Sunday, June 5, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part IX

"Rising anti-Semitism forces Jews out of Paris suburbs:

Jews who have lived peacefully in the suburbs of Paris are now having to move to other parts of the country or head for Israel to escape anti-Semtism. ..."

Rising anti-Semitism forces Jews out of Paris suburbs

THIS is the reality of Jews having to leave their European generational roots - again - NOT, as today's "Left" and Mainstream-Multiculti will have you still believing from "right-wingers" or "Nazis" but, as I tirelessly and with ever-waning patience point out: from "The-Religion-Of-Peace"!

The only ones who still don't get it - and look on as in the last time under (National-)Socialists - are the fatally naive "Welcome-Refugees" contingents in EUrope and in the U.S. (liberal Jews included). We have directives from Washington and it's "partners" in Brussels to thank, and a Great Big Thanks to that vassal (childless "Mother") Merkel in Berlin, who had welcomed the hoards still arriving, through (specifically) which, that Paris attack earlier this year was carried out by sleeper cells.

The only ones sleeping this one out, of course, are the starry-eyed obedient Welcomers who bash and trash those of us who will not behave and will not shut up about this.

The "liberal" Left is complacent (if not something more sinister) when it comes to actual threats toward Jews; while thoroughly miscalling Muslims "the (persecuted) Jews of today" and directing so much self-satisfied attention to bashing Trump, or "The Germans", or the desired so-called "Nazis" in general, they exert with a suffocating venom their self-misled vision of political correctness.

Actual French and Swedish Jews (for one stark example) are directly under attack by adherents of "The-Religion-Of-Peace". For the Left, the Greens, the "Anti"-Fa (SA), the "Social-Democratic" parties: normal liberal-dissident or conservative thinking Germans are all of course "Nazis" as well – not only the few Adolf-admirers in their own dark little corner of the population.

Characteristically, no French Resistance in sight. As often enough proven and stated, the entire political and media system in Germany closes ranks against any and all entities – be that persons, a civil initiative, or a registered votable party – of dissidence and opposition toward the officially sanctioned program of sucking up to the Muslim propaganda (taqiyya) at all cost, and grooming one’s “tolerant”-image in doing so.

Whereby, apropos conservative or patriotically-inclined, Goebbels openly declared concerning these latter in the early days of the National-Socialist party: "We are decidedly not in the least of those national conservatives; for we are above all else: SOCIALISTS!"


14 Jun

Concerning Orlando:

The facts are, there really are certain significant gay speakers in Germany long outspokenly critical of Islam - as the only conscious representatives of the gay community - Dr. Daniel Krause has spoken in universities. David Berger has published and spoken and been active in this way for some time, and have warned of the danger of political correctness, and of gender mainstreaming, beside Islamisation.

These have both been censored, both lost their postitions (the one may not teach, the other was run out of the publication he'd shared by an aggressively anti-critical colleague). Both are persona non grata in the mainstream gay community or academia. Spokespersons for gay organizations, e.g., AIDS-awareness, etc., have all written these guys off.

Pim Fortuyn was world-renowned as the first openly gay Dutch politician, and was also outspokenly critical of Islam's record concerning homosexuals and the real Muslim world's practices in regard to human rights affecting homosexuals. In 2002, right hafter having stated in a radio interview that Islam threatens him "quite personally as a homosexual," he was shot dead in the parkinglot outside the broadcasting station. The perpetrator was a certain Volker van der Graf from the Left-extreme scene, who explained that he did this "to protect Islam."
EVERYTHING that speaks to the facts of the matter are either droned out, drummed out, have the plug pulled on it, is denied, disavowed, relativized through lies and manipulation.

Taqiyya has taken root. The willing hostages of Lobby-totalitarian political correctness, multi (read: mono)-CULTi and the gradual but certain introduction of Shari'a into our lives - have been given too much power and are in charge of our daily lives, what we are aloud to hear, what we are aloud say or to think.

No one wants to get, that the Left are the fascists, by practice, by tradition, by policy. Sorry, folks. It hurt me too, to wake up.

15 Jun

In our joint social circles (Rana and I), including a good number of gays and lesbians - who do NOT view themselves as identifying with or being the least bit "represented" by an over-weening Lobby calling itself LGBT/+++... - rather than seeing themselves on the "defensive" and resenting "white hetero males", THESE view themselves as actually instrumentalized by a Lobby they cannot relate to nor fathom a real-world "need" for.
The Berlin gay activist and former chief editor of the magazine "Men" ("Männer"), whose article concerning Orlando (auf Deutsch) has been posted below with an Englsih intro since a couple days back, had, as mentioned, been driven out of his own publication for being politcally incorrect in regards to naming the threat.

I have been requested by a young American whom I've known for many years, to "please stop instrumentalizing the LGBT Community's" grief and mourning, a community which is "not my own," as if I were torturing them in some way by addressing the very facts which may save future lives if these facts were not so vehemently and, yes, pathologically denied.
David Berger states in his article - and now I'll have to translate it directly, or render it into English, should the word "translate" create a problem for anyone. He tells us:

"...The campaign driven chiefly by the 'German AIDS-Relief' but also Queer meida and LGBT-organizations from nearly all parties (with the oen exception of the AfD - Alternativ für Deutschland) which insists, 'Not Islam, but rather the Islam-critics are the greatest danger for gay men,' have thrown smokescreens there where one should otherwise have seen clearly and (preventatively) fought.

"The case was similarly so some three months back, when I put out a press questionaire to all the large CSD (Christopher Street Day) organizers in Germany as to whether, in consideration of the coming homosexual parade and the threat of radical Muslims, some sort of special security measures were being planned in. A mere two answers were all I got back: the one, that they want nothing to do with right-populistic questions; the other, that they're placing their complete trust in the usual local police on patrol.

"The huge CSD parades in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich are just coming up soon, and for an early enough defense-form-the-start it already appears almost too late. The consequences of this ideologically motivated carelessness will soon be felt. For 'The Pulse' and 'Orlando' are potentially everywhere. ..."

So again, I am compelled as a matter of conscience to state clearly one more time: that those who prefer to swallow and to further the pervasively and perfidiously naive assertion and disinformation, as to the nature of the threat and its name, are in participation with the problem itself, and will never be part of the solution - that latter being, for starters, to just WAKE UP.

Not "right-wingers" are going to ever pose a threat to CSD in any form whatsoever, as quite a few of them are themselves gay, sorry to bust that bubble. Nor are the adherents to (the world's fastest growing) "Religion-Of-Peace" a "marginalized group" by any stretch of the imagination - with the over-imaginative exception of leftist Lobbies who very thoroughly and expertly INSTRUMENTALIZE suffering and its consequences, as well as completely, dogmatically steer any attention away from the causes or actual factors of danger.

So in closing: to assert that the gay community - by any fabulous name one calls it today - are "not MY people" would be an affront if I were capable of being "offended". I am not that, however, because any one them could be my son or my daughter, most especially the individual most recently asserting this.

As with the attacks on Paris clubs and cafés or those of the UK, or Tel Aviv, or Ankara's streets, or a Baghdad soccer game - I do not wear my horror and mourning on my sleeve, how easy to fit in with the mob and sleep on till the next and the next after that. More bouquets, more votive-candles, more teddy bears, more pathos - more denial.

I cannot stomach any more of it.

I'll never pander to their indoctrination or feed any group's tyrannically staged sensitivities, nor play hostage to their neurotic narcissism. Ever. On that you can bet the farm.

(I can look anyone in the eye and say, "You have no idea how deeply the subject and the history of slavery affects me and always has, since I was the age of six..." - yes, six, I remember my own brother introducing to me the subject of the enslavement of Black Africans in history in one sentence, it was enough - and "you have littel or no clue at all what the real and fuller history behind slavery tells us when RESEARCHED. The following deals just with the slavery of Africans; there was slavery by the same traders mentioned here of others as well (as I've previously posted), if one would but research, if one ouwld but inform oneself and humbly learn.)

From the docu's text:
"Historians estimate that between 10 and 18 million Africans were enslaved by Arab slave traders and taken across the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Sahara desert between 650 and 1900. [Slavery remained legal in the islamic world until 1970. NINETEEN-seventy.]...Many male African slaves were castrated [by Muslims] under the belief that the blacks had an uncontrollable sexual drive...

"In Senegambia, between 1300 and 1900, close to one-third of the population was enslaved. In early Islamic states of the western Sudan, including Ghana (750–1076), Mali (1235–1645), Segou (1712–1861), and Songhai (1275–1591), about a third of the population were slaves. In Sierra Leone in the 19th century about half of the population consisted of slaves. In the 19th century at least half the population was enslaved among the Duala of the Cameroon, the Igbo and other peoples of the lower Niger, the Kongo, and the Kasanje kingdom and Chokwe of Angola. Among the Ashanti and Yoruba a third of the population consisted of slaves. The population of the Kanem was about a third slave. It was perhaps 40% in Bornu (1396–1893). Between 1750 and 1900 from one- to two-thirds of the entire population of the Fulani jihad states consisted of slaves. The population of the Sokoto Caliphate formed by Hausas in the northern Nigeria and Cameroon was half slave in the 19th century. It is estimated that up to 90% of the population of Arab-Swahili Zanzibar was enslaved. Roughly half the population of Madagascar was enslaved...

"Livingstone estimated that 80,000 Africans died each year before ever reaching the slave markets of Zanzibar. Zanzibar was once East Africa's main slave-trading port, and under Omani Arabs in the 19th century as many as 50,000 slaves were passing through the city each year...

"The Anti-Slavery Society estimated that there were 2,000,000 slaves in the early 1930s Ethiopia (the only part of Africa not ruled by whites at the time), out of an estimated population of between 8 and 16 million. Slavery continued in Ethiopia until the brief Second Italo-Abyssinian War in October 1935, when it was abolished by order of the Italian occupying forces... (That's right: Mussolini, a member of the AXIS freed 2 million Black-owned slaves. When will Steven Spielburg make a movie about THAT?)

"When British rule was first imposed on the Sokoto Caliphate and the surrounding areas in northern Nigeria at the turn of the 20th century (a century after Britain had outlawed slavery), approximately 2 million to 2.5 million people there were slaves. Another 2 million Black-owned slaves freed by white people. You're welcome.

"In 'The Slave Trade Today', (on Sean O'Callaghan toured the Mideast and Africa and covertly visited many slave markets. Since Islam allows for slavery and slave trading, he was able to see much of the real world of Islamic slavery. This all happened openly and legally as recently as 1962:

"'Ten boys were ranged in a circle on the dais (used to display the slaves), their buttocks toward us. They were all naked, and I saw with horror that five had been castrated. The (slave dealer) said that usually 10% of the boys are castrated, being purchased by Saudi homosexuals, or by Yemenis, who own harems, as guards.' p 75

'Why had the girls (female slaves who had just been sold) accepted their fate without a murmur, while the boys howled and cried?' 'Simple' said the Somali, we tell the girls from a very early age - 7 or 8 that they are made for love, at age NINE we let them practice with each other, and a year later with the boys'.

In Mecca:

"'We take note of 20 tall Negroes in turbans walking near the Kaba. They are eunuch slaves and are employed as police in the Great Mosque. There are about 50 of them all together.'
"'The streets are full of slaves... we see a few old slave women. They are recognized by the poverty of clothing... but we see nothing of the younger women slaves who are kept in the houses of the city.'

"'As we move along we see two or three very old men and women who look like black skeletons. If we go to the mosque at sunrise we shall see some of these, if we go at sunset they will be there too, and if we pass by at midnight, we shall see them there still .. Sleeping on the stones in their rags. They have no home but the mosque, and no food but what they receive in alms; (they were) turned out to seek the bounty of Allah, as their masters would say.'

"Blacks started the African slave trade, Muslims exanded it and carried it to new heights of brutality, white people stopped it.

"Then Europeans gave Blacks and Muslims independence and Blacks and Muslims restarted the African slave trade started all over."

16 Jun


What has been factually stated and sharply pointed out all along by responsibly observant oppositional critics toward the insane policies of the EU and especially of Chance-Liar Merkel, is now suddenly – as it suits them – appearing like magic in the statements and measures-to-be-taken by this very ineptly corrupt Admin-Regime which first CAUSED the problem and ushered it with invitations INTO the Continent and into THIS country above all. And which has the unmitigated GALL to tell the public that WE have to look after our own security, as the policing agencies are overtaxerd with the hydra-like task of preventing the next Paris or San Bernardino or Orlando here in our midst, in Berlin and every other major German city during the rest of June and into the summer. We do have the European Cup going on, after all, and CSD coming up at that. This is what is called a “Government Administration“ which thus clearly abandons its own responsibility to its resigned ineptitude. And does so without once blinking an eye. The lying and denial are neither dropped nor renounced nor confessed and rejected – but instrumentalized dryly and harrowingly as something Orwell could best have come up with. As it suits them.

Meanwhile the non-elected pasty-Pastor-and-piss-poor-President here, Gauck “gauckels“ (“circus-juggles“) from the mock dignity of this highest Federal position of import, sliming and officating over the dhimmitude for which all must prepare themselves by mass appeasement of “The-Religion-Of-Peace“ (so “marginalized“ as it is, according to an American freshman college student who does not appreciate m dragging Orlando or the clientele of its “Pulse“ into this, as my doing so is unsuitable and politically incorrect). Because it suits them. Gauck sends his Ramadan Greetings loud and clear to all adherents to the much-courted (but “marginalized“) “Religion-Of-Peace“.

Not to be grumpy or mean-spirited, in this long, endless season of Welcoming, I extend my RAMADAN GREETINGS as well to the “marginalized,“ by reposting what might have been conveniently overlooked by the historically uninterested (but politically correct) out there in the reading and commenting world of the social network:

17 Jun - Identitäre-Veranstaltung/Demo/Spaziergang, Berlin


A Lesson in Taqiyya

America is an immigration country, and supposedly "everyone" has a "right" to come. The criteria and process toward gaining legal entry and being registered and attaining citizenship are stringent enough, it's not meant to be a shoo-in.

Everyone is up in arms at the notion of limiting immigration from Islamic-dominated countries, or putting it entirely on hold until we get a handle on how these are vetted, as if the idea can be dismissed as some crass "Islamophobia" – like merely some ethnic thing.

Evidence should never play a role of course. But no one has a "right" to immigrate – in the U.S. or in Germany or France. It's a privilege, and those who doubt the concept of privilege should ask those thousands giving their first pledge of allegiance at the immigration board every year, with tears and hardly containable smiles – they'll tell you.

To court and to cuddle up to specifically the Islamic world and its power bases, allowing them incredible access of a drastically questionable nature, to the Ameican and European continents – and likewise push an agenda that informs us the Muslims are "being marginalized," the poor things, and "discriminated against," while either romanticizing about, ignoring, denying, and relativizing what Islam and the Islamic world and culture is about (in the REAL world), so that the double message of what you are being told and what your gut would tell you if it were not anesthetized right now, impairs your judgement at the polls:

THAT is Taqiyya.

WHY the past and present Administrations, the Cintons, the Bush's, Obama – either Party – the Departments, foreign and domestic, WANT this at the obvious cost of native lives and lifestyles, is more clearly and unmistakeably playing out in EUrope and in my host country of Germany.
The common "logic" will tell you as if it were some kind of liberal no-brainer, that women make better politics (and we suffer under Merkel, von der Lyon, and a pack of Green and Left of like gender), that Hillary is a "Goddess-send" – and that under Hillary there will be no wars, but under Donald yes. A reversal of the actual truth or likelihood.

And THAT is Taqiyya.

Taqiyya is the acceptable deception of your enemy so long as you are not yet in the majority or in control. It is one of Islam's most basic principles and the first of three states of jihad.
"It's the Islam, stupid."

Empathy is not laying wreaths and votiv candles and cards and teddy bears. Empathy is waking up and engaging pro-active prevention.


DAVID BERGER (article posted below), one of the leading voices of the German gay community, has just had his Facebook Blog-Site, "Gaystream," pulled - blocked, shut down. For his tireless and thankless efforts to address and to awaken the foggy LGBT-world (and the rest of us who actually pay attention to real gay matters) and draw attention to the facts of being gay in the real-world regions where Shari'a holds sway and "The-Religion-Of-Peace" plays a dominant role.

So I'll say it again - and no, I won't translate the article, just highly recommend it and suggest one make use of Google-translate - Empathy and Solidarity are NOT a RAINBOW...nor are wreaths, teddys, cards and candles. Wakefulness, prevention and preparedness, and effective response ARE that.

LGBT slumbers on, snoring its self-suiting agenda of rainbow sprinkles and dreamily "defending Muslims". One does not bleed "rainbow" - but just don't question what HIllary has in store for you. Merkel and all those of female gender int he Bundestag are proof that women do not govern better than the men they hate, and quite possibly worse.

There are concrete reasons why inconvenient facts are not permitted to be aired, and the ideologically sensitive must be "protected" from political incorrectness.

Facebook sperrt islamkritisches Schwulen-Portal

Bereits am Dienstag hat PI über die Verharmlosung islamisch-homophober Hintergründe des Orlando-Attentates berichtet. Mit dem heutigen Tage feiern die lesbischen und schwulen Maulkorb-Verpasser einen erneuten Erfolg. Sogar Facebook hat sich für ihre queer-diktatorischen Zwecke vereinnahmen lassen. Die islamkritische „Gaystream“-Redaktion um den rechtskonservativen Chefredakteur David Berger (Foto) und seinen linksliberalen Stellvertreter Daniel Krause berichtet heute: hat im Zusammenhang mit dem Blutbad von Orlando harte Kritik am Homohass im Islam geübt. Und auch nachgefragt, inwieweit linksgrüne Aktivisten die Ursachen des Attentats verharmlost haben. Viele der Beiträge wurden mehrere tausend Male über Facebook geteilt.Dafür hat es jetzt die Quittung von Facebook gegeben. Der Chefredakteur von wurde mit Hinweis auf das Veröffentlichen eines Artikels zur Ehrung einer Homoaktivistin gesperrt. Der Artikel kritisiert, dass die Vorstandsfrau des Schwulen Museums in Islamkritikern eine größere Gefahr für Homosexuelle sieht als in Islamisten.

Die sich von Berger angegriffen fühlende linke Lobby-Lesbe Birgit Bosold hatte neben vier anderen bereits vorgestern im Mittelpunkt des oben erwähnten PI-Artikels gestanden. Da war nicht bekannt gewesen, dass Facebook zwei Tage später ihren „Erzfeind“ Berger verbannen würde. Ein Schelm, wer nun denkt, Bosold habe höchstpersönlich als Denunziantin gewirkt.
„Gaystream“ hatte sich in den letzten Tagen massiv dagegen gewehrt, dass deutsche Homo-Lobbyisten nach Orlando statt gegen den rsdikalen Islam eher gegen Rechtsextremismus Stellung bezogen haben. Hier die Ausüge aus dem am Mittwoch erschienenen Artikel von David Berger mit dem Titel „Nein, Ihr seid nicht Orlando“, in dem auch die Beschwerdeführerin Birgit Boshold als Leiterin des Schwulen Museums erwähnt wird:

NEIN, IHR SEID NICHT ORLANDO, wenn ihr zu jenen Leuten gehört, die bei jedem Übergriff fanatischer Islamisten monoton und entgegen alle Fakten gesagt haben, das habe nichts mit dem Islam zu tun.

NEIN, IHR SEID NICHT ORLANDO, wenn ihr das Geschehene bagatellisiert, indem ihr die Hassverbrechen der ISIS und anderer islamischer Terrororganisationen mit homophoben Aussagen von Christen oder Juden vergleicht.

NEIN, IHR SEID NICHT ORLANDO, wenn ihr die Opfer für eure parteipolitischen Interessen missbraucht, indem ihr die Schuld an dem Terrorakt von Orlando Waffenverkäufern oder Donald Trump in die Schuhe schiebt.

NEIN, IHR SEID NICHT ORLANDO, wenn ihr in den letzten Jahren undifferenziert alle, die vor den Gefahren des real existierenden Islam für Trans- und Homosexuelle gewarnt haben, als islamophob und rechtspopulistisch beschimpft, verleugnet und bekämpft habt.

NEIN, IHR SEID NICHT ORLANDO, wenn ihr zwar homokritische Einstellungen mancher Parteien verurteilt, euch aber zu jenen homophoben Übergriffen in Deutschland eisern ausschweigt, wenn die Täter muslimisch sozialisierte Migranten sind.

NEIN, IHR SEID NICHT ORLANDO, wenn ihr zu den jüngsten Äußerungen der Vorstandsfrau des „Schwulen Museums“ – Birgit Bosold – geschwiegen habt: nicht der Islam, sondern die Islamkritiker seien heutzutage die eigentliche Gefahr für schwule Männer.

In einem anderen Artikel hat Gaystream klargestellt, dass nicht der schwarze Mann im Weißen Haus in Washington D.C., sondern vielmehr die israelische Regierung nach Orlando die glaubhaftesten Beileidsbekundungen an LGBT ausgesandt hat:

Anders als die Obama-Administration hat die israelische Regierung islamische Anschläge auf Lesben und Schwule niemals dafür instrumentalisiert, sachfremd und unpassend vor einem Aufkommen von „Islamophobie“ zu warnen und somit vom eigentlich brennenden Islamismus-Thema abzulenken. Stattdessen hat insbesondere Netanyahu höchstpersönlich und fundiert wiederholt den Kulturrelativismus angeprangert, der seinen Worten nach insbesondere die Belange von LGTBI mit Füßen trete.

So hatte der Premierminister des Judenstaates vor wenigen Wochen in der deutschen Presse auf die massive Verletzung von Homosexuellenrechten Bezug genommen. Er kritisierte in der Zeitung „Die Welt“ die kulturrelativistische Linke, welche Lügen über Israels vermeintlich inhumane Verteidigungspolitik in die Welt setze: „Sie werden oft verbreitet von einem Bündnis von Islamisten und anarchistischen Linken, die ihre Stimmen nicht erheben, wenn im Iran Homosexuelle an Kränen aufgeknüpft oder in Gaza verfolgt werden.“

Stimmen wie diese passen nicht in das Weltbild der kulturrelativistisch – und somit langfristig auf Homsoexuelle (selbst-) zerstörerisch – wirkenden Homo-Lobby. Facebook ist für Gaystream ein wichtiges Verbreitungsmedium gewesen und hat dem Blog pro Artikel zuletzt oft vierstellige Nutzerzahlen beschert. Damit ist dieses rechtsliberale Magazin zunehmend zur Konkurrenz für die linksgrüne Konkurrenz „“ positioniert. Für die Dauer der nächsten 30 Tage sind Links zu Gaystream-Artikeln vermehrt auf der Facebook-Seite von Bergers Stellvertreter zu finden.

(von PI-News)
I hadn't planned on using my time to translate this, as Google-translate is available to everyone and has improved – however, the point being made here by German GAY ACTIVIST AND ESTABLISHED BLOGGER DAVID BERGER on his (since pulled by FB) site, GAYSTREAM is too relevant for the American still-reading public mot (still possibly) reflect on, so here it is, as an answer to the obligatory mass-kneejerk “we are/je suis“ manipulation on the heels of Orlando:

"NO, YOU ARE NOT ORLANDO, if you are one of those people who with every assault by fanatical Islamists have monotonously and contrary to all the facts insisted, this has nothing to do with Islam.

"NO, YOU ARE NOT ORLANDO, if you trivialize what happened with the comparison of hate crimes of ISIS and other Islamic terrorist organizations with homophobic statements by Christians or Jews.

"NO, YOU ARE NOT ORLANDO, if you abuse the victim for your partisan interests by shifting the blame for the terrorism in Orlando on arms dealers or on Donald Trump.

"NO, YOU ARE NOT ORLANDO, if in recent years you've undifferentiatingly denounced, denied and fought as Islamophobic and populist right, those who have warned of the dangers of real existing Islam for trans- and homosexuals.

"NO, YOU ARE NOT ORLANDO, if you on the one hand condemned homo-critical positions of some parties, yet you adamantly duck out on those homophobic attacks in Germany when the perpetrators are Muslim socialized immigrants.

"NO, YOU ARE NOT ORLANDO, if you remained silent toward the recent statements of the female curator of the Gay Museum: 'Not Islam, but the Islam critics are the real danger for gay men nowadays.'

"NO, YOU ARE NOT ORLANDO, if you supported without any opposition, Queer media or organizations such as the German AIDS-Relief, although they have addressed many of the aforementioned points with a seemingly ideological obsession and against the interests of their own people."


IT IS REMARKABLE to note, that when one moves from formerly conservative attitudes or opinions toward a mainstream ultra-Left socialist  "thinking" pattern, this is always hailed as progressive.

Should one however, once begin to question a lifetime of the latter and on further, deeper, willing reflection upon new information and/or new perspectives - be that, for example, Islam itself or Islamistion and its Lobby-power, the Lobby-driven issues of abortion, feminism, multi-culti, LGBT*/+, etc. - in a more considered, more conservative direction, THIS is heretical, reactionary, and now inacceptable. And will be maligned as "fascist," as non-progressive, and opposed with all the force of a mass, uninformed, kneejerk-totalitarian, obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic culture in denial.

It doesn't deter me in the least, I just find it remarkable.

22 Jun


Extortion of the Berlin Senate by feeding oneself to a live tiger if the "refugees don't win".
So, first: we have Merkel's insane mass-immigration policy. And we have a Left-extremist, ultra-narcissistic theatrical gang of non-artists who have no life but love sucking up funds from the equally decadent – and now classifiably co-criminal – patrons of "The Arts". A Lobby-Gang of reality-contortionists and con-artistic extortionists actually calling itself the Center for Political Beauty. It doesn't get more twistedly socialist than that name.

Last year they'd staged a burial ceremony with stolen materials (such as the crosses which had been officially placed in memorium for each of the Berlin Wall dead) right on the property of the Bundestag, using, apart from symbolic coffins, the actual remains of someone in Syria brought here to make a point. After ruining the lawn with huge holes (no charges brought), they screamed abuse in the faces of the police and engaged the latter in some scuffles – holding the police for "racist and co-responsible" for not sharing in the staged emotion. Staged emotion, including a very mocking and tasteless pop song as a "mourning dirge". One thought – ah, this is the absolute zenith of decadence and sick theatrics at the expense of all, and especially those purportedly being "represented". But No!

Then we have a Berlin Senate which, being completely spineless and itself obviously decadent, is allowing itself this year to be extorted on account of this gang of certifiably mental criminals' dissatisfaction with the "meager" efforts to slavishly give over the country to Merkel's "refugees" – and HOW are they doing this, this "Actor's Club" of nihilistic narcissists with enormous financial patronage and public attention via ALL the channels of mainstream producers and guilds and magazines of the "Arts and Theater" and media in general (the Senate proving itself clueless)?

THEY HAVE PLANNED TO ALLOW THEMSELVES, STARTING WITH A FIRST VOLUNTEER (A SYRIAN ACTRESS), TO BE EATEN, ONE BY ONE, IN LITERAL FACT, BY A KEPT TIGER – WHO IS BEING HELD IN A LARGE CAGE ON THE PREMISES OF (the once prestigious but now quite rotten) HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY AND TOYED AND TEASED WITH IN MOCKERY OF THE ROMAN COLISEUMS - a cheap further slam on the early Christians, staged however to drive an agenda for Muslims who had not endured the coliseums.

AM I GETTING ACROSS YET TO ANYONE? Abuse of tigers, holding the Senate in check, lowering the public degree of morals and morale another mile deeper in the abyss, enjoying enormous protection in their self-adulation and hysterically staged pathos and cruel mockery of every Berliner, their limitless, tasteless instrumentalizing of real issues for their own twisted ego-gratification, basking in a masturbatory euphoria of power.

No animal-protection agency intervening. They want the moral high ground and they are courted by the lowest dreck which have ever held sway over Berlin since the Nazis. One is reminded of an Austrian guy a few decades back, name of Unterweger, a psychopath by the books. He swept women off their feet and brutally murdered them, quite a string of them, and Austria's jaded cultured society, the crème-de-la-crème, its celebrities and It-people, people of standing and people you couldn't stand – all loved him and were willingly charmed by him, KNOWING of his reputation – and finding it.......quaintly rascally charming. None of them paid with their own lives.

THIS IS THE DECADENCE WHICH HOLDS SWAY HERE AND NOW: The Greens Party, The Left Party, the SPD, no less so the CDU/CSU. But what does it matter, my saying this? Nothing.
Come Monday, this perversely miserable manipulating excuse for a person will do what she just announced to a jaded perveresely fawing roomful of the crème-de-la-crème – she will theatrically throw herself to the claws of a tiger, he being no doubt goaded into hunger sufficient to finish her off. I do wish her dead, but not the tiger, which will wind up being shot if this all goes through. And if after all it doesn't anyway – why, then it's a marvelously good theatrical manipulation to traumatize the public still more and goad IT into a stupor of no longer knowing what's beneath every dignity or how far is too far.

"FLÜCHTLINGE FRESSEN" ist eine Aktion gegen die deutsche Flüchtlingspolitik... vom "Zentrum für Politische Schönheit" am Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin Mitte.
Die syrische Schauspielerin May Skaf sagt, ich habe alles verloren!


23 Jun

Ein Abschied von einem Teil der DDR

Ich hätte gern einen Euro für jede Beisetzung in meiner Berlin Zeit woran ich teilnahm.  Ich könnte damit einen großen schönen Strauß kaufen, für die nächste.  Heute befand ich mich bei einer Beerdigung, ohne Strauß, ohne mal eine einzige Rose, und das war gut so.  In seinem Fall wäre roten Nelken eh passender, aber ich kam nicht als Freund.  Auch nicht als Genosse.

Ich kam im Gegenteil als Freund eines lieben Ami-Freund von mir seit vielen Jahren in Berlin.  Er wohnt fast drei Jahrzehnten in Potsdam, wir gehen gern frische Forellen essen,  und – da er in seinem Freundeskreis Leute hat und kennt und schätzt, die ich selber niemals würde, hat er mich mal mitgenommen auf einem sehr kurzen Besuch bei dem o.g. neulich Verstorbenen.  Dieser hat sein Leben bzw. Karriere in einem Buch erfasst, worin er es handschriftlich an Frau und Familie gewidmet, und an mich namentlich sein Autogramm gnädig und großzügig gegeben.  Der Historiker und Archivist in mir wusste es rein objektiv und diszipliniert beherrscht zu schätzen, als historisches Mittel – damit ich der Ami, der Jude, der anti-sozialistische Demokrat und Patriot-für-Deutschland, nicht erbrechen musste.  Und so ging's mir heute.

Das hochangesehene Großtier der DDR – Jahrgang 1925 – daß er mal HJ war, und bei der Wehrmacht, nehme ich im Kauf; daß er auch NSDAP-Mitglied und nach etwas vier Jahre russisches Haft schon auf dem Stieg in den höchsten Ränge der SED-Herrschaft der DDR, nahtlos in dem 2. sozialistischen Diktatur Karriere mit Auszeichnen zu machen hat – mit unbelastetem Gewissen und Genuß der Genossenschaft – damit könnte ich schon rechnen.

Wir wissen, daß die BRD von Anfang, Alt-Nazis hatte – was immer von DDR-treue verleugnet wurde, ist dasselbe stimmt dort, und zwar genau so oft.

Was ungeheuerlich Wertvoll aber, ist dies: während ich die ganze Zeremonie anschaute, die Bonzen alle greise und grinsend am Salutieren, Geradestehen, Händeschutteln, Schulterklatschen, Dinosaurier einer Welt die ich einmalig und nie wieder sehen würde, eines dürfte ich wissen, mit eiserner Gewissheit:

NIEMALS WERDE ICH MIR VERSCHEIßEN LASSEN VON IRGENDEINEM DDR-APOLOGIST ODER OSTALGIER, daß es "in der DDR keine Alt-Nazis gab"...  Denn ich habe gerade einen heute mit zu Grabe getragen.

("DDR-Vize-Minister Horst Stechbarth. Er war Chef der Landstreitkräfte der NVA und Vize-Verteidigungsminister in der DDR.")

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