A dizzying scream builds in me, nauseous with empathy
I focus and take refuge in the Great Compassion.
I offer all this, disciplined and compressed into that flame
steadily flickering from the oil candle before me:
never extinguished, bearing witness, burning karma.
All other flames here come and go, this one alone remains
all hours and all days. Into it goes all devotion and all prayers, hymns, mantras.
The sickness in my gut gives way to an iron strength.
The whole world is held between my thumb and index finger tips,
like the string end to a balloon. And all the Great Ones
are centered in my heart, as I breathe, as I breathe.
That flame is centered in my gut, containing sacred syllables,
it goes where I go. Practice never ceases, love's duty is Dharma.
Flame is in time and out of time,
the wheel turns, and the wheels:
My age unites with the Ages, timeless - the unbearable is bearable.
Nothing is in my hands, and everything.
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