Sunday, April 24, 2016

Just For The Record

To clarify: If I appear to critically confront, expose (and publicly state as much) "The-Religion-Of-Peace" or its founding figure or its practitioners, it is not because I cannot differentiate the 7th century and centuries thereafter from the 20th or 21st century present - but rather because the aforementioned cannot and will not.

Apologists nothwithstanding (I myself was one for decades), I can support my assertions with those of a) imams and sheikhs of standing, and such clerics or practitioners themselves, affirming these; b) ex-Muslims (indluding ex-extremists); and c) those non-Muslim researchers who have studied and examined the matter in terms of its history and the present, before opening their mouths concerning Islamisation and the very real intent behind "The-Religion-Of-Peace".

Such sources used here may be English or German, Arabic with subtitles or just scenes which speak for themselves without need of extra narration. "Gratuitous slander" has no place here, and is neither needed nor welcome.

This is no idle pasttime on mine and others' part, bringing attention to an authentically present danger. I will not cease in this matter as I have only some little means to inform, nothing to enforce. Nor is it some "hate-rhetorical" negativism - the real negativism lies with a tyrannically dominating (and domineering) "politically-correct" culture and naively unconscious doctrine of "multi-culti" appeasement conformity which will stop at nothing to silence those of us with conscience.

Still, the awakening of public awareness - received or rejected, accomodated or thanklessly repudiated - carries with it a duty and a responsibility. In this day's pervasive climate of crass narcissism and ignorance, I am sworn to compassionately, creatively and constructively confront just such forms of tyranny, aggression and abuse as I am witness to - and where possible, prevail over it.

The same applies, equally, to the Gender-Mainstreaming Lobby or to the EU-obedient Merkel's insane policies - both being viciously hypocritical: the one inherently sexist, the other inherently racist.

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