Sunday, August 16, 2020

It's KYRIE, not "Corona"

Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison...

- "What are you constantly muttering there?!..."
- Kyrie Eleison.

- "Well you're spreading germs and infection, where's your mask?!"
- In my pocket somewhere.

- "Why don't you have it on?!"
- Can't.  I have an intense allergic reaction.

- "You have allergies?"
- Nope.

- "Well what is it, you have asthma?  Some note from your doctor?"
- Nope.  I'm of sound mind and fit body - I have a severe reaction to two conditions.

- "What are they?!..."
- Tyranny and Ignorance.

- "You're endangering everyone else, all around you!"
- No, your Democrats and the Chinese are.

- "No one will get anywhere near you, everyone will keep their social distance!"
- Their prerogative, if they so want it.  My Heavenly Father is nearer to me than my own breath.  Christ circulates in my blood.  The test HE sets me is the only one that counts, and that MUST come out positive.

- "They'll come for you."
- They came for Him.

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