful tool. Just as a terrorist plan – however involved and intricate it wasor wasn't – on WTC-Day.

This I fail to see enough of – but Israel! And Mossad! The usual suspects. The Jews – aside from the fact that Israel would NEVER be able to justify to or rectify such a thing with the Jewish people or the Judaism it means to represent in State form, EVER; aside from this and the fact that they would stand to see very negligable gains by such a plan and active participation in its enforcement; aside from the fact that the idea is way too "out there" for Israel to be so significant a driver or so unscrupulous a player in this favorite scenario of antisemites of BOTH the Right and the Left, we KNOW at least by now that American imperial claims on world hegemony are entirely without scruple. Note that I say imperial and not imperialist, there is an important difference: I also say Islam and not Islamist, because in both words, the former addresses what it is in plain English and the latter gives it an ideological -ism which actually serves to circumvent the matter. There is a reason why that is done in the typically and historically socialist propaganda and manipulation.

Israel is a pretty small country and a democracy by as good as any definition we have for any democracy on the globe, or better than. It is surrounded by larger and still larger non-democratic countries which have most in common an historically hostile, violent and conquest-oriented "Religion-Of-Peace" still actively harking back to a 7th Century Bedouin mentality. Israel has every right and direct necessity to see itself in a strong defensive position. The U.S. is, by contrast, a large continent unto itself, surrounded by water and no hostile neighbors – yet sees itself and its imperium (by divine right of course) threatened by everyone else in the world (including its "friends") and justified in seeing to the planned destruction inside of a decade of seven Mid-East regional sovereign States, as well as the dismantling of every European sovereign nation. The difference here does not escape me but appears to escape a great many Israel-haters who under the guise of "merely being critical" can barely hide an antisemitism which surfaces after one follows the thread of a few statements. Fine – antisemitism is nothing new. Nor is Islamisation – but no one gets that either.

By the way – we ARE seeing a return of a kind of “McCarthyism“ today, not only in the U.S., but in the EU, in Merkel's Germany especially. Now this Chancellor (chance-liar) turns out to have larger plans for her own future after all, as one recently receives of it: while Germany's future is being fed to the wolves, according to plan, she has her eyes on the UN, something bigger than her House in Berlin – and Ban Ki-Moon's position when he turns it over. The chances are good for this Chance-Liar, as she has managed to get herself courted all over the world and while she is rightly loathed here, she still has a machine which keeps her voted and well-oiled with a largely cowed population of Gutmensch-Germans and an arrogantly narcissistic AND self-loathing Left with a neo-communist agenda.

But "Israel...Mossad" – these two are always good for a diversion.


UPDATE: Now the guiding capital of Shi'ite-Islam is righteously really pissed at the guiding capital of Sunni-Islam. "The-Religion-Of-Peace" is ready for another historical blood-letting with "The-Religion-Of-Peace". It remains to be seen however, if the standard Saudi executions-by-beheading of Teheran's champions, most notably the cleric Nimr-an-Nimr - and the Iranian Republic's standard theatrical reaction - would distract them both fro their mutual enemy, Israel (which neither beheads nor sends its citizens onto the streets in a public rampage slashing themselves silly and wiping their blood on the heads of their own small children for the cameras). Just saying...

Oh, the translation for my cartoon from 1986 while at the military school of Arabic: Here are two minarets, one Sunni, one Shi'ite, stretching far into the clouds and away from planet Earth, and the mu'ezzins are not calling out, "Allahu-akbar," (God is Most Great" - for those yet uninformed). No, they're waving their fists at each other (!) and frothing at the mouth with, "My god is greater than your god!" At the bottom, this being before I grasped what we'd inevitably be seeing today, I added: "The big problem in the Mid-East".

As if it were "only" that...

Some will wonder, WTF, but this came to me from a close pal and fellow scholar, and bears sharing - each can read it and take it for what it's worth. I don't post for nothing, never a dull day.

Of course I still retain my evolved perspective on matters of Qur'an, and will not give an inch on my stance and assertions which are well known, so I'm not in agreement with what I find in this - however itis interesting to see this kindof scholarship taking place in Israel. The same I cannot say for any of its surrounding countries.

I would have embraced this article over decades, until a few years ago, it is a lovely article – unfortunately also misleading. Whether that lies in taqiyya or simply other scholarly factors not taking into account Islamic hisotry and the fact of Islamisation, I won't devote this moment to, just an observation.

The assertions on "The-Religion-Of-Peace" and its founder, as reflected in the article below, are such as I still would have approved of, up to about 2010. I had begun to question just such assertions upon own further inspection and introspection. And so came to regard them as inacceptable, or could not in good conscience acceept them as I had.

The conviction of my own conclusions toward "The-Religion-Of-Peace" and all it manifestly represents, has only grown with painfully objective observation, compelling me to proactively warn any who want to wake up – I cannot do more than that, my ressources are limited to speaking my mind and backing my own assertions with a wealth of material from those with still more weight and ressources.

My 2016 resolution is to continue without hesitation, and my wish for the year is that many more will do just this: Wake Up.


5 Jan

(PEGIDA gets a nod of concrete recognition from a German citizen and witness to New Years Eve "festivities"...)

"WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME" - we knew what THAT would bring, a no-brainer for those who are awake. Now it begins! 2015 was a preparation for what 2016 will bring: for those now ready, it will prove a Year of Awakening for those who finally now get it - this man, a witness to Köln (Cologne) and what opened the year up there as in Hamburg and Stuttgart. New years has always been good for showing us for the coming year where we are going.

The entire official-propaganda apparatus, the government robots, from Chance-Liar and her Minister of Just-is - on down through all good Left-thinking Party leaders, the Appeasement-mainstream Media, all play this down: they cannot deny what occurred, no, they just shift the attn. away - as is their one and foremost duty today - away from the fact of Arab and North African NON-war-refugees being however called that en masse and without distinction (that would be "discriminating"), all invited into this country CARTE BLANCHE to be "tolerated" and above all "welcomed" - as "ENRICHMENT-bringers" by Merkel's and Gauck's own statements, actions and high treason.

This recorded statement (below), thus underscores what I had just yesterday posted below: "My 2016 resolution is to continue without hesitation, and my wish for the year is that many more will do just this: Wake Up."

12 Jan


„Antifa“ Ausrufe gegen Pegida: „Kein Gott – Kein Staat – Kein Patriarchat – Refugees Welcome Here“ . . .

Also rein psychiatrisch gesehen – und nicht mal rhetorisch gemeint – wir haben 2016 Großanstalt Deutschland. Da die entsprechende „Refugees“ damit gemeint, hauptsächlich islamische Werte und Einstellungen mitbringen, nämlich: gerade das Gott = Staat = Patriarchat hier willkommen heißen, um alles deutsch und Deutschland zu „überwinden“ und überrollen, abschaffen und verschwinden lassen, ist das Zenit von suizidal, von
hochgradig realitätsfremder Persönlichkeitsstörung.

Die „Antifa“ sind in der Tat und bei jedem Handeln und jedem Verhalten, vom Gestalt undvom Geist her, all das, was sie Pegida oder AfD oder sonstige Deutschland-Verteidigenden vorwerfen:

SA-ähnlich, sehr sogar,
konsequenzlos geduldet, gefördet vom Staat – und finanziert von Parteien.

Noch dazu sind sie:

puerile, pubertär – egal im welchen Alter,
verantvortungsfern bzw. -scheu,
narzisstisch und rücksichtslos sowie empathiefern,
einsichtsfrei und aggressiv dazu,
naiv und hinterhältig,
gewaltfreudig und -fähig.

Aber dafür ist das Sozialismus schließlich da.


Pegida-Dresden, mit deren durchschnittliche 20.000 Montags-Laufenden, befindet sich
nicht mit dem Problem befasst, was Berlin oder Köln (z.B.) trifft. Welche Hools auch in Dresden laufen müssen so sehr wenig sein wie irrelevant, da Dresden-Pegida niemals von deren Anwesenheit geprägt wird. Anders sieht's aus in Berlin, weshalb wir beide lange nicht mehr laufen können – zwar gerade aus unsere Pegida-Überzeugung – und es ist gleichfalls schwerst bedauerlich, sehen zu müssen, wie Köln-Pegida am 9. Jan. so gut organisiert und besetzt und seriös eine Demo erstmal durchführen konnte, mit sehr stimmigen Reden und Präsenz, friedlich und dafür von der Polizei wohlbesonnen und gern begleitet.

Bis auf den Hools. Das die Hools, schließlich Fußball-Hooligans die nur Krieg gegen „Antifas“ im Kopf haben (dafür aber auch, ohne Deutschland zerstören zu wollen), das die mit rein gezogen wurden, von Pegida-Organisierenden geduldet und sogar erlaubt nach vorne an die Spitze zu gehen, ist das schlimmste was eine sonst vielversprechende Pegida-Bürgerinitiativ und -Bewegung sich antun kann. Voll der Schlamasel – und zwar weltweit! Ein Geschenk an die Linken, Grünen, „Antifa“ und die Regierung, ein Großfutter an die Mainstream-leitende Medien – und ein unwiderrufbarer Versagen an alle Bürger dieses Landes, an alle Mitstreitenden, an alle strategisch arbeitenden Mitdenker. Nur im Westen ist so was möglich, die Ostdeutscher haben von deren 1989 bezogener Erfahrung viel gelernt.

Die Polizei hatten nie vor, gegen den bekanntlich friedlichen Pegida-Spaziergänger mit Krafteinsatz und Wasserwerfer vorzugehen. Sie war bereitgestellt wegen den Hools, und das nur falls die Hools dazu kommen, der Polizei einen Grund zu geben, den vollen Einsatz im Gang zu setzen. Das Bild was ich vor Kurzem übertragend gepostet habe, trägt damit leider eine manipulierte Botschaft. SO geht die Polizei eben nicht gegen Pegida – noch nicht – sondern gegen randalierenden Hools die bei Pegida nichts zu suchen haben, unreif wie die „Antifa“ selbst.

Aber, auch SO gegen „Antifa“ wiederum, geht die Polizei auch kaum. Also, die gepostete Bilder bleiben.


"ANTIFA" = SA, wie schon öfter gesagt. Bärgida einmal vor kurzem in Potsdam, wurde im Bus(!) nach dem Spaziergang(!) unterwegs nach Hause, gen Berlin(!) angegriffen, mit Steine und Böller, Blockade durch Gitter, Mülltonnen, Bäume, und sich selbst, und sogar Versuch durch der Nottür in dem Bus reinzustürmen. Die Polizei hatten zu tun, sonst wären meine Mitstreitenden, unsere Mitstreitenden, nicht durchgekommen, wenn nicht auch ermordet. Der öffentlichen Bus wurde geschädigt, Windschutzscheibe vor dem Fahrersitz kaputt, auch andere Fensterscheibe.

So viel für Meinungsfreiheit, Redefreiheit, Kritikfreiheit, Versammlungs- und Demo-freiheit. Der Bundesregime Deutschland befindet sich im fortgeschritten Diktaturphase, keine Demokratie mehr.

Selbstverständlich war diese "Antifa"-Nummer durchaus illegal. Deren eigene, von oben finanzierte Luxus-Reisebusse, mit denen sie zu deren vollzerstörenden "Aktionen" überall fahren, wurden nie attackiert. Die sog. "Antifaschisten" SIND WOHL SELBST DIE Faschisten von heute - logistisch und finanziell gefördert, unterstützt und mit Anweisung gerade von Parteien:  Die Linke und Die Grünen, aber auch SPD und mindesten wohl gegönnt und geduldet von CDU.

18 Jan

THIS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE of the actual, true nature of the "Antifa" - the self-proclaimed (EU-wide) German "anti-fascists" of the Left: they frankly and exclusively ARE the fascists. Their attacks - which have recently come an inch close to murder - are as reminiscent of the SA-Brownshirts and the Hitler Youth as you could ever come. Never were the (now practically irrelevant) neonazis this far gone.

I've written enough about this mob of politically-correct criminals, they are not only increasingly intense int heir lust for violence against all dissent, whether Pegida (or in Berlin Bärgida), the legal Party Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) or even any really ultra-right people merely voicing their views - DEMOCRACY IS DEAD IN GERMANY for the third time since 1933! A Third Socialist Dictatorship. Now.

Make no mistake about it - forget about the cheap "Never Again" avoidance-of-reality and ideological manipulation by the Left. Forget even East Germany - as it's precisely those East Germans in Dresden who remember that dictatorship and what it meant to hit the streets in '89 till the Wall fell. They KNOW.

The SA-ntifa is: youth and older; with illegally concealed faces or hooded; as cowardly alone as they are deceptive as a mob, lurking in alleys and waiting for lone home-goers after a demo and without police escort. They recently have graduated in their violence to using steel bars and not only riding their mini-bikes, but throwing them - and serious firecrackers - into a crowd of peaceful, patriotically dissenting demonstrators - whether Pegida or AfD, Christians mourning the over-proportional culture of abortion. Whatever doesn't fit into their ideology of German self-loathing at all costs and self-destruction. (What have they to lose? Well, they're way to o short-sighted to grasp that yet.)

THEY ARE SUBSIDIZED AND ENCOURAGED, not to mention schooled in this, by the following sitting Parties in the Bundestag, in order of direct influence: The Greens (also the Pirates, or what still remains of them), The Left, The Social-Democrats (SPD), and elements of the Christian-Democrats (CDU: Merkel & Co.). THEY ARE known for frenzied violence against legal and peaceful assemblies - on or off the street - of dissenting German citizens, provided they're German. THEY WILL shout anyone down for the crime of dissent, and because the police are kept on such a short leash the Red-SA is able to inflict great damage on them as well. Property, public and private, persons and police are all fair game to them.

They will never attack "The-Religion-Of-Peace" but only its victims - and they hate all religion anyway, atheist by conviction; they will never attack LGBTs but only ignore the crimes against gays in all Muslim regions; they will never attack me for wearing a yarmulke (except if I'm facing them off in a demo) but they'll praise Gaza and "boycott Israel"; they live for their "Nazi-Conspiracy" and live out their "multi-culti" intolerance in as extreme a manner as can be expected from jobless students sent off from class by their Gutmensch professors, all academics form the '68ers.

The new intensity of their excessively violent rage has something also to do with the fact that we've passed our year's mark and they still can't get rid us - they own the City, but they still don't own the streets.

Is this getting across to my English readership? We are once again facing the new-old face of anti-democratic, anti-Constitutional intransigent intolerance with a bludgeon. Is there a word for that? ...

Leftist terrorists in this country are often compared to Hitler's Sturmabteilung (SA). This comparison is enormous. In reality, the militant wing which is composed of Left and Green perpetrators of violence, is much worse.

Anonymous has leaked video footage of a group murder attempt by Leftist terrorists on January 11, 2016 on a crowded bus in Potsdam, documented from inside the bus itslef. The perpetrators are all from the ranks of "NoBaergida" and "NoPegida" - primarily "Antifa".
An added cynical culpability in regard to this clear act of terrorism, belongs to the cartel of silence, consisting of bought-off journalists and corrupt politicians, confirming yet again the foul reputation they've earned for themselves. The perpetrators continue with impunity to have free reign to exercise their anti-democratic, anti-constituitonal and thoroughly socialist lust for mindless, cheap-slogan driven and primitively motivated violence.

They are not charged, they are not held, they are not shown either consequences which would deter, nor so much as admonished or condemned as might discourage, any further terroism.

THE FACT that there are (also just now) DNA samples showing up in law enforcement from three still missing RAF (Red Army Faction) terrorists from the '80s, who are still sought on account of armed bank robbery and murder - and THE FACT that the above mentioned hordes of today's blood-sucking "Antifa" are actually being coached and schooled by former RAF-criminals...............sorta sets off bells for the not-yet-comatose.

20 Jan

For Christian (real) refugees, who have been known all this time to be regularly mobbed and further persecuted by Muslim "refugees" in the hugely overcrowded reception and holding centers - nothing. No consideration whatsoever by the State in it's bleeding-heart wisdom of "Welcome!" The Christians are left to fend for themselves at the hands of the same "Religion-Of-Peace"niks who mobbed and persecuted them back in Syria or Iraq.

Now the gay and transsexual Muslim "refugees" (yes, they exist and are now accounted for) - who may also be real refugees, but who have the lobbying power of the Greens and The Left behind them, as we all know, and of the LGBT which otherwise never cared a rat's ass about what happens to gays on a daily basis in the Mid-East (barring Israel of course) at the hands of the same cultural enrichment by "The-Religion-Of-Peace" - these dear fellows are receiving new accomodations to the tune of 3,500 of them, in March, to separate them from those same perpetrators which make life for the Christians a daily hell.

The Christians of course have no recourse as they have no Lobby whatsoever - the Churches, you say? No, the Churches, having been "gleichgeschaltet" into the ruling ideology of "Welcome!", have had nothing to do with Christians in Syria and Iraq since the very onset of IS. The fact of genocidal persecution of Christians by the Shari'a driven "Religion-Of-Peace" is far too uncomfortable for the Churches to be confronted with.  They're excitedly receptive to fresh new plans for easing the way for LGBT-candidates - just so long as they're not Christians.

Quite likely, the "Welcome!" Committee which has doggedly worked for the invasion by illegal asylum seekers at the open and unconditional invitation by Chance-Liar Merkel, will now have to gather up the teddy bears which had been discarded by those latter at the train stations some months back and deliver them all to the new digs of the newly fortunate asylum seeking LGBT crowd - woops, wait - make that GBT, as I have not received any report yet of lesbians among those 3,500...

However - in its compassionate wisdom the State is also transferring some two dozen hardened criminals in a Stuttgart receiving center among the North African "enrichers" invited by Merkel, to their own separate accomodations. This WILL be interesting...

(Assyrian Christians are now requesting separate accomodations as well - whether they will get that remains anyone's guess at this point - what is more significant in the first place, is that they are entirely left to themselves, they have no lobby, no political voice speaking on their behalf as that appeals to no Party's interest, and evidently no Church doing so either. Suchis the climate of Appeasement.)

Berlin: Schwule "Flüchtlingsunterkunft" kommt

"Es wird wahrlich immer 'bunter' in Deutschland. Nachdem bekannt wurde, dass Christen derzeit kaum Schutz in den Asyl-Unterkünften erwarten können, erfreuen sich hingegen schwule Invasoren über zunehmende Unterstützung. Jetzt sollen homo- und transsexuelle Flüchtlinge in Berlin eine eigene Unterkunft bekommen. Nach Informationen des "Tagesspiegels" wird sie wahrscheinlich schon im März eröffnet. Der Geschäftsführer der Schwulenberatung, Marcel de Groot, schätzt die Zahl der homo- und transsexuellen Flüchtlinge in Berlin auf 3.500. Die Schwulenberatung soll das geplante Heim betreiben. Die Kirche ist ebenfalls voll erregt. Zeit für den Willkommens-Zirkus noch einmal Teddybären zu werfen…"

27 Jan

Those who rail at the culture of political-correctness under two OBAMA Administrations, evidently suffer from selective amnesia when it concerns the culture of political-correctness under his immediate predecessor, under two BUSH Administrations. Some of us do not, some remember.

When it concerns his Administration’s role in the WTC-Attack and Demolition, and the "9/11"-Cult built around it, capped with its invasion of Iraq – no one speaks of the cult and culture of political-correctness of then, no one’s willing to admit how unkosher the whole matter is, the convenient glorification and manipulation through disinformation. To confront the WTC-incident and question the original version, evidently requires more balls than slamming Obama – hell, that’s easy.

Only since early in Obama’s first Administration did I ever see a President so regularly and heavily under attack, so blocked and dissed, in all my voting years. Frankly, I would no more vote Hillary or Sanders today than I would Trump. The thought of any one of them in The Oval turns my stomach. I have my hands full here with a Chance-Liar who is certifiably psychiatric and an entire Bundestag which should be dissolved – but as only the sitting President here can do that and he’s as abominable a sell-out as the rest, no hope there.

We are on the streets, I know of one Party here worth voting, State or Federal, and it has reached third place in the polls – who’d have known! I’m sitting the American elections out on this one, and I can’t vote here. My place is observing and informing – posting, writing, translating – and hitting the streets Mondays with my fellow determined citizens with Initiative.


Last weekend, delegates from 14 European countries met for a conference in Prague/Roztoky at the invitation of the Party Úsvit-Národní Koalice, represented by Marek Cernoch, and Bloku proti islámu. This meeting was remarkably professionally prepared, provided simultaneous interpretation for the individual national languages and took place in a pleasantly constructive atmosphere.

As the political situation in the Eastern European countries differs significantly from Western Europe, there was, for one, a large media echo - and moreover, no attacks by left-wing organizations. Some participants had a long journey behind them, Pegida-Austria for example.

I am proud and happy to see this historic step now being reached. It is still a very very uphill battle, but what started in 2014 as a solid Dresdner citizens' initiative (and has remained solid in the face of terrible odds) has spread with more or less succcess throughout Germany and become a Movement which has reached not only most of Europe, but the larger international comunity as well.

Not without reason, and not without grit and intestinal fortitude to stick with it, come what may - the fact that this was conceived in English, not German, although of German birth - and then translated into each respective language right there, German included, is a statement in itself: a demonstration of a whole new level attained. We remain unbroken and shall remain unbroken. So help us God.


Prager Erklärung

Im Bewusstsein der Tatsache, dass die tausendjährige Geschichte der westlichen Zivilisation schon bald durch die islamische Eroberung Europas und der Tatsache, dass die politischen Eliten uns verraten haben, ein Ende haben könnte, erklären wir, die Vertreter der verschiedenen europäischen Nationen, Folgendes: 

Wir werden Europa nicht unseren Feinden überlassen. Wir sind bereit, uns zu erheben und uns dem politischen Islam, extremen, islamischen Regimes und deren europäischen Kollaborateuren entgegenzustellen.

Wir sind bereit, unsere Freiheit, unser Hab und Gut, unsere Jobs und Karrieren zu riskieren und vielleicht auch unser Leben – so wie es Generationen vor uns getan haben. Es ist unsere Pflicht gegenüber den künftigen Generationen.

Wir weigern uns, uns einer europäischen Zentralregierung zu unterwerfen. Die Regeln der globalen Eliten haben uns nur Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit, Korruption, Chaos und den moralischen Zusammenbruch gebracht. Es ist an der Zeit, dies zu beenden.

Wir respektieren die Souveränität der europäischen Nationen und das Recht der Menschen jedes europäischen Landes auf Selbstbestimmung.

Wir erachten es als heiliges Recht der Bürger jedes europäischen Landes, ihre Staatsgrenzen zu schützen und zu entscheiden, welche Migranten sie in ihren Ländern akzeptieren und welche nicht.

Wir verweisen auf unsere gemeinsamen europäischen Wurzeln, Traditionen und Werte, sowie die historischen Allianzen unserer Nationen.

Wir sind entschlossen, Europa, die Redefreiheit und alle anderen bürgerlichen Freiheiten, sowie unsere Art des Zusammenlebens zu schützen.

Wir werden diesen Entschluss durch unsere Teilnahme an einer gemeinsamen Demonstration, die am 6. Februar 2016 in vielen europäischen Städten stattfindet, manifestieren.

29 Jan






Anmeldungen werden bei den Parteien, Die Grünen, Die Linke, und SPD angenommen.
Bei CDU werden sie weitergeleitet.

(Transl. - (High School and College) Students 2016!!  Wouldn't it be fun to smash windows at the headquarters or offices of legally established "enemy"-Parties?
Do you like to beat up your political opponents?
Wouldn't it be fun to indulge in this group experience? (Luxury buses stand ready!)
To throw self-made Molotovs or hard firecrackers at peaceful demonstators and at the police personnel?
Don't you want to practice heroic violence, character assassination and attempted murder with impunity, in fact encouraged and financed by the State?
Join your Antifa, e.V. (registered association) !!
Applications will be accepted by the Parties of The Greens, The Left, and the SPD.
The CDU would also pass them on.)


Die Linken, Die Grünen, sowie alle Arten Sozialisten in der Geschichte, sind bekanntlich immer bereit, ideologisch einzugreifen in jedem seines Privatsphäre und -leben. Heute wie immer, und immer wieder, die Diktatur der Politischen-Korrektheit:

(Transl. - The Left, the Greens, in fact every type of Socialists in history, are known for being ever ready to ideologically invade everyone's private space and private life.  Today as ever, and ever again, the Dictatoriship of Political-Correctness.)
(Poster:  "You too - keep the kitchen clean, Comrade!")


(Transl. - "... Concerning the idea behind the NSDAP, we are the German Left .. Nothing is more hateful than the Right-wing nationalist bourgeois property-owners bloc." ... Goebbels, 1931)

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