Sunday, December 18, 2016


Who cannot first acknowledge and respect with dignity and awareness

his/her own person, own ethnic roots or national sovereign identity,
cannot be qualified to honestly respect the same in any other –
but only dishonestly.

This holds true between individuals, and between communities,
between societies with respective national origins.

What we have now is not "overweening nationalism" as the problem –
but a fake "appreciation" of the other (who remains the other,
no matter how the hyper-racists of the Regressive-Left color it).

Hyper-racism is what one has when shrill "anti-racism" betrays
a bludgeoning dictatorship of ethno-masochism woven
into the minds of a nation. It’s fabric is self-demonization,
and is spun with most unkind hypocrisy.

No dignity left, no respect – only the twisted macabre parody of both,
criminalising free speech and holding language hostage to a
cultural Marxism.

Dignity comes from oneself, respect is its aroma.
Real being with others, and mutually sovereign interaction,
are the proving ground.

You cannot "love thy neighbour as thyself" when you loathe "thyself".
Forcing destabilisation of a continent of nations of multiple cultures
and one binding identity, via an artificial mass population switch
cobbled by neurotic sociopaths and a politically correct media elite –
exposes its own lie as "harbinger" of multi-culti "harmony".
It betrays a sado-maso cult of dominating totalitarian proportions,
long in the making and ever closer to realisation.

Being trained to focus outwardly and lose the inner compass,
one is too manipulated to think, to question this,
too cowed by its immense propaganda to confront it openly –
and evidently too indoctrinated to see through it to begin with.

Maybe the human will to own dignity and self-respect
and sovereignty of person may reawaken yet.
For no persons are "special" – and every Human Being
is divine in origin – conscious or not.

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