Saturday, June 4, 2016

How The Nazis Did It

Whenever something runs like a well-oiled engine according to "majority-obviousness," i.e., according to "what-everyone-knows" (who knows better than you at any rate); whenever something carries the tone of politically correct with predisposed ease at bashing, defaming, automatically dismissing, a position or the person proposing it; whenever the reaction toward the latter becomes so shrill one cannot for one moment hear the position and weigh it objectively and - must I say it? - democratically; whenever the aggression leveled via that shrillness "justifies" blocking the discourse and attendees of a Presidential candidate's rally from arriving at the event, as with Trump - THEN ONE OUGHT TO FIND THIS VERY VERY SUSPECT:

Dozens of Donald Trump protesters blocked Shea Boulevard on Saturday afternoon before his rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona.

When, as we have for example in EUrope and most especially (again) in Germany, the functionaries (that's all they are) of the political elite, in concert with the leading mainstream-media, in concert with the two offical Church bodies (and Jewish Community), with the trade unions, with the entire academic community, with the educational boards of schools (all grades), with the professions, with the celebrity world of sports/film/stage/television/ commercial, with commerical agencies in all they plaster about - and no room for critical opposition - that is what was once called "Gleichschaltung".


Then, as all of these have been re-educated to cluelessly tow the line (as if it all were a "no-brainer") for globalization, for Islamisation, for "welcoming" the mass unchecked infiltration of "refugees" among whom there are some refugees and a serious number of illegals including sleeper cells - yes, when all the above mentioned entities are pulled and woven together, minus any real opposition - into the enforced realization of the dark dull fantasy of NWO - that would be "Gleichschaltung".

And finally, when hard, critical, oppositional statements or debate are not only unappreciated and unwanted, but blocked in a knee-jerk fashion, censored, or placed in an automatically ridiculous light, why bullshit about "democracy"? And when those same oppositional voices are literally (physically and verbally) abused and attacked by (SA) storm troopers subsidized and sent by the supposedly "liberal" ideological Left (in EUrope's case) or idiot-logical SA screamers and other narcissists in cases of band-wagon Trump-bashing in my homeland, this is all "Gleichschaltung", steered and manipulated - and no one gets it.

Trump-bashing at the level we've come to know it, is the best distraction I've seen to date, from facing the real issues and dangers facing EUrope now and facing the U.S. in the near future if not already.

I don't actually care if Trump gets votes or not (I could never bring myself to vote Republican anyway), but when I see how the Comfort Zone dictates merely bashing him or his position on Bush's wars and lies, on Islamisation, on the EU vassal-dictatorship, on globalization, because ANYONE CAN without thinking once: THAT is "Gleichschaltung".

And THAT, my friends, is how the National-SOCIALISTS did it.

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