Monday, April 15, 2019

Vatican Frank - And What’s Eating Him?

1. His Ring - the refused kiss
2. South Sudan - bowing at their feet
3. "Rammstein" (revisited) - Battle of Varus and enslavement of the Germanic men by Black "Germania", whom she is seen giving birth to as "dogs" - and then leads off in chains (as "Race of Curs"*)

WHY, when Francis just a week ago - suddenly and inexplicably - withholds his papal ring from the Vatican faithful, believing Catholics - and refuses their customary kiss - WHY does the Vatican Press tell us inquisitive ones, of "hygienic reasons"... since WHEN?! (I know Catholics have often been called gullible, but please! Does this merit brazenly insulting not only one of their most sacred devotional traditions of respect for the Office of the Holy See, but of their own intelligence as well?)

And a few days later, he meets with South Sudanese politicians, i.e., warlords of the ever still tribally-wired African nation - and he begs (literally on hands and knees) “for peace” and this time without any thought of "hygiene" (or of the dignity of high office) throws himself to the floor, no, at their feet: and kisses their shoes! And breathing with considerable difficulty...

Well, you certainly can't accuse him of "racism", can you?...or CAN you! Because he is after all only too glad, expressly and enthusiastically, to set the global plan in motion for the Great Experiment: the complete ethnocidal population switch in EUrope.

In the "staged-outraged" hype over new video just out by "Rammstein", the historically decisive Battle of Varus was freely depicted, but the Germanic males are seen being enslaved by an unmistakably as well as sovereignly beautiful Afro-Black "Germania" and led as "dogs" in chains (*oh, another "Race of Curs" swipe? Last year a judge ruled that Germans may be referred to at any time by anbody as...this - while any German so much as hinting at displeasure toward a Muslim of Turkish or Arabic ethnicity will be booked forthwith, no quesitons asked...). So much for the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation - eh, Frank?

I don't (yet) know whether it has anything to do with the fact that he is a Jesuit or a shoe-fetishist, a Freemason or a Luciferian, or whether it has been going on for a long time since about Vatikan II, whether he might just be the last Pope or Bishop of Rome - because between him and Benny, who’s also still breathing and coming out publicly himself ("The cases of child-abuse in the Church can be traced back to the influence of the '68ers!"...hwell, that’s certainly reaching), I think the Holy See (in Doitch, Heilige Stuhl) is long overdue for a stool sample. Maybe the effects of a little too much of Kuru?...

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