Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Breaking the Mainstream's Hold

There was resistance to the Civil Rights Movement, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. Nothing can fully eradicate racial tension, and its forms take surprising turns which no liberal wants to face up to.

There was resistance to its (the Civil Rights Movement) extention toward the Women’s Movement, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. Nothing can fully eradicate sexism, and the very term has since been bludgeoned beyond logical recognition.

There was resistance to its extention toward Gays, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. Which many of us (politically incorrect) don’t view as any justification for an LGBT/QA*+etc. Lobby.

There was resistance to its extention toward children and children’s services, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. This gets lost in costly programs which become ideologized rather than effective – but I’m coming to that.

There was resistance to its extention toward animal protection, which persisted against so many mainstream odds, and made decisive breakthroughs, making history in doing so. And no, animal cruelty will never be banished from the world, much to my heartache. But awareness has improved.

Now we are faced with the first and most profound opportunity ever, taking vast elite-driven pedophilia reaching into the highest echelons by the horns (figuratively and – despite your rolling your eyes – literally) and driving a stake into it which would make the exposure of Catholic (and Protestant) Church abuses take a back seat.

Now we are faced with a monumental chance and challenge, perhaps our last, but certainly the decisive one, to be on the right side of history on this one, now and not later: while everyone is laughing up their sleeves over “fake-news” and Trump-bashing, children are suffering and will go on suffering. Just not on my watch. I voted for this and by God I will stand behind every effort, every bold step of my President toward the full exposure and most far-reaching eradication of this very horror. No matter how often he may put his foot in his mouth. It’s a big mouth and his foot will make great strides. I will bear witness to what comes. May God grant all investigations and all procedures toward fulfilling this all-encompassing wish of mine, success. Success in nailing the highest and the most nefarious, throughout the network’s global reaches, breaking the very back of it, convicting the domestic perpetrators and sending waves of like convictions into the international arena. Yes, I’m asking too much perhaps. The Bushes, the Clintons, and more. The royals – in the UK, Saudi – the EU-Parliament.

The Germans can tell you about the Saxon Swamp, that’s the enormous pedophile network in that state which got leaked out and exposed, until the then state-level Interior Minister, DeMazière, pulled all his strings to cover it up – and hardly anyone talks about it anymore. Except we “Deplorables” here.

Where is DeMazière today? Well, he’s right where Merkel put him a few years ago: he is now Federal Interior Minister, as if nothing in Saxony had ever occurred. Period.

Know what the Greens are accomplishing here? And they are doing it on orders from the UNO and WHO (leading me to ask, as my last straw at humor in a most unamusing world: “WHO’s doing this?” – “Oh, UNO…”). Which means you will be seeing it more in the U.S., but not because of this President. The precedent was already there, and it went into effect on the last President’s watch – in Germany it’s made strides: I am speaking of early sexualization in the schools, starting at pre-school and working on up into the grades until well into Jr. High.

This involves, at least here in Germany where the Greens Party has a long and established history as a Pedo-Party, in both practice and in what it promotes. Not kind of sort of, but literally. The lobby for introducing – not merely tolerance, no, that doesn’t satisfy them – but total acceptance as a norm and a preference, of homosexuality, bisexuality, complete sexual dis-orientation, of the targeted breakdown of all things hetero, family-oriented, science sacrificed to pseudo-science in a grand human experiment with the most narcissistic, nihilistic, pathological drives and goals and results. Dildos and BDSM material, objects, picture books, multi-oriented bordello planning as “homework” assignments. If you think I am making a word of this up, think again. The ground is being prepared all around us for a further culture of massive pedophilia, as with Islamization it has its phases until all sense of normal reaction IN YOURSELF toward all this is gradually erased. Wake up.

The Greens here in Germany, in the German Bundestag, in the Berlin Senate, have literally and to the letter stated, that “pedophilia must be decriminalized”. I will not look back at my life during my 150 years, and ask - or worse, be asked - why did I not raise my voice, why did I not care.

WTF up.

(American College of Pediatrics reaches decision: Transgenderism of children is child abuse)

American College of Pediatrics reaches decision: Transgenderism of children is child abuse

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