Tuesday, August 11, 2020

From JFK to Trump, A Tale Of Two POTUS vs. DeepState

LET US TAKE Everyone's Favorite Catastrophe (ignoring any others) - the Holocaust, namely Auschwitz, more to the point here (below) however, Buchenwald. By "favorite" I DO mean providing the best cudgel for virtue-signaling, shaming and browbeating others into submission to "Never-Forget". This while having oneself NEVER learned the one major principle here: looking at what has been right in front of you all along, in your very midst, while you've denied or resigned yourself to it.
NOT ONE single person incarcerated there in Auschwitz (...or Buchenwald) could find it within himself to believe, nor had reason to so much as hope: that the outside world - I DO mean the international populations and states and media - knew or was informed of, their predicament. Knew or was informed of, their horror. Knew or was informed of (or cared to think of or be bothered over), their existence.
AND SO IT IS with Global Systematic Child Trafficking, and the Ruling Paedovore Industry. Until TRUMP - and Trump alone - declared war before ALL the world on THIS. Mincing no words, sparing no time. And YOU WONDER why he is so hated, so loathed, so vilified and attacked with the toxic animosity of the possessed.
ASK YOURSELF: by whom.
Now go and read: "REMEMBER WEIMAR..."

Donald Trump: Foto von seinem Gesicht sorgt für Spott - US ...

And then continue:

Three French Guys In History - And POTUS

ANYONE STILL REMEMBER a Jewish guy named Afred Dreyfus? He was a late-nineteenth century French Army Captain, falsely accused of high reason by selling or at least passing military secrets to the Germans.
After his high-profile trial and conviction, in an excessively - and very French - antisemitic atmosphere, and his sentencing to the notorious Devil's Island, another guy named Émile Zola took up the matter - the case, the cause - and brought the kangaroo-court scandal to international attention with his "J'accuse!" ...

This got the trial reopened - and, gues what:

Dreyfus' higher ranking accusers THEMSELVES, led by (still another guy), an officer named Esterhazy, were in FACT the actual traitors ALL ALONG, who'd passed the secrets to the enemy and projected the onus and guilt onto Dreyfus - and he, having his Jewishness as a disadvantage, was the easy target.

So Dreyfus was cleared - and Esterhazy, while not hanged as deserved, was at least discredited and ejected from the military, fled to the UK later to save his hide.

The Jewish Derangement Syndrome (JDS) hysteria in France back in the day was antisemitic. The irrational TDS today shows us that OUR Dreyfus is President Trump, and OUR Esterhazys are the paedovore DNC and DeepState entities - and their media.

And this, in EVERY regard, from Russian collusion, to WuFlu, to the riots, to ANYTHING you can name. He has been the declared enemy of the two industries and institutions of Pharma and Paedodom, since the moment he'd declared war on them and on their Swamp - and its media.
For this reason alone, is our President's very life so in danger, that he needs to be placed under still-extra security, under protection, the kind which WOULD have kept his predecessor in Nov. 1963 alive for the duration of his elected term of office.

The mainstream media is either Swamp or coward.

We need more Zolas!

 LeMO Biografie John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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