Saturday, August 19, 2017

Too Much General Leeway For The Left

Here's a perspective from a Jewish Coloradan (i.e., non-Southerner) no longer voting Democrats, living three decades in Berlin and active in civil protest toward the entire Merkel Plan, the established political elite in the form of all its parties from Brussels to Berlin, the genderization program and the Islamization of Europe by invitation – and for the restoration of democracy in the form of the one oppositional party they have here, also of civil initiatives for the protection of and exercising of free speech reflecting a full spectrum of opinion, likewise for a healthy German national identity and pride, even actual sovereignty: in the face of an appalling rise in permissiveness over years, decades, toward Left-wing indoctrination and glorification of communism, and the violence and terrorism it foments and brings into the streets in thoroughly SA-thug fashion befitting fascists themselves. And that's just Berlin, Germany, EUrope.

I have waited to comment on Charlottesville for several clear reasons: one, because until some five days afterward I was still locked out of Facebook for reasons never given and suddenly was back in after nearly three weeks of that. And I thought I'd best wait out the aftermath and gather my own impressions and form my response from there. And frankly, it's all very upsetting anyway – very.

I am against the removal of statues for the sheer purpose of whitewasing or Bowdlerizing or coerced denial of history enforced by a strictly political agenda, suddenly after – how many decades they'd been there? – as I am against the burning or cleansing or removal of books. No one – ever – does this like the Left, the Communists, the Socialists. If you want to bring up the McCarthy years, I'll tell you point blank we're there again, only the McCarthys are McCommmunists now. The removal of statues – especially Lee's, a friend of Abe Lincoln's, a co-graduate from West Point with Ulysses Grant. Had I been Lincoln, I'd have hanged or shot a dozen McClellans for treason if I could have one single Lee. He got such a one finally in Grant, after letting the war rage longer than it might have, and Grant and Lee held one another in enormous regard, as was reflected on the day of surrender at Appomattox.

When you remove statues with the well-established SJW-mentality, and BLM-agenda, you foment automatically the equally predictable response from Southerners who may not already be radicalized but may get there when you add to the SJW and BLM the “Anti”fa-tactics of total Useful-Idiot violence on the streets.

The Useful-Idiots in Charlottesville were on both sides of this two-dimensional spectrum, because who all came and what all happened – was taken as a given, if not in fact desired by those actually driving this. You have one guy – and which guy was it, the actual driver or the one arrested? – crushing a woman to death, and you have those who walk over bodies to profit their already seething war on free speech and free non-violent assembly. Apropos fake tears: a woman is tragically killed in a (seemingly staged, judging from the dozens of footage I've had a long slow look at) car-on-car drive-on attack and homicide, right before their eyes, and BLM & Co. can only react by chanting(!) on cue "BlackLivesMatter" – over a the body of the day's worst casualty, a fellow-protestor in the form of a young white woman? Think about that – I do.

You as Mayor remove a statue like Lee's, you grant the Fans of the Confederacy, mixed as expected (like made to order and sent from central casting) with Fans of Adolf-Idiocy, a permit for a registered non-violent rally protesting that removal (and then play games with them over that!) – knowing that they might bring some arms, this being a free country an' all. And what happens? They brought no firearms because they knew the deal – these classic 2nd Amendment-types if you will, packed no heat, kept to themselves as a group, came only "armed" with the shields and sticks they'd know they'll need because the "Anti"fa-Black Bloc will be there. They all parked their cars a long stretch away from the rally's location, rode in on busses or vans – and that was it. So who was this homicidal driver after all? Why does none of this make it onto The MSM News? Why is the very guy the MSM channels jumped on as “just someone” who happened to be there and caught it all on his ipod and spoke as best-witness to all the cameras giving us all the leading narrative for the day – why is it that this very guy is hardly “just someone” but in fact (this being left out of every MSM appearance he makes) a former State Dept. figure with lots of foreign experience in conflict areas and presently working under both the Governor and the Mayor? His actual background was removed from the public domain very shortly after he became the giver of the leading narrative. But who cares? Well – some of us do.

You as Mayor share a cherished ongoing agenda with your Governor – to offer safe-space in Charlottesivlle for an unstated number of illegal North Africans (for all my American geniuses, North Africa is not in Syria or Iraq) as a reaction toward Trump, i.e., out of strictly political spite and nothing humanitarian about it – an agenda which you bring out just now(!) to give more media-hyped umph to your intention to foment all-too-predictable riots and endless conflict. Any deaths incurred are just collateral for you – to use as well in foisting all blame on this sitting President, who apart from his predecessors, did in fact name names and imply responsibility for what occurred, over the entire spectrum.

I find it interesting – does no one else really catch this irony?! – that, a) the Civil War was fought chiefly over States rights against a sitting President of the Union – slavery being an aspect of that, not vice-versa, and initially not even that; b) the eternal resentment among Southerners for having lost that war over State rights vis-à-vis the Federal Union, stoked by KKK and embodied in Southern Democrat Jim Crow, eased up and fell into step with the modern reality of development and put behind itself the actual racist characteristics of its rightfully cheriched Confederate historical identity; c) what the Governor of Virginia and the Mayor of Charlottesville are doing right here and right now as a supposed reaction toward "recalcitrant States-rights reactionaries" is ex post facto a States-rights challenge toward a sitting President of a Federal Union àla Confederacy, just topically reversed according to today's dominating Left-Socialist ideology!

You as Mayor know well – fully well – that where these gather, a BLM and SJW reaction is just a breath away, so you up that Antietam ante, and actually call in the "Anti"fa to give all the more Red color to the thing, so you can now not only reanimate Civil War freaks but re-stage Weimar streetfighting while you're at it between the Red Socialists and the Brown Socialists of the '20s. Then, as Mayor – you stand down your entire police force – so that no side is kept apart at all from the other, and when the pushes come to shoves, the deliberate provocations lead to the open slugfest, police remaining uninvolved and even fleeing, all initiated AS PLANNED: by the Left, and you have your agenda met. And a woman is run over by a driver whom many of us are still waiting to find out the truth about, in terms of his real identity, motive, connection, M.O.

Had the police chopper not insalvageably(?) wrecked and the two personnel not also died in that, all so oddly coincidental at this most crucial juncture – one would presumably have had the benefit of all their overhead graphic coordinating and sound recording establishing exactly what occurred and in what manner and time frame, down to the detail. But that remains remarkably lost to us all – or simply withheld for further manipulation or denial. I mean, if you were a cop and I were your suspect, and I'd just tossed the decisive evidence before your eyes irretrievably into some flames, would you say "Well – so much for evidence, you go scott free now," or would you arrest me?

As to still another point exposing the cynically fake-humanitarian club-wielding fanaticism we've long come to expect from the Left, gnaw on this one, it gnaws at my gut:

Directly prior to the memorial service for the young woman killed in the car attack – at which BLM was conspicuously absent (victim too white?) – the Mayor attempted, according to the standards of his office (all things considered – as it's about time we do), to give a press conference and express his condolences before going inside to the memorial service. His statement was being characteristically bombarded with the relentless and aggressive bellowing by one of the "counter-protest" organizers from the previous weekend, standing right beside the Mayor himself: "When are ya gonna remove the Lee statue??" So much for piety for the deceased or any shred of decency. The Mayor did not shut him up or have him removed – but rather acquiesced, with every spineless reassurance "that it will happen".

Shortly after all of this – a couple days, no more – Spain, which is in EUrope and not in the Center of the World, Charlottesville: where earlier in the week a native Spaniard was slammed and kicked to death (not homicide here, but murder with a non-isolated agenda) by four Chechnyan IS-loyal fellas, in a well-visited tourist area where all onlookers – all onlookers – circled the attack and gawked, filmed on smartphones, and did nothing whatsoever to intervene. Now. Just in the midst of all the hyped-up media concern over the still unclear car attack in Charlottesville, comes an eminently clear, unmistakeably evident van attack in Barcelona, with an IS-perpetrator in the driving seat driving the Islamic agenda (toward which Merkel is so proudly indifferent) into a crowd, causing 13 deaths and some 100 injuries, many of which critical. Two suspects fled from inside the van and barricaded themselves inside a Turkish restaurant, and a second possible van had been located and searched for by the police some 20 km away from this scene. Now this attacking van, as with all cases one normally knows – in the past two-and-a-half years of domestic Islamic car or truck terrorism – wheeled and reeled zig-zag over every curb and sidewalk, both sides of the street and right into crowds of unsuspecting people, in order to make sure to hit everyone he could. Oddly not so in Charlottesville.

Shortly after, that same day, about 100 km from Barcelona, a car with five IS terrorists was stopped by police. The fleeing five were shot dead in the street, they were armed with explosive vests among other assorted ammunition – all of which the German press played down as fake-ups (this assessment from an irrevocably corrupted mainstream media infamous for its own stagnating fake-news).  Plus one dead cop and one dead civilian.

Just an aside: immediately following the Barcelona and other two Spanish "isolated incidents", three Muslim Brothers reacted to a routine police control by pulling out their knives and attacking the police. No one is saying they were necessarily identified with IS. Just Islam. Within the same period of days, in Finland, two dead and six wounded in a knife attack by "yours truly"...  In Western Germany during the past 24 hours or so another advocate of The-Religion-Of-Pieces also using a knife, killed one and critically injured another – he 's still at large and the police put out a search for him and two other suspects involved.

Aside from no one Stateside giving a shit about Barcelona or Islamic terrorism, nor about why President Trump would want to vet certain incoming Muslim immigrants before even considering their visas or applications – and aside from Left-dominated EUrope-wide attention on Virginia with a strong anti-Trump slant – it is nothing less than remarkable how much hype the incident in Charlottesville netted, and how jadedly indifferent (even when covered on The MSM News) the brainwashed braindead are, toward regular car/van/truck/semi attacks from London to Paris to Nice to Berlin to Barcelona, or toward fatal knife and machete attacks, or toward a growing rape statistic, etc. etc.

And none of these by the "radical-Right" or "Nazis".

It is well established by now, here in Germany – and if it all sounds familiar elsewhere or Stateside as well, fine – that the various organs of the secret services under Merkel (don't ask me for the German names, just trust me on this one) sometimes by their own admission, have in fact groomed, maintained under observation, and logistically coddled the very terrorists we have among us thanks very much to Merkel, who is about to begin her fourth term of (abuse of) Office in just over one month. Whether bombers or drivers of cars, lorries, semis, swingers of machetes, daggers or axes: all are, or have been, known to the crime-and-illogical agencies and/or the secret service. Where the said agencies and services don't already themselves(!) own up to this openly or by implication via press conferences or investigative journalism, they go about this manner of treason so shabbily or haphazardly that I'm reminded of someone from a mental hospital wandering about on the street with a labeled pajama top and exposed buttocks for all the world to see. If one just looks.


One may ask, what at all Charlottesville in Virginia has to do with Barcelona in Spain.

One may well ask, what "Nazis" have to do with Merkel's invited hordes of Shari'a-loyal sleepers and IS-affiliated recruiters or other common criminals among these.

One may well ask, what either self-deluded pro-Adolfs or pro-Confederacy – either of whom may be viewed for all I care, as driven by a fantasy-nostalgia for something they never were even around to have lived through themselves – with pro-Muhammad fanatics and extremists who on the other hand really do have an ever-prevailing standard which is by nature timelessly fundamental and not amenable to alteration or amendment, abolishment of any part being quite out of the question.

The rage behind what would otherwise be a natural outpouring of concern for a protest victim at something so staged as one week ago in Virginia, strikes me as itself cynically questionable if not also as twisted as the totally nuanced, passing interest – or moral sidestepping, relativizing to the point of even denial – toward Islamic terror and terrorism.

Whereby all the concern for a "Nazi" racism and antisemitism borders on a surreal satire when I see the sheer ignorance concerning or evasive amnesia toward scores and scores of Ayatollah-loyal Shi'ites together with Hamas-loyal Sunnis on the annual "Al-Quds Day" in July 2014 marching festively and militantly – a registered demo with permit – down Berlin's renowned Ku'Damm, the very boulevard where just 72 years earlier Jews were forced to walk to their deportation, and on this sunny day in 2014 were heard choruses of "Jews to the gas!" and "Jew Jew coward swine – come out and fight alone!" Of course it rhymes better in German – ah, imagine hearing this just three years ago in German! Oh, the Muslims weren't alone in this chanting – no, I don't want to hear about Arab Christians either, you would never ever find these there. But I will tell you who walked arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder with them: the Left. Actual members of parties of The Left and The Greens. And of course "Anti"fa. There they were. And not one Right-extremist, not one.

What was the police reaction? Mild, very mild. A few were singled out for charges, a mere slap on the hand. The following years till the present saw a mere change of tactic, no more openly taunting about gas and swine. Mention this and other such matters as I have mentioned above, and you may find yourself being brought up today – I mean now, since 2015 – on "trump"ed up charges of "hate speech" and "Islamophobia".

So my word to anyone reading this is: reconsider before you start calling anyone "Nazi", for beside being a conveniently meaningless bubble of venom in its application today, the word may sometime be levelled at yourself, and may even perhaps apply.

HISTORY OF THE CONFEDERATE FLAG: I know this segment is a little longer than most but after you watch it in its entirety you will understand and appreciate why. History can be controversial but the TRUTH never is...
#LowInformedVoters #Demonkkkrats #FineSoLetsDestroyTheirMonumentsToo

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