Wednesday, August 8, 2012

For My Children and Grandchildren: Trust Me On This

You might wonder what religion is, is there a use for it, which do you choose, where's the point, does "God" exist.  I am giving you, once and for all, the five essential things you will ever need to guide you on this, as it will affect your life and direction whether you accept this or reject it, take it to heart or let it go.  Call it: Religion without ego.  Trust me on this.

1. God is the source of all existence, and the source of yours, entirely.  By whatever name you relate to "him," for starters relate - as everything exists in God and God alone is existent.  So relate to it and celebrate and be grateful that you're here.
 2. Belief isn't faith but can get you there, and faith isn't experience but can mature and prepare you for it.  You could say - belief is a desire, faith is a trust, experience is a knowing.

3. Place two fingers on your carotid artery, left or right at your neck, feel the clear pulse coursing:  God is closer to you than that.  Take a long, deep breath through the nostrils into the lungs, and down into the belly, hold it, let it out slowly and consciously:  God is closer to you than that as well.  Trust me on this.

4. God is love, and loves you more than a mother loves her own child, and that's pushing the envelope.
 5. Your most profound expression of God or faith is, and will ever be:  love.  So keep in the heart and trust that.  Don't let big talkers mow you down.

Beloved Swami tells us:  See God in everyone.  And that the best form to worship God is every form.  This will make you strong and resistent to all poisonous influences.  Let the God-in-you love everyone, serve everyone and remember God.  And Beloved Swami assures us:  "Understand your Self, seek your Self and find your Self; all the sacred names or forms from East or West, all dwell within you; kneel to your own Self, honor and worship your own Being. Chant the mantra always going on within you, meditate on your own Self: God dwells within you as you."  Trust him on this, take it and go with it!

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