Saturday, March 26, 2016

Path of Conformity

There are many paths in life, some are pathetic, and some are pathologic.
There is one such latter, which is the raging zeitgeist of our day, unapologetic
in its mechanically driven mindset, and absent of either empathy or reflection
toward whichever bodies it's willing to step over to conform without exception.

To fulfill a norm and zealously defend against every threat to that conformity,
is addressed in clinical psychiatry as none other than compulsive normopathy.
Imagine coming to terms with the fact that, in picking up the self-righteous banner
of what you've been sold and feeling better about yourself by adjusting your manner;

aggressively non-bigoted and mono-culturally inclined in buying a banal "multi-culti,"
grooming a wanting self-image, harboring a real fear and loathing toward reality:
that far more dangerous, more pernicious and insidious by its very nature, more shrill
than the obligatory "enemies" of this weird priority's of conforming to a mass thrill

which deadens the brain and cranks up the nerves, manipulating and manipulated -
far more dangerous than the hated "negativists" toward one's dreamy opiated
projection of an ideology-conform "normality" is: itself that very normopathy
which has become pandemic in its pursuit of power and comfort through irrationality.

Only when all are politically "correct" and acceptably maleable can the world fit the norm;
staged striving for all manner of "diversity" cannot afford real intellectual diversity that forms
the very basis of culture, development, progress, the health and the happiness of a nation.
No matter the norm: guilt, gender-mainstreaming, Islam - it only matters how big the truncheon.

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