Wednesday, July 23, 2014


The Gazans voted legitimately, so one was given to understand, for Hamas, they voted Hamas and they chose Hamas. Now they've bought the consequences which Hamas brought with it and can take it home with them. It's a democracy, right?

Under Hamas' gentle and wise guidance there is no high priority, or any really, on the lives of children or any other civilians in Gaza – as is evidenced time and again by the setting of rocket points exactly there where those civilians, where those kids are so that the IDF necessarily will fire on those very points; and as evidenced by the training and grotesque grooming from cradle to crater of small children to desire heroic death as death-dealers.

There is not only nothing in the Israeli mentality to compare with this, there is nothing anywhere by any State – barring N. Korea – outside the Muslim world to compare with this.

I've heard enough in my life from reality-challenged IWDs (ignoramuses-with-degrees), "Why didn't Jews in Germany defend themselves" when Hitler rose to power and ran his 3rd Reich? This is always asked either brain-dead or with a certain malicious contempt. But let Jews once have a State with a well-trained Defense – and this is already intolerable. We love our Jews (or also not, of course) as victims, but we loathe them as self-assured and battle-proven (which they also were, by the way, in the Nazi-Resistance, but that's for another discussion). It's uncomfortable, and as a Jew I understand that. We don't like our victims having tanks. What happens? Why, they get called "Nazis"...

I weep for the children who have been sacrificed in the conflict, by parents who glorify jihadi nihilism, and by Hamas. I weep still more for those little tykes being prepared for death by parents whom I've seen strap suicide-bomber costumes on them, carried on their shoulders at screeching street demos – but I would not weep with or for those parents. They have exactly what they wanted, what they co-created, and the propaganda that comes with it, at a price they've been willing to pay.

In a democracy you can always and openly publicly question, challenge, criticize, parody, satirize, polemicize State or Church or anyone/thing you wish. Once absent this, no longer democracy; and where this was never conceivable, none to begin with.

I have shown footage of Hamas thugs beating their own Gazans on the open street with big sticks, dragging them off, chasing them out of there. For questioning authority - not Israeli, mind you, Palestinian.

There is not a Muslim State you can name, where you can challenge the Dogma of Islam or Muhammad in the least, or likewise the Theocracy-serving State itself. In Israel you are free to do just that.

Where children are manipulated as cannon and press fodder, the Israel-loathing Good-Citizens and professional Underdoggers-of-colossal-naivet̩ want the "Jewish State" to stop being that, and to stop defending itself with such earnest, or better Рat all, and are convinced that a kind word to Hamas will suffice to stop their "poorly inadequate" arsenal from indescriminately hitting Jewish or secular Israelis and Palestinians alike in Israel.

Yes, it's uncomfortable to speak for Israel, a State so full of faults and mistakes, of in-fighting, back-biting, lousy politics – and for all that a democratic State with a future … and Jewish at that.

Right, it's so much easier to join everyone, the mob-in-chorus, and declare: "Israeli-Nazis!"

And THIS in light of the fact that the founder of Hamas is the nephew of PLO's founder Arafat, who was the nephew of none less than Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem whose influence and esteem extended in his time and after, throughout the Mid-East and was well-considered as far as Turkey. Here's who also loved the guy and it was entirely mutual: Hitler, Himmler, and the highest echelons of the SS, he conspired with them on Jewish transport plans and on the future extention of Shoa for all Jews in Arab-held lands. This hero of Palestinians also was the spiritual mentor without equal, to the specially formed Bosnian-Muslim SS-Brigade, known as Hansha-Brigade. Husseini also co-founded the Muslim Brotherhood, or at least served as their mentor.

The reason this is so particularly significant to be conscious of at this juncture in time, dear friends, is that the self-hating side of Germans who have never actually worked out the shit of those 12 years under Hitler (it'll take the rest of my 150 years in this lifetime for me to see the East Germans work out the shit of their 40 years under "Socialism") have a tendency to go Left, which isn't the way I remember Left. Social-Democracy is not Socialism, as is evidenced in their stark differences: witness these same self-appointed "anti-fascists" of the Left Party of today, which earlier this year took to the streets to counter-demonstrate with their own usual flare for thuggery or empty shouting, against the officially permitted marching out of NPD (our Nazi Party of today, with seats in the State-assemblies of Saxony and Thüringen) – witness how they now march shoulder to shoulder together, Nazis and "we're-not-Communist"-Lefters, as they find common cause in hating Israel.

I don't know how they square calling Israel "Nazi" - considering two ideologically unavoidable problems needing serious reality-check: These Lefters of today are descended from the Red Army Faction (RAF) sympathizers of the '70s and '80s, who were themselves PLO sympathizers and trained by them; while the RAF kidnapped and murdered well-heeled establishment figures who'd also had past dealings in the 3rd Reich this same RAF was expressly antisemitic; today's Left Party states it will support any demonstration against anything. So I guess in the name of "free speech" they lock arms this one time with their equals among the openly NeoNazis, on the streets of Hamburg as they've done in Berlin, proving once again that on matters of Jews and Israel – evidenced in their placards and slogans about gassing, and swastikas inside of six-pointed stars (illegal in Germany but who cares?) - Left is Right and Right is Left, as they actually were all along: welcome to an Orwellian world gone awry. But here's the other idological problem: the Left is clearly full of self-hating Germans who want anything with the word "nation" in it dismantled – unless of course we're talkig about "Palestine"!! Right – but what are Nazis doing condemning Jews and Israel for being..."Nazis"??

As for Palestinians and Hamas: whoever uses the cartooning methods of ghastly and vicious caricature directly reminiscent of Julius Streicher; and whoever trains their kids like Hitler Youth (in fact, even worse – Hitler Youth at least got to go on picnics and nature walks) to sacrifice their persons, their minds, their lives on the bloody altar of Jihadeology (google Hamas Charter); and whoever builds no bunkers for its citizens but fires rockets at a far better prepared neighbor from its citizens' houses (while their leaders cower in their own bunkers to plan further geno-suicide): does not have any logical or moral or ethical or political ground to call anyone Nazis, least of all Israel or the Jews.

Oh yes, yes, I weep for the children of Gaza – but not for their parents, nor their aunts and uncles. Just the children.

THIS JUST IN: Hamed Abdel-Samad sees himself forced to leave Germany for lack of security-protection of his person against the Muslim death-threats and pressure he has had to put up with. Samad, a very cool dude and admirable author of several books on why he as an Egyptian son of an imam left "da Faith" for humanism, and who held a teaching position in Potsdam in Jewish Studies, making an esteemed name for himself as outspoken critic of Islam and warner of the Islamization of Europe offered a refreshingly honest and personal view of Muslim culture in Egypt and what the Islamist agenda for Europe really has in mind - he also joined our resident publicist (Jewish) Henryk Broder for a thousand-km "Safari" tour of Doitch-Land full of Broder's typically revealing exposures of extremist or simply two-faced examples of what the German and the EU landscape has to offer. It is a tragedy and a national shame, that Samad is leaving us, it is a Schande! This politically-correct parody of "multi-culti" is showing its real character more and more with each day.

I will tell here where the political class' travesty-dream of "multi-culti" has led us - and they are embarrassedly none too pleased to see the fake image shattered:
this very week, in the past two or three days, here in Berlin as in other major cities, Palestinians and their supporters have demonstrated, which in itself sounds innocent enough - but there's more: they have marched 3,000+ strong down such major thoroughfares as the Ku'damm where once Jews were herded in the '30s to be paraded in shame off to their eventual transports. What were our dear Palestinian (and Friends-of) throngs expressing so loudly - with police protection and no consequences? "Come out, you coward Jew-swine, come out and fight alone!" and "Children-murderer Israel" - this from the kind of people who hide themselves behind their own children. This in a current political atmosphere of profound lethargy and PC where the farce of "multi-culti" is revealing its real nature. Where the charge of baiting gets reduced to merely "insulting" so as not to make trouble with the Muslims - in whose mosques right south a couple districts of where I live, where a visiting Imam fresh in from Denmark could preach, as they have been doing for years unchecked and untouched until now: "Go out and kill Jews!"

In Munich or Essen, just this week, there was a pro-Palestine demonstration with police escort. Fine, although they are known to start out peacefully and then turn ugly. There was also, quite apart from them on an entirely other stretch of road, a pro-Israel demo making its point and doing so quite peacefully, independent of what and where the Palestinan demo was. The Palestinian demonstrators, catching wind of the Israeli, went over to them and began physically assaulting them, at which point the police - citing that the Israeli demonstrators were the "provoking party" - no, I'm really NOT making this up and while not arresting them outright, "escorted" them out of there and that was that. I wonder why the Jewish Community, those self-flattering advocates of Jewish interests, just scratches their asses and shmoozes with Merkel, the Chancelor of Chains, trading medals of honor with this ex-player from the GDR twist on reality.

How does REAL multi-culti look? People of every conceivable nation or ethnic group or faith living harmoniously their everyday lives, in mutual respect and with no one, absolutely no one, threatening or bulldozing the others; forming a real tapestry of richness and the music of life! THAT and NOT the deadening banality of this obscene forgery of "multi-culti" is what real multi-cultural without the "ism" is about.

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