In an Email to my brother I opened an outline to the situation here and why we are active in open demonstration Mondays and what we are up against, My partner Rana took it from there and filled it out still better - I have my work cut out in translating her excellent synopsis:
actually wanted to give it to you short and simple, as you'd asked.
I found that due to our certainly different perspectives on what's
occurring – and very likely the dirth of proper or accurate
reporting on what's actually afoot here – short and simple about
what I'm/we're doing is impossible without certain necessary
information and background.
we're not in Kansas anymore.
I have
long had an instinctive aversion to any and every form of ideology,
because it takes anything which so much as appears as kind or
logically progressive – and twists it with dogma, perverts it with
toward the unfamiliar, multi-cultural sharing and enrichment, freedom
from discrimination – just to name three, are already
characteristics of most Germans today in general, especially in the
major cities, and most especially in Berlin, since decades – as
observed by visitors, guests, incoming residents from all over. To
make these qualities doctrine enforced through political-correctness
is to take all characteristic of beauty, of naturalness, of growth
and of charm and turn it all to shit. And make everyone cowards,
bought sycophants, or State enemies. There is an intensely violent
reaction toward democratic dissent – and this reaction is from the
Left and its hords, it's like seeing the SA take over, you would have
to be here and see it to grasp it. But I'm giving you a few short
looks on tape.
If I
were to name one chief defining criterion of any dictatorship with
fascistoid tendency, it would be ideology forced upon a people with
violence (both physical coercion, and psychological via propaganda)
with all disregard for any democratic law and repression of principle
freedoms, those being thought, speech, press, peaceful or non-violent
assembly, critical protest.
with National Socialism, true with Soviet Socialism, true with East
German Socialism, true today, with the domnating Socialist climate of
The Greens, The Left, the SPD, and Merkel's side of the CDU. No one
can put the brakes on it, no one wishes to or dares.
Concerning the idea behind the NSDAP, we are the German Left ...
Nothing is more hateful than the Right-wing nationalist bourgeois
property-owners bloc." …
– Goebbels,
in “Der Angriff“ 1931)
Rana's notes on The Left and some history behind it:
(Translation into English follows)
Friedman (Stratfor): US Geostrategy and the German Question
den Erhalt und Ausbau der Weltmacht USA zu sichern, und Deutschland
weiterhin zu schwächen , wurde Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl im Jahre
1990 von den Alliierten (USA, England und Frankreich) erpresst, für
die Wiedervereinigung von der BRD und DDR, auf einen Friedensvertrag,
und die vollständige Souveränität von Deutschland zu verzichten.
wurde der 2+4 Vertrag ratifiziert, in dem sich Deutschland
verpflichtete, das Konstrukt EU Staat aufzubauen, zu fördern die EU
Verfassung, und den Euro als künftiges Zahlungsmittel zu
akzeptieren. Kontingente der USA Streitmacht, sowie stationierte
Atomwaffen, und der Militärflughafen Ramstein verblieben auf
deutschen Boden.
alliierten Vorbehalt, sowie die Feindstaatenklausel, in der deutschen
Verfassung blieben bestehen.
beging Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl Hochverrat, denn
die Deutsche Verfassung lässt
eine zweite Verfassung nicht zu, wenn nicht der Souverän, das
Deutsche Volk,über eine
neue Verfassung durch eine Volksabstimmung befragt, und
mehrheitlich zugestimmt wurde. Beides geschah nicht. Die
Zustimmung von Helmut Kohl
zum EU Vertrag ist also nicht demokratisch legitimiert, denn das
deutsche Grundgesetz fußt
auf dem Grundrecht.
Artikel 20 des Grundgesetzes heißt es dazu:
„Alle Staatsgewalt geht vom Volke aus. Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht, (und die Pflicht) zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.“
„Alle Staatsgewalt geht vom Volke aus. Gegen jeden, der es unternimmt, diese Ordnung zu beseitigen, haben alle Deutschen das Recht, (und die Pflicht) zum Widerstand, wenn andere Abhilfe nicht möglich ist.“
hätte der alliierten Vorbehalt und die Feindstaatenklausel
gestrichen werden müssen.
ließ die Deutschen in den Glauben, das ein Friedensvertrag
abgeschlossen wurde.
gegenüber gab uns die ehemalige Sowjetunion, durch Michael
Gorbatschow,die vollständige deutsche Souveränität zurück, und
zog seine Truppen aus der ehemaligen DDR ab.
die Bundesregierung den Widerstand von uns Deutschen zu fürchten
hatte, verschwieg man den o.g. Sachverhalt so lange es ging, und
eine, bis auf den heutigen Tag, fortlaufende Propaganda für den
übergeordneten EU Staat setzte ein.
spärlich sickert die Wahrheit durch, die seitens der Politiker
relativiert und beschönigt werden. Die EU bemüht sich nach Kräften,
die Strukturen weiterhin so schnell wie möglich aufzubauen, um eine
Umkehr unbedingt zu verhindern.
diesen Prozess wurden seit 1990 bis Heute, folgende Verfassungs- und
Gesetzesbrüche begangen:
flächendeckende Spionagetätigkeit gegen die deutschen Bürger, und
Wirtschaftsunternehmen gehen unvermindert weiter.
kommunistischer Parteien, die laut Grundgesetz verboten sind wie:
PDS ehemals SED führende kommunistische Partei der DDR
KPD, Die Maoistische Partei
verfassungswidrige Islam mit Scharia Gesetz wird als religiöse
Glaubensgemeinschaft zugelassen, und werden auf die deutsche
Verfassung nicht verpflichtet.
der Wehrpflicht (Bürger in Uniform), und Bundeswehr
der zivilen Wehrpflicht
einer Berufsarmee
darf nur zur Verteidigung der BRD eingesetzt werden, nimmt aber an
Auslandseinsätzen innerhalb der Nato teil.
und Verkauf von Rüstungsgütern
der nationalen Währung (DM)
der Nationalen Zentralbank (Deutsche Bank)
der EURO
der Europäischen Zentralbank
Sachs Bankmanager werden in die Europäische Kommission ( Eurogruppe)
und europäischen Staaten etabliert
Steuergelder werden zweckentfremdet, darunter Rettung aussländischer
Banken , ( ESM>> Eurorettungsschirm ) verwendet.
Europäische Union droht nach weltweiten Finanzkrise zu scheitern,
diesem Grund wird ein Reformvertrag (Lissabon Vertrag) aufgelegt.
im Bundestag über die EU, Demokratie und den Vertrag von Lissabon
EU Parlament
aus islamischen Ländern wird seit dem Jahr 1990 massiv verstärkt,
obwohl Deutschland ausdrücklich KEIN Einwanderungsland ist.
Deutschen, als Nationalvolk, laut Verfassung, werden durch
Immigration ausgedünnt.
in den jährlichen Statistiken werden nach unten gerechnet, und
verfälscht veröffentlicht.
werden gefälscht oder nicht veröffentlicht, weil die
Gewaltverbrechen der moslemischen Immigranten extrem hoch ist.
deutsche Bürger wurden durch ausschließlich moslemische Immigranten
Tausende sind durch schwere Körperverletzungen körperlich
Übergriffe auf Juden, Christen, Kirchen, und nicht moslemischen
Immigranten nehmen zu, werden verschwiegen oder seitens der Medien
und Parteien beschönigt.
antisemitischer Volksverhetzung:
palästinensischen Demonstrationen, in Berlin ( Kurfürsten Damm) und
in mehreren deutschen Städten, werden laute Rufe wie: *Jude, Jude
feiges Schwein, komm heraus und kämpfe allein, sowie Juden ins Gas,
Kindermörder Israel, Frauenmörder Israel“ und Verbrennungen von
Israel Fahnen geduldet, und trotz gutem Videomaterial strafrechtlich
nicht verfolgt. Minute 1:15
Gruppierungen werden, obwohl sie sich offen zu den IS bekennen, und
das Grundgesetz ablehnen geduldet.
Gruppierungen, die offen unser Grundgesetz ablehnen werden staatlich
finanziell gefördert.
linksextremistische Ausschreitungen, werden seitens der vor allem
linken Parteien wie: Die Grünen, Die Linken und SPD, beschönigt
und geduldet.
Übergriffe, gegen die Polizei werden von den Politikern verharmlost,
und geduldet.
Übergriffe auf Polizisten, durch Flaschenwürfe, Steinwürfe,
Feuerwerkskörper, Rauchbomben, Eisenstangen, u.ä., sowie die
Beleidigung im Amt durch Rufe wie : „ Scheiß Bullen haut ab,
scheiß Faschisten Pack, BRD Bullenstaat wir haben dich zum Kotzen
satt u.s.w. werden kaum noch geahndet.
und volksverhetzende Parolen wie: * Deutschland verrecke, Nie wieder
Deutschland, Deutsche sind Nazis, Bomber Harris do it again, Wir
lieben, und fördern den Volkstod der Deutschen, Aufrufe zum Mord an
Deutsche u.v.m. Sind mittlerweile Alltag und werden nicht mehr
strafrechtlich verfolgt.
der Polizeigewerkschaft auf diese untragbaren Zustände, werden von
der Bundesregierung ignoriert.
Beobachtung der linksextremistischen Gruppierungen wie die ANTIFA,
GRÜNE JUGEND „SOLID“ durch den Verfassungsschutz wird vom der
SPD eingestellt.
werden linksextremistische Gruppierungen wie „Netz gegen Nazis“
als Experten für Rechtsradikalität eingesetzt, und die finanziellen
Fördermittel im Kampf gegen rechts von der stellvertretenden SPD
Vorsitzenden, Claudia Schwesig massiv erhöht.
Vorsitzende Claudia Schwesig zeichnet linksextreme Gruppen, wie die
„Antifa“ öffentlich mit Preisen, für den Kampf gegen Rechts
aus, und gewährleistet finanzielle Unterstützung.
Partei die Linke (ehemals SED/PDS) kooperiert öffentlich mit den
leitenden Anführern der linksextremistischen Gruppen, und Politiker
laufen mitunter bei deren Demonstrationen offen mit. Katja Kipping,
Vorsitzende der Partei DIE LINKE, hat Kontakt mit der Antifa und
verbündet sich mit ihr.
Polizei wird immer weiter abgebaut. Finanzielle Mittel für adäquate
Ausstattung wird eingestellt.
Sicherheit und Ordnung ist dadurch nicht mehr gewährleistet.
Parallelgesellschaften bilden sich weiter heraus. Rechtsfreie Räume
entstehen. Selbsternannte Friedensrichter sprechen unter den mosl.
Immigranten Recht.
mehrheitlich durch Nordafrikaner und arabisch stämmige werden in
vielen Großstätten geduldet, und strafrechtlich nicht verfolgt.
Polizei ist machtlos.
afrikanischer Asylbewerber pöbelt Polizist in Zivil an, am Görlitzer
Park in Berlin
Einschreiten könnte der der Polizist als „Rassist“ angezeigt
werden. Deshalb geht er aus der Situation hinaus.
mafiöse Strukturen werden in Berlin geduldet.
Abou Chacka Clan bedroht im Justizgebäude Filmteam eines TV Senders.
Anwesende Justizbeamte schreiten nicht ein, sondern kapitulieren vor
den Aggressionen des Clans Ab Min. 0:48,
die Polizei dennoch gegen die o.g. Missstände vor zu gehen, wird sie
öffentlich von den linken Parteien diffamiert.
Asylrecht wird für eine Masseneinwanderung von 1,5 Millionen
Menschen aus dem arabischen Raum innerhalb eines Jahres missbraucht.
Einwanderung wird geduldet, Personalien nicht überprüft.
Warnung des deutschen Geheimdienstes, das IS Kämpfer mit
eingeschleust werden, wird von der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und
der Bundesregierung ignoriert.
war der letzte Anschlag auf Paris.
großer Zustrom von Immigranten. Massive Gewalt in den Unterkünften,
und dem Wohnumfeld / Nachbarschaft
auf Frauen und Kinder, Prostitution von Frauen und Kindern in den
Unterkünften werden von der Regierung ignoriert. Homosexuelle Männer
und Frauen sind ebenfalls Übergriffen ausgesetzt.
Helferinnen, sowie weibliches Krankenhauspersonal sind Beleidigungen
sowie sexuellen Übergriffen, seitens der moslemischen Immigranten
und Immigranten: Gewaltexesse in Europa. Die Behauptung Die illegalen
Einwanderer würden kein Essen bekommen ist eine dreiste Lüge.
Gegenteil Lebensmittel werden an der mazedonischen Grenze, vom Roten
Kreuz verweigert, oder weggeworfen.
in Ungarn werfen demonstrativ eine große Anzahl bereitgestellte
Getränkeflaschen weg.
Immigranten mit Erkrankungen wie offene TBC, Krätze, Aids und
Syphilis verweigern die Behandlungen, und flüchten aus den
Bevölkerung werden vor den Gefahren nicht informiert.
wird zum Schweigen verpflichtet.
die ihrer Sorgfaltspflicht nachkommen, und die Öffentlichkeit
informieren, werden fristlos vom Arbeitgeber entlassen.
die aus den o.g. Gründen, sich weigern Immigranten zu behandeln,
werden von der Ärztekammer wegen „Straftat von Rassismus“
angezeigt. Die Approbation (Zulassung für den Heilberuf) wird
an die Medien, über die Vorfälle nicht zu berichten.
an die Polizei die Vorfälle strafrechtlich nicht zu verfolgen.
gegenüber diesen Zuständen wird als rassistisch und islamfeindlich
weigert sich beharrlich die Grenzen der BRD zu kontrollieren.
des Grundrechts auf Wohnung und Eigentum:
der Masse an (illegalen) Immigranten, werden Mieter, vom Staat, aus
Ihren Wohnungen, und Häusern widerrechtlich verwiesen, und in
schlechtere Wohnverhältnisse umquartiert, um Raum für die
Einwanderer zu schaffen. Nur circa 10 Prozent sind tatsächlich
sowie, vermietete oder leerstehendes Immobilieneigentum werden für
die Asylsuchenden vom Staat beschlagnahmt.
Flüchtlingswelle im und nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg wird von der
Bundesregierung instrumentalisiert.
Parteien rufen die Bürger auf, Immigranten bei sich zu Hause unter
zu bringen.
Grundrecht auf Versammlungs-und Meinungsfreiheit sowie künstlerische
Freiheit wurden massiv eingeschränkt, denn:
Journalisten, Politiker, Bürger des öffentlichen Lebens, die die
unhaltbaren Zustände, und die oben genannten Verfassungs- und
Gesetzesbrüche, ansprechen, kritisieren und in die Öffentlichkeit
tragen, werden durch die Leitmedien „ an den Pranger gestellt“,
von den Regierenden diffamiert, in die Rechte Ecke gestellt, u.a.
werden deren Bankkonten gesperrt.
Journalisten, und Bürger bekommen die Kündigung vom Arbeitgeber.
türkischstämmiger Buchautor, deren Bücher, in Deutschland auf der
Bestsellerliste stehen, bekam wegen einer kritischen satirischen
Äußerung zu der heutigen Situation in Deutschland eine Zensur.
Sämtliche Bücher wurden aus den Buchhandlungen, und online (
Amazon) genommen, und kein deutscher Verlag verlegt mehr seine
des Neutralitätsgebot des Staates:
neue Kontrahent des Parteienspektrums, die AfD, wird als
rechtspopulistische Partei und rechte Rattenfänger diffamiert.
Bundesregierung ruft die Bürger zum gemeinsamen Kampf gegen Rechts
Zentralrat der Juden, der Zentralrat der Muslime, Gewerkschaften, die
Leitmedien, sowie die Wohlfahrtsverbände schließen sich dem Aufruf
Mitarbeiter von Betrieben, Studenten, sogar Schulklassen werden
genötigt an den Demonstrationen teil zu nehmen.
demokratische, und neu gegründete Partei die AfD wird von
linksradikalen immer wieder körperlich angegriffen und deren
Eigentum zerstört.
Bürgerbewegungen u.a. Pegida die sich für den Erhalt des
Grundgesetzes einsetzen, und die unzähligen Verfassungsbrüche
anprangern, erfahren die selben Übergriffe.
Versammlungen werden massiv von der „Antifa“ gestört, und
versucht mit Strassenblockierungen, werfen mit u.a. Steinen,
Fahrrädern, Flaschen, die Versammlungen zu sprengen und aufzulösen.
Medien und Parteien machen sich der Volksverhetzung strafbar:
die bei den Bürgerbewegungen ihr Grundrecht auf Meinungsfreiheit,
und ihr Recht auf Widerstand friedlich ausüben, werden von der
Bundesregierung, Parteien und Medien als:
Mischpoke, Rassisten, Nazis, Pack, und Menschen mit kaltem Herzen
diffamiert und verunglimpft.
Silvester 2016:
Räume in ganz Deutschland sind entstanden. Tausende Immigranten
werden gegenüber Frauen sexuell übergriffig. Vergewaltigungen sind
zu beklagen. Polizei konnte nicht helfen, da sie wegen des
jahrelangen Stellenabbaus sich in Unterzahl befanden.
Polzeipräsident von Köln hält auf Anordnung der OB Recker die
Vorfälle geheim.
Medien schließen sich an, und berichten erst Tage später, auf Druck
der sozialen Medien auf Facebook über die bundesweiten Geschehnisse
am Silvester.
Politiker wiegeln die Geschehnisse ab, und spielen sie herunter.
Täter können nicht ermittelt werden. Eine Strafverfolgung ist in
den meißten Fällen aussichtslos.
Merkel lässt weiterhin ungehindert Immigranten ungeprüft
einwandern, und weigert sich vehement die Grenzen der BRD zu sichern.
der Zwischenzeit geht der „ Kampf gegen Rechts“ unvermindert
Linksradikale „Antifa“ begeht einen Mordversuch auf einen
vollbesetzten Bärgidabus, der auf dem Weg zu einer friedlichen
Kundgebung war. Unter anderem wurde die Notöffnung des Busse von
draußen geöffnet, um in den Bus zu gelangen.
die etwas längere Version, um die dramatische Situation besser
einschätzen zu können. Große Aufregung im Bus:
außerhalb des Busses, werden mit Pflastersteinen beworfen. Eine
Bürgerin wird von einem Stein am Kopf getroffen, und schwer
verletzt. Zahlreiche jüdische Bärgidamitglieder befanden sich in
dem angegriffenen Bus, und außerhalb,auf der Straße,
Oberbürgermeister von Potsdam bedauert zwar die gewalttätigen
Übergriffe, findet aber die „Gegendemonstrationen“ gegen rechts
als legitim und bedankt sich bei den linksextremen Gewalttätern und
„Demonstranten“ für ihren Einsatz gegen rechts.
schon erwähnt hat Pegida und Bärgida sehr viele jüdische Bürger
als Mitstreiter, die sich über ein Jahr lang als „Nazis“ und
„Rassisten“ beschimpfen lassen müssen, und ebenfalls Übergriffen
ausgesetzt sind.
Diashow 1.Quartal
am Brandenburger Tor:
kann zur Sicherheit nur unter hohen Polizeiaufgebot durchgeführt
linksradikale „Antifa“ begeht einen Mordversuch, und schießt auf
einen Wahlkampfhelfer der AfD.
Anschlag in Chemnitz auf AfD Büro in kurzer Zeit. Insgesamt 30
Anschläge im Jahre 2015 in Sachsen.
TRANSLATION IN TWO PARTS, of Rana's and my Email to my brother: (I.)
It's not possible to give simplified answers concerning a very complex amtter, nor is it necessary or useful to make the clarification of a position more complicated - so for starters I let Rana write some major points down a while back, which I then needed to translate readably, as, without the background you can only get a skewed perspective, and one which leaves out far too much
information, even for one as up to snuff as you are for the most part.
That's why the length here, because it matters very much - all of the
links here are merely samples from the abundance of the same, point for point, which we ahve at our disposal; so if this seems like "much" it's really only a dose.
should be pointed out, that everything which Rana had personally written and put together,
below - and this is what I felt not only useful but necessary to translate and get off to you - could just as well have been articulated by any of at least
four notable, still living and quite established Leftist German
representatives of the "old guard" intellectuals whom I could
name – and who are thoroughly dismayed to see what all passes for "Left" in the climate which has developed to the present and it
seems, future time.)
"The Regressive-Left"
Friedman (Stratfor): US Geostrategy and the German Question
ensure the maintenance and expansion of US global power, and to
further weaken Germany, Chancellor Kohl was blackmailed in 1990 by
the Allies (USA, England and France), in exchange for the
reunification of the two German states, to waive any peace treaty –
and with that the full sovereignty of Germany.
2+4 Treaty was ratified in which Germany obligated
itself to
build up
the EU-State
to promote the EU Constitution, and to accept the Euro as the
future currency.
Contingents of US forces, their
nuclear weapons stations,
and Ramstein military airport remained on German soil. The
Allies' reserved
and the “enemy states” clause remained
the German Constitution.
this, Kohl committed
treason, because the German Constitution
allows for no second
Constitution, until
such time as the sovereign German people
should be approached
about a new Constitution
through a referendum, and would approved
by a majority. Both never
happened. Kohl's
consent to the EU Treaty is therefore of
no democratic legitimacy, because the German
Basic Law is based on that
fundamental right.
Article 20 of the Basic Law states:"All state authority
emanates from the people. Against anyone who undertakes to abolish
this Constitutional order, all Germans have the right (and the duty)
to resist when no other remedy is possible."
the Allies' reserved status
and “the enemy states” clause should have been deleted. Germans
were left uninformed, in
the belief that a peace agreement was concluded. Gorbachev
on the other hand, gave
back complete German
sovereignty and withdrew Soviet
troops from the now former-GDR. Since
the federal government had reason to fear resistance by its own
Germans, the above-mentioned facts remained concealed for as long as
possible, and began the propaganda for the broader EU State which
still holds sway in its disinformation.
truth leaks out only
this even gets
relativized and glossed over
on the part of the political elite.
The EU spares
itself no
effort to continue to build the structures as soon as possible to
reversal. For
the process of seeing to this, the following constitutional and
legislative violations were commited from 1990 until today:
- The
widespread espionage against German citizens, and businesses continue
- Admission
parties, which are prohibited
by the Basic Law,
PDS formerly SED leading Communist Party of the GDR
The KPD, the Maoist Party.
The KPD, the Maoist Party.
- The
recognizably unconstitutional Islam and Sharia law are approved as a religious
denomination with parallel system of governance and jurisprudence, and are therewith not obligated to the German Constitution or necessarily legislation.
- Abolition
of conscription (citizens in uniform), and Bundeswehr
- Abolition of civil conscription
- Re-creation of a professional army
- Federal Army may only be used for the defense of Germany, but takes part in foreign missions within NATO
- Manufacture and sale of arms
- Abolition of civil conscription
- Re-creation of a professional army
- Federal Army may only be used for the defense of Germany, but takes part in foreign missions within NATO
- Manufacture and sale of arms
- Abolition
of the national currency (DM)
- Abolition of National Central Bank (German Bank)
- Abolition of National Central Bank (German Bank)
- Introduction
of the EURO
- Creation of the European Central Bank
- Creation of the European Central Bank
- Goldman
Sachs Bank managers are established in the European Commission (Euro
Group) and European countries.
- German
taxes are being miappropriated, including being
used for the rescue
of foreign banks (ESM = Euro
- The
European Union is threatened
to fail by the global
financial crisis. For
this reason, a Reform Treaty (Lisbon Treaty) is applied.
Speech before the Bundestag on the EU, democracy and the Treaty of Lisbon (EU
Reform Treaty:
before the EU
- Immigration
from Islamic countries is massively increased since 1990, although
Germany specifically is NOT a country of immigration. The Germans, as
a national people, according to the Constitution,
are thinned out by immigration.
figures in the annual statistics are counted down, and published
statistics are falsified or not published because the violent crime by Muslim immigrants is extremely high.
- Since 1990, over 7,000
German citizens were killed by exclusively Muslim
Hundreds of thousands are physically disabled by severe personal injury.
Increasing attacks on Jews, Christians, churches, and non-Muslim immigrants take to be concealed or glossed over by the media and political parties.
Hundreds of thousands are physically disabled by severe personal injury.
Increasing attacks on Jews, Christians, churches, and non-Muslim immigrants take to be concealed or glossed over by the media and political parties.
- Toleration
of anti-Semitic incitement (and this NOT by "Right-extremists" or "neos" - because negligable to nill) :
Palestinian demonstration of
in Berlin (on
the very Kurfürstendamm
80 years prior, Jews by the hundreds were marched amidst jeering, to
their trnasports east)
and in several German cities, loud cries of are: “Jew, Jew,
cowardly swine,
come out and fight alone,” and “Jews to the gas,” ro
killers Israel, women
Israel" and the
flags –
and not prosecuted,
despite clear
video footage. (1:15 min.) :
although openly committed to the IS and stridently rejecting the Basic
Law, are under some pbservation but quite tolerated.
Left-wing extremist groups openly reject our fundamental law are supported by the state financially.
Heaviest Left-extremist excesses are glossed over and tolerated on the part of the main Left-wing parties such as the Greens, The Left and the SPD.
Left-wing extremist groups openly reject our fundamental law are supported by the state financially.
Heaviest Left-extremist excesses are glossed over and tolerated on the part of the main Left-wing parties such as the Greens, The Left and the SPD.
assaults against the police are trivialized by politicians and
tolerated. Left-
attacks on police personnel
the throwing of
rocks, pavement, molotovs, dangerous fireworks, smoke bombs, iron
bars, etc., and the usual
shrill frothing and screaching ov verbal abuse
have to hear, entirely – I mean entirely – with impunity.
hostile and seditious slogans – by Germans toward all Germans –
such as: ”Germany perish”, “Never again Germany”, “Germans
are Nazis”, “Bomber Harris do it again!”, “We love and
promote the national suicide of the Germans”, and voicing calls
for murder of Germans – this is just a taste
of it – are the enitre character of this violence-prone Left, no
further content to it. This has become such an everyday matter, and
while literally violating certain laws specific to Germany, will no
longer be prosecuted, not when it is from the Left. That means, if
either of us would scream this sort of dreck, we'd face charges.
Emergency calls from the policemen's union in facing these intolerable conditions are ignored by this Administration of the Federal government. It has been observed more and more by even established own-Party politicians, journalists of standing, and by other pbservers, that the once conservative CDU is completely shifted by Merkel's politics farther and farther to the Left than anyone ever would have imagined. There is no oppositional Party of mention in the Bundestag. Merkel's got it all and the Left, with a very few dissenting voices – and those only somewhat – are delighted to see her policies through, as they aspire toward ever more influence in this institution for the insane. But more on that later.
observation of the extreme Left-wing groups such as the "ANTIFA",
GREENS YOUTH "SOLID" by the Office of the Protection of the
Constitution (alone whose job it is), has been suspended
by the SPD. Instead,
Left-wing extremist groups like "Network Against Nazis" are
used as “experts” on Right-wing radicalism, and the funding by
deputy SPD chair, Claudia Schwesig, in the “fight against the
Right,” has increased massively. Schwesig
publicly distinguished openly violent Leftist groups such as the
"Antifa" with awards, for the “fight against the extreme
Right”, and ensured endless financial support.
The Party, The Left (formerly SED/PDS), is cooperating publicly with senior
leaders of the Left-extreme, and politicians have been known to
openly march arm in arm in just their demonstrations. Katja Kipping,
chairman of The Left Party, has contact with the Antifa and actively
joins forces with it. Their
common slogan: “NEVER AGAIN GERMANY:
really not kidding.
police forces are continually being downgraded, and downsized.
Financial resources for adequate equipment gets suspended. Safety
and order are
no longer guarantees. Muslim
parallel societies are emerging further
and upsurge, not down.
areas are on the
rise. Self-appointed arbiters
of justice
alone from Muslim
law, from
Shari'a as they import it here. Formation
of NO GO AREAS have become fact, which no denial of it can erase.
trafficking mostly by North Africans and Arabs are tolerated in many
large cities, and generally not penalized as criminal offenses: in
the first place police are rendered powerless by current policies,
weakened in their duties and in law enforcement; in the second place
the judges have so often been softened and bought or coerced into the
current system that they are lax by nature and let anyone just go.
The most prominent and valiantly outspoken exception to this right
here in Berlin, and delaing with the hardest cases – was a female
jduge who wrote books focusing on just this and on ehr very effective
program for youth in the justice system. Unfortunately she was
murdered just prior to opening her project further and everyone is
told to accept this as a suicide – under the most quesitonable
circumstances either of us has ever seen in criminology.
African asylum seeker aggressively
policeman at Berlin's
most notorious hot-bed of drug dealing, Görlitzer
Park. Alone
intervention of the police officer could be displayed as a "racist".
That's why he just
leaves the situation,
cannot, he may not do what a cop normally is expected to do. Were
the dealer a German of European descent, yes, then definitely without
further ado.
mafia organizations are tolerated in Berlin - in fact they become feared celebrities, as with Gotti or Al Capone in a certain way, only minus the charm. The Abou Chacka clan
threatened the TV-crew of a broadcast while filming in the courtroom.
Not a single Justice official intervened, they just capitulated to
the aggression of the clan. (Starting at 48 seconds into the
attempts – no really, I do mean any – by the
police, to act within their duties against the above-mentioned
grievances, will be met with public vilification by the left
parties. The right of asylum is being abused for a mass
immigration of 1.5 million more people ifrom Arab and North African
regions within this year. Illegal immigration is tolerated,
personal details are not even verified – they could not manage this
if they wanted to and there is factually no political will to do so,
now or in the future.
warnings of the German Secret Service, both in 2015 and in January
and in February and now in March of this year, that the relentlessly
unchecked and unlimited immigration policy is carrying with it
specifically (not potential, not imagined, not fantasized, but real
and actual) hardened and tested IS fighters into Germany and into
Europe (latest count is in the thousands) is patently ignored by
Merkel and her Administration, her Regime – wihout a further
word. A direct result of one past statement of warning, in 2015,
was the attack on Paris. Short memories, cold hearts. Oh, right –
according to Merkel, we dissenting are “cold-hearted” - she's all
warm ansd fuzzy.
Meanwhile: further large influx of immigrants.
Massive violence in the accommodations and facilities, and the
surrounding residential environment, the neighborhoods:
on women and children, prostitution of women and children in the
accommodations are ignored by the government. Homosexual men and
women are also exposed to attacks. Volunteers and female
hospital staff are left
exposed to insults
and sexual assault by the Muslim immigrants. Their
complaints are not only in vain, they are made light of.
Refugees and immigrants: Excessive violence in Europe. Claiming he illegal immigrants are receiving no food is a brazen lie:
Refugees and immigrants: Excessive violence in Europe. Claiming he illegal immigrants are receiving no food is a brazen lie:
the contrary, Red Cross delivered food and care packages at the
Macedonian border flippantly rejected or discarded (and these people are
starving?!...thirsty?!) :
seekers in Hungary demonstratively throw
a large number supplied beverage bottles:
of immigrants with
conditions such as open Tbc,
scabies, AIDS and syphilis are hospitalized,
refuse treatments, and flee from the
hospitals, just taking off. The
population is willfully
not being informed of
the dangers. Nurses are
sworn to secrecy. Nurses
who however, in fulfilling their real duty of care and hygiene, do inform the
public, find themselves summarily dismissed by their
employers. Doctors who, for the above-mentioned reasons,
themselves refuse to treat immigrants, find themselves facing charges
by the Medical Association for "the offense of racism,” their
licenses revoked.
name a few more points of reference:
- Advisories
sent out to the media, not to report the incidents.
- Instructions to the police not to pursue criminal incidents.
- Criticism of this state of affairs is massively written off as “racist and Islamophobic”.
- Merkel stubbornly refuses to control the borders of the Federal Republic and pushes to break all attempts to control the southern borders of Europe itself.
- Instructions to the police not to pursue criminal incidents.
- Criticism of this state of affairs is massively written off as “racist and Islamophobic”.
- Merkel stubbornly refuses to control the borders of the Federal Republic and pushes to break all attempts to control the southern borders of Europe itself.
- Infringement of the
fundamental right to housing and property:
of the mass of (illegal) immigrants, tenants find themselves
illegally expelled by the State from their flats and houses, to be
relocated in poorer housing conditions, to make room for the
immigrants – only about 10 percent of whom are actually
- Gyms
and leased or vacant properties are being
confiscated by the State, for
asylum housing.
- The wave of real refugees during and after the Second World War is an image being unfactually exploited by the federal government.
- The Parties are calling upon native German citizens to bring immigrants into their own homes – not that a single celebrity or politician would do this! (Even the Left-moralizing “Antifa” in Potsdam and more recently in a district of Berlin demonstrated for their own part against this being done right next door to themselves. They were not however, accused by anyone from the Press, of “racism or xenophobia”...)
- The wave of real refugees during and after the Second World War is an image being unfactually exploited by the federal government.
- The Parties are calling upon native German citizens to bring immigrants into their own homes – not that a single celebrity or politician would do this! (Even the Left-moralizing “Antifa” in Potsdam and more recently in a district of Berlin demonstrated for their own part against this being done right next door to themselves. They were not however, accused by anyone from the Press, of “racism or xenophobia”...)
The fundamental right to assembly and freedom of expression and artistic freedom have been severely limited:
- Individual
journalists, politicians, citizens in public life, in
openly voicing their dismay and criticism of
the intolerable conditions and of
aforementioned Constitutional
and legislative violations,
themselves being
"pilloried" by the mainstream media, defamed by the
and its cohort of sycophants, namely filed away and written off as
“Right-extreme” – many of these have seen
their bank accounts suddenly
frozen.- Openly
journalists and citizens in
general have faced dismissal
by their
- A
Turkish-born author, whose books have – or
had until recently – long been on the German
bestseller list, was completely
censored from the shelves and from all publishing houses immediately,
inslcuing one which had just sent his recent work to press, all
because of one
critical satirical statement on the current situation in Germany.
(The statement, which we ourselves in fact heard as it
left his lips and were word for word clear, was exactly the opposite
of what was quoted and for which reason he was forthwith banned, with
a howling self-righteousness you'd never expect from a deocracy.)
All his books
were removed from bookstores and online (Amazon), and no German
publisher – with possibly one exception,
will touch him.
of neutrality of the state:
new counterparty of the party spectrum, the AfD (Alternative for
Deutschland) is defamed as a “Right-wing populist” party and a
Right “Pied Piper”.
- The Federal Government urges people to the common fight against the extreme Right.
- Churches, the Central Council of Jews, the Central Council of Muslims, unions, the mainstream media, and the charities to connect the call.
- Trade unions, businesses, students, even school classes are obliged to take part in the demonstrations in part.
- The Federal Government urges people to the common fight against the extreme Right.
- Churches, the Central Council of Jews, the Central Council of Muslims, unions, the mainstream media, and the charities to connect the call.
- Trade unions, businesses, students, even school classes are obliged to take part in the demonstrations in part.
the National-Socialists this very maneuver was called
“Gleichschaltung” - getting everyone on board, onto the
same program. Worked then, works now.)
legally registered,
democratic, and newly founded party, the AfD finds
itself repeatedly
physically attacked by the
radical Left,
with property defacement and destructive
vandalism, even a drive-by gunshot which narrowly missed hitting a
young guy just hanging public campaign posters.
Established civil initiatives which have reached the proportion of a movement, foremost among them Pegida – Bärgida is the Berlin offshoot, with whom we have been walking every Monday for somewhat over a year now – which strives for the preservation of the Basic Law, and confronts and denounces the countless violations of the Constituiton, has to put up with the same attacks. Never a Monday Walk or any Deom event without heavy and very effective police presence, not on account of our behavior but for our protection, on account of their behavior.
gatherings are massively disrupted by the "Antifa", which
does this with road blockages, throwing of rocks, bikes, bottles, or
to blow up meetings in an effort to dissolve them. And this all
subsidized and performed with a an attitude of extraordinary
self-righteous mockery and loathing. Nothing but schooled clicheed
slogans without content or reality froth from their screaching
And by supporting just this, the Federal government, the media and the political parties actually place themselves culpable of seditious violation of standing laws – and they do so with impunity:
Citizens who non-violently exercise their fundamental right to freedom of expression, and their right to resistance via the grassroots movements, are openly slandered (also an offense under German law) by the said Federal government, parties and the media, as:
Mischpoke (an alarming throwback to Goebbels
himself), racists, Nazis, Pack, and people
defamed and villified as being "cold-hearted".
I know this is a bit much to read - it was a bit much to write, but then we write a lot. It's the type-o's that get in the way, really. I have no expectations that we'll view any of this in agreement, but I'm just giving it to you from our angle. And I'll end on that note when I get there. This will be somewhat shorter but also loaded - you will never get this watching the news form Kingston nor by googling, as the position I'm presenting you is rendered so "unpopular" and demonized, as to be naughty. Seriously, there is a strong measure of selective censorship taking place - not all censorship always means it's cut out and blocked, although that as well - we've noticed it can also just be made "unavailable" or "hard to find" - yet there's a good deal to find which is not in Englsih, and enough to find which is in English, you have to know where to google. If you just give "opposition to the immigration flood" for example. you'll get the mainstream demonization of our confrontation toward the policies here. Not the positions themselves but the manipulated propagandized reaction to our position without even representing that accurately in doing so.
New Year's Eve 2016
(not restricted to, of course, but in a slew
of major cities across Germany) :Lawless
areas have emerged throughout Germany.
Thousands of immigrants sexually attacked
women, rapes
were wintessed and reported, some just barely
stopped; simulteneously massive theft and molestation, furhter
provocations against any response in defense.
Police could not help because they were outnumbered on
account of the years of increasing
cutdowns in force.
orders from Cologne's
Lord Mayor of Cologne
Ms. Reker, the
Chief of Police kept
the incidents secret. The media joined in this
arrangement, and reported
only days later, and only in response to
pressure from the social media on Facebook about the nationwide
events on New Year's. Politicians distanced
themselves from the incidents'
reporting, and downplayed
them shamelessly. (This
from a woman who herself only some eight months previously had gotten
a knife jab to the neck while holding a rally herself – guess she
musta come up with this gem afterward.)
offenders could not be identified, any prosecution in the majority of
cases appeared hopeless. Angela Merkel could continue unhindered
her planned, mass flooding of uncontrolled and illegal immigration,
and vehemently refused to secure the borders of the Federal
In the meantime, the "fight against the Right"
continued unabated.
radical left "Antifa" commited
a murder attempt on a crowded Bärgida bus which was on its way back after a
peaceful rally. Among other things, the emergency opening of the
buses from the outside had been opened for access into the bus.
the slightly longer version, in order to assess the dramatic
situation better. Very
outside of the bus were pelted with paving stones. A woman was hit
by a stone to the head, and seriously injured. Numerous Jewish
Bärgida participants were in the attacked bus, and outside, on the
street. (Although
paramedics were on hand, the woman with the gaping head wound was
refused treatment at all, because the paramedics were “only there
for the 'Antifa' and for no one else.” This is as illegal as it
can get, but I am not making this up.)
the mayor of Potsdam "deplored" the violent assaults, still he found
the so-called "counter-demonstrations" against “the
Right” as “legitimate” and thanked the Leftist hooligans and
"demonstrators" for their commitment against “the
As mentioned, Pegida and Bärgida have a number of Jewish citizens as participants, also gays (both of which applies to the AfD Party as well, by the way) who for better than one year now have also been subject to abuse and have had to put up with being shrilly called “Nazis” and “racists”.
Bärgida Slideshow, first quarter:
at Brandenburg Gate:
Assembly is always only possible under high police presence – for our own security.
Assembly is always only possible under high police presence – for our own security.
radical leftist "Antifa" commited a murder attempt by
firing on an election campaign helpers of the AfD. Fourth attack
in Chemnitz on AFD office in a short time. A total of 30 such attacks
in 2015 in Saxony.
So, while this might prove to be the beginning of a continuing
conversation, it was a necessary start with more reading than you'd
probably bargained for. In drawing this at least, to a close, I have
to emphasize that Germany alone could not even fill all of Texas in
land mass, every individual state or nation in Europe, and all of
Europe itself, likewise cannot be compared in this matter with the
German Federal Republic is being "expected" to take on still
another million and another, of immigrants on the basis of refugee "rights" already contrary to the Basic Law and Constitution, to
which I should add that by official accounts themselves, some 77% have
no ID with them and some 90% are not even refugees fleeing from a war
zone – in fact, by arriving here through one or two or more other
safe countries they are not even refugees at all by definition.
Merkel and Prez Gauck however, have promised them the world and the
moon. Berlin alone has been forced to acquiesce to recieving some
100,000 plus. And Americans have the arrogance to think unasked
Germans who were offered no referendum or any say on this are "Nazis"?
one single Arab country will take them, will not take one. Not Saudi
– alone the tents they set up for the Hajj thousands could have
been used. Not Kuwait – I listened to a Kuwaiti official frankly
stating before the camera that they never would take Syrians in
because the latter has impurer blood than the Kuwaitis and they're
not about to let mixing occur. But “Germany is racist“! I got
it. And I'm fed up with it. Erdogan doesn't want them in Turkey
either. Between him and Washington and NATO we know whom to thank
for the presence of IS in Iraq and Syria and flowing into Europe as I
pointed out. America, which has so much space and so many
ressources, is indeed a continent unto itself built on immigration –
and with a big mouth, can only take upwards to a 100,000 “Syrians“
the Guest Workers of the '60s? Germany was forced by the U.S. to
take on unemployed Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Turks
in that era. To work and then return home. The Italians did, the
Greeks and the Spaniards, the Portuguese – needless to say, we
thankfully have those of them who returned and contributed to a nice
roundly international flavor here as well. The Turks did not return
to the homeland, they stayed and multiplied to the point that Berlin
alone has the world's third largest Turkish population. That's not
multi-cultural, that's mono. They have double-passes; Erdogan says,
stay in Germany and stay Turkish, do not assimilate (he called assimilation itself a violation of human rights) – just use 'em.
Of course you have well established Turks here, and they are
welcome, they know where they are – the ones who think they're
still in Anatolia beat them about the head for not wearing
hijab or being more Muslim. So much for tolerance.
are FGM crimes already occurring here and honor-murders and polygamy
and forced marriage largely involving under-age girls (by Western
standards of age) – all indulged and abetted by an
Appeasement-ideology which I cannot brook.
last note I have to share on this, and I appreciate your asking as I
do your reading it through: Europe has always been a tapestry of
cultures, European states and nations in development, demographic
shifts and changes, centuries of crises with Muslim invasions and
occupation, I mean it's not as though Europe is a bland slug. But
from Sweden to the Italian peninsula, from Ireland to Poland,
Europeans are being told by a severely decadent and gravely
dictatorial EU that none of this continent's cultures are "interesting" nor worthy of native population growth with a
native identity. Nooo, they need something more exotic and "spicy"
- this is racism, this is a typically socialist program of
human and population "experimentation". Europe is already multi-
enough, and it can take its fair share of incomers from wherever.
But not by force, and not en masse, and not by dictatorially
unlawful decree.
haven't even touched on the culture of pedophilia and
gender-mainstreaming which has taken hold in the same ignoble manner
and with devastating progress, like a cancer.
I'm speaking from the heart when I tell you – you needn't worry
about me, but on the other hand, if I ever had to be visited on the
intensive station or if you ever read an obit on me, it won't have
been at the hands of "Right-extremists" - the wind blows from the
Left. And the wind may just change.
love you very much, however you take this "brief note".
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