I asked myself, a day after the grand - and for its toxically vindictive enemies, alarming - turnout of 10-12,000 for the AfD (Alternative for Germany) Demo: How can the improbably high "count" of 25,000 so full of venom and vitriole, so indoctrinated against us (an "estimate" one cannot trust, by a thoroughly compromised press which likewise "counts" us at 2-5,000) be so mobilized self-gratulatory and self-glorifying hatred toward a frankly patriotic, federally sitting party with an ever growing votership - and toward the Movement which supported it on the streets - actually speaking for the German majority (a majority still afraid to trust itself and join its voters) and articulating in all its addresses the real issues destroying any hope of sovereignty and self-respect for this country and its Constitutional Laws?
Then it occurred to me, apart from the Nanny-press with its agitation in print and on television and radio, and the commercial campaigns thrown in for good measure - and quite aside from the fact that the organizers of this anti-AfD spectacle had employed techno and raver "music" with river boats laden to the gills with "Welcome-Refugee" and "Anti"fa paraphernalia - and of course, the obligatory grass and alcohol (just by way of contrast, nowhere amongst our "too-German" 100,000 strong that blazing hot afternoon was a single beer bottle to be seen in anyone's hand) - to bait more idiots (not to mention those paid out of taxpayers funds to come as well) and make a smashing "protest" party out of it: It is less astonishing to watch how intensely mendacious, how hostile to facts and reality, so many students - from Middle-School (and younger!) to college age - can be, how zombie-like sucked into the indoctrinating propaganda of hate, a supremacist kind of hate, pure violence-prone hatred so vicious and at the same time so abetted and rewarded, toward the AfD and those 10,000-plus taking to the streets. (Some among us for the first time, in spite of openly published threats on their very lives or well-being - and despite the enormous, and on that day effective, police security.) Much like the "Two-Minute Hate" programs out of "1984" with a rabid, propagandized lying campaign deeply set into their soft skulls. One should have heard their speaker or two that afternoon - an extaordinary defamation number on the level of Goebbels or the later-GDR's methods. Those shrill voices most fanatically fulminating in nerve-deadening chorus that "the Nazis are back", are themselves that! Sound familiar?

Then I "got it":
The media and the jaded political elite aside - add to this the equally undeserved and unjustified power and influence of the astoundingly reality-challenged and intellectually corrupted faculties (who have lost all faculty for objective fact in matters of history, of science, and of self-identity - except where the latter is usurped by "virtue-signaling", of course!) in the schools and universities, play an enormous role in the pandemic and pathological growth of this phenomenon.
The grade schools to middle- and senior-high, and predominantly in the universities and colleges - all are overrun by teachers, instructors, mentors, professors, who are pushing the message on young German minds, that "we are fighting the Nazis"! And then having arrived at this myself, I wind up being confirmed on every point just hours later, by a reputable journalist who reports that exactly these with all their tenures and secure seats in the halls of education, are teaching the younger generations - at all ages, as could be seen this past weekend for example - pupils, students, the following agenda: that Germans (ipso facto, including themselves, you see) "have a murderous gene in them", just waiting to come out I suppose - something borroed entirely from racial theory and long debunked as a "factor" for anyone anywhere, by criminology and every other forensic science, whether in matters social, psychological, or psychiatric, over the better part of the past 75 years.

THIS is the poison and the calumny they are planting in young minds, feeding them on hate-propaganda toward themselves and toward their own ethnic being, their own root person. These bastards should all have their licenses revoked, be sent off to do serious time, and never set foot in a hall of education again!
While AfD members are being physically attacked and demonstrators are met with a hail of eggs or stones by stoned-out zombies (sound familiar, stoning?) - these "Millenium kids" are being abetted and further egged-on, encouraged, schooled in fact, in completely fanatical ignorance and criminal behavior, by communist professors! Many who are actually training the "Anti"fa for example (which the U.S. has officially designated as a terrorist organization) are themselves former RAF members or supporters!
From murky Merkel across the board of Bundestag criminals, and on down to the last hysterical, maligning and slandering, vandalizing, window-smashing, car-burning, dumpster-tipping, demo-blockading, police-provoking (and attacking), Group-Think activated "anti-Nazi hero" automatons of the brain-dead "Anti"fa and all its wannabes - all sent out in droves, with NOTHING TO LOSE OR TO RISK, AND NO CONSEQUENCE TO FEAR (as do we on the other hand, our names or positions, our jobs or careers, our friends or relationships, to social stigmatism and eventual sanctions, possibly improsonment), sent out with artificially pre-conditioned "social consciences", sent out by their schools and universities, by their churches(!), by all communist-infiltrated parties (and the organizations and institutions these control), and by of course the celebrity elite (about whom these youth can verifiably tell you more than about one whit of their own German history) always hungry for recognition and never daring to compromise thier popularity (hence their careers).
Sent out to win brownie-points (very brown) at the expense of their own credibility, their own former richness of intellectual inheritance, their own nation and identity - built around the very tri-color which is their Federal Republic's own flag which was fought for and won at the first Hambacher Fest over 150 years ago and is being fought for now since the second Hambacher Fest 2018 earler this very month - and their own future.
Like the "showers" before the gassing, they will discover too late that they've been had, there will be no turning back, no return to sanity. Islam will have them by the short hairs - and then the EU and Gladio troops in full force, to assert the totalitarian authority fo the New Soviet Order and Elite, and to crush all dissent and resistance.
At one point during our Demo walk, between the opening addresses at the main train station and the final addresses at the Brandenburg Gate, we'd passed by a side street, at a not too far end of which these screaming idiots were chanting the only thing they knew: "Nazis raus!" and "Fuck AfD", etc. I called out to them, wearing my Kippa that day and my "Schari'a?... Nein danke!" T-shirt: "Hallooooo, Nazis!" Just then, a mild-looking dude with a camera, about 30ish, addressed me with, "Those are not fasicsts. They're not fasicsts." Having no time for bullshitting during a demo (a demo is work, not chat - discussions are for another place) and still less patience for his, I went ballistic in his face (and we have this on camera). I shouted, "and we are??", reminding him pointedly, among other things, of the post-war Italian socialist politician Silone, who stated that "when fascism returns, it won't say, 'I am fascism', no - it will say, 'I am anti-fascism'." - and he nodded in apparent knowledge of the quote. That still didn't make him a candidate for using up my valuable time. He wasn't walking with me and I wasn't standing around giving him a chance to pick my brain for his lack of any.

Imagine this for a moment: After the immense Demo, and having left the Brandenburg Gate, where we'd been accompanied throughout as usual, in this case by two thousand riot-equipped police in full force (always there for OUR protection from THESE "humanitarian not-fascists") and still further accompanied into the city train station at Friedrichstrasse for those departing for home (many having traveled from all across this Banana Republic to Berlin to carry that Federal Republic flag which one calls "Nazi" today with impunity) we were met by still more of this mob. On the steps and on the train platforms above, they'd grouped in cordons of tirelessly screaming lunatics,their monkey-trained phrases of "Germany is shit, you're the proof!", "Never-Again Germany!" and "Germany perish!" in the faces of middle-aged, late-middle-aged and elderly Germans, the most normal and simply patriotic German citizens, whom YOU, dear readers, would never conceive of seeing so rudely and abominably mocked and maltreated!
Those who’d returned afterward to the starting point at the Main Train
Station, however - think of it as Berlin’s "Grand Central" - found themselves
confronted with the entire place being chock full with an hysterically
orchestrated lynch mob of "tolerant" and "world friendly"
Left-extremists made up of all ages and "liberal" walks of life (with many recognizable old-guard Lefties as "handlers" to the youth, whipping them into their frenzy), whose campaign "Against Hate" showed them in their true aggressive nature with the
repetitions of the day’s chief mantra: "All Of Berlin Hates The AfD!"…
The widely networked plan to "apply every necessary means at one’s
disposal – no holds barred – to sabotage" the AfD Demo did not come off.
Indeed, the mainstream press’s "estimate" of 5,000 had only taken into
account those arriving at the beginning who could just squeeze into the
limited area of Washington Square behind the Station – quite "overlooking" the additional 5-7,000 who’d
streamed in later as the Walk to Brandenburg Gate got underway, and
those who’d spontaneously joined us. The Left are not only losers, they
are sore losers. Meanwhile, travelers and tourists passing through could
not possibly have made it through all that crowding of space inside, to
their respectively scheduled trains. Only the strong presence of riot
police could assure any of my fellow demonstrating patriots the chance
of making it home themselves in one piece rather than winding up on ICU.
On the street, my Good Woman and I strolled over to our own subway - after a bite at McDonalds and a chat with a few such gentle co-demonstrators of advanced years who, while standing in line, found themselves suddenly mocked and accosted as "Nazis" by a passing woman and then again by a provocatively smirking idiot of possibly high school age, who answered their response that they're patriots, not "Nazis", with: "It's one and the same".
As we strolled to the subway, a line of five otherwise normal looking youths - all strapping lads in their mid-to-late teens - apparently taking note of the small German tri-color peeping out of my cloth bag (my "Schari'a-nein" T-Shirt concealed under an "ARMY" zip-up sweat-jacket from earlier days in this town), and as they'd casually formed a passage-blocking row I nonchalantly walked right between #3 and #4 of them, # 3 beligerantly rammed his shoulder into mine, menaing to intimidate me as he hissed "Nazis". I turned immediately toward him as he walked on, and very forcefully called him out, called him back in fact, and stood my ground, not even being aware myself that a few cops were still present enough to have stepped in, and I waited for him (or all of them) to come back and face me. They didn't, and he seemed to register shock at my reaction as he ducked with his chumpy chums into the station, with a cop or two right behind them.
On our subway platform a mere moment later, and a couple of minutes before our train was due to pull in, the following occurred: We were (again) sneeringly accosted, on account of the same tri-color just showing from my bag, I suppose - as "Pack" (a word originating with Goebbels toward opposition and toward Jews, and picked up by the Socialist Femocrats of DoucheLand (SPD) Chairman and Merkel's ex-Vice-Chancelor Gabriel in reference to Pegida, to AfD, and if I may say so to me personally) and as "Nazis". This now, by a mother with teenaged son and daughter, both of whom wore freshly bought and pressed T-Shirts with "FCK AFD". This is their "upbringing".
I didn't really concern myself with this and thought my dear Ramona just wanted to urge me along to avoid more wasteful confrontations will brain-petrified idiots with little oxygen content. Well, she was "having it out" with them after all. So upon hearing what shit they were very impolitely - and self-assuredly - regurgitating at and about us from what their mommy stnading right there evidently had fed them on, I told them they knew nothing either about history or the AfD. The grinning mama's-boy smirked on and asked me how I "claim to know so well" what he thinks. I told him that it's plain to see by the stupid shirt he's wearing, and that he hasn't a clue, least of all about the AfD. Then I noticed the mother-beast standing there looking at me, and I saw from whom they'd gotten their pesky, ill-mannered arrogance. So I sailed into her, steering better than they had on their State-paid river boats that afternoon.

(The "Anti"fa was even given cute river boats to heckle and jeer our endlessly streaming Demo.)
She sneeringly, superciliously inquired whether I'd just said they have no opinion (Meinung). I responded with, "No, I see you have that, which is fine with me, I'd said you have no clue" (Ahnung). THEN I launched into her in English, since I figured she'd had that in school - pointedly and fast, as our train was approaching and we weren't there to miss it on their account.
I said right in her face, going as ballistic as I had earlier on that side street, while her children's jaws probably dropped. "You miserably arrogant little communist bitch, you don't know shit about history, and still less about the AfD or about what is occurring here and now under your Red-Merkel. You are misusing your own children to further your own vile agenda with destructive mind-control, prefidious conditioning, and stupidtiy. You are their own most damaging factor, the poisoning of your children's impressionable minds is nothing less than child-abuse, shame on you! And from the shitty socialist upbringing you propose to offer them and the shitty example you're setting for them as the shitty little self-hating arrogant role-model you are, will cost you and your children dearly in the end. THEY will either wake up one day and dump you - or they will have become traumatized comotose dorks in their mother's own image and have you to thank for it!" She had an odd expression on her face as our train pulled up and we got in. I don't think it'd even reached her absent heart, it should have, and I really didn't give a damn.
Note well: Chemically
mixed tar-attacks on AfD members (the latter bespattered persons of
middle-age being met again en route to the station by netwokr-informed
"Anti"fa on their bikes just waiting for these to pass by to verbally
attack them some more), spontaneous verbal and physical accosting on the
streets by whipped-up AfD-haters, and an enormous lynch-mob atmoshphere
inside the Main Train Station, were the order of the day, because for
"Everything is permitted when directed against 'Nazis'!"
These confrontations are not like your common variety of passing aggression or hostile behavior - those are matters which can, and should, be skillfully de-escalated. This is something quite else, an entirely other caliber, where the attack is either underhanded, as in coming off as "the sensible good-guys" who received this "privilege" from the mainstream zeitgeist to level their shit toward you and go dumping as they please on what you are representing or defending - or else an openly hostile verbal or physical attack, either of which MUST be met at a Krav Maga discipline level, on command so to sepak: from zero aggression to 100% (in return) back to zero. Nothing less will do. For we are at war, and much, ever so much, is at stake.
(These are "evidently" Nazis, you see.)