Sunday, December 31, 2017

Like A Kandel In The Wind


Ihr lernt nichts, denn ihr wollt nicht lernen,
dafür müssen noch mehr Kinder sterben.
Mädchen, voll im Regenbogen erzogen,
sollen euer Lehrgeld bezahlen -
Arroganz des "Diversity"-Liedes lässt verschwind'...
Und es erscheint mir so, als lebtet ihr euer Leben wie eine Kandel in the Wind.

An old but lastingly accurate joke about social workers applies 100% to the Left's response toward the knifing murder of 15-year-old Mia in Kandel, Germany, by the pseudo-15-year-old/in-fact-20-something-year-old Afghani Merkelskind – this is their habitual number on it:

1. THE real victim is of no mentionable value, merely "regrettable" – and if native German, then of still less interest;

2. THE perpetrator (still doggedly regarded by them as a child) is, on account of his never-to-be-doubted "refugee status" with automatic "right to asylum" (in the Left's drugs-and-tofu-induced imagination), is FOR THEM the "real victim", because "it's The System", you see.

And now the anecdote, which in better times could be a joke, but is no longer even funny, just bitter truth:

Two social-workers are walking through a dark narrow alley en route home from a busy day, deep in conversation. They chance upon a mugging victim lying on his side, bruised and bleeding, moaning to himself in quiet agony, he can't even stand up. They walk around his form and continue their animated discussion, with but one interruption – where the one social worker says to the other, who nods in quiet agreement and a shoulder shrug: "Y'know, whoever did that, back there, is in real need of help."

For after all, the (otherwise religiously indifferent or hostile) Leftist ideological agenda clearly shares in its (outwardly curious) favoritism toward Islam. an historical preference for hostility toward its own Western culture and values, regardless on which continent, a bent toward underhandedness, coertion and force - and playing the victim card, to boot.

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